Easter weekend plans?


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1 April 2018
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Started with a nice little solo hack on Friday, some schooling on Saturday, another hack yesterday, and more schooling today. He's been good in his work, and will be sold soon. If I ever buy another horse, I'm buying one with better gaits. Man, he has zero natural suspension and such plain gaits, it's been so. much. work. Getting better movement from him, and it's still so mediocre, IMO. The extended trot has been a mission and a half in itself. If you want to have fun around an 80 or 90cm course, school all sorts of dressage stuff, and hack about, he's great. He's also a really nice person, but he's not knocking anyone's socks off ? granted, his work is correct, and for the most part, he tries.



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15 March 2016
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Well, dressage wasn't really our day, nothing awful just meh really. The novice test was OK, the ele wasn't awful but I had 2 errors of course - the first just fudged me really, so that was expensive when we are punching above our weight anyway ?
Still, Charlie behaved impeccably and we absolutely took the best boy home ??


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I’m dreading the morning! My headache won’t let up at all and my jaw is stiffening up. No idea how I hurt my knee but that’s not looking very knee-like at the moment. Don’t think I’ve broken anything though. Perhaps some brain cells.
I am no medic, but if you have a headache, I would get someone to shine a torch into one eye and then the other, to make sure the pupils are reacting as they should. If not then I would go to hospital.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Went for Baby Horse's first farm ride today. I hadn't realised it fell on a bank holiday when we booked it a month back so it was rather busier than would have been perfection for a first timer.

We went with a friend and her horse, so Baby Horse had a full team on his side. He was magnificent! Did the gate, did a rickety bridge, watched calmly as a horse galloped off and went jumping in front of him, even managed when a loose horse wildly came galloping up behind us. In fact, he let me catch the loose horse and then mount back up afterwards.

The only time he struggled was back in the car park. So many stressed horses whinnying and banging. For just a moment, on his box, he joined them, but then remembered his manners and all was well.

Good boy!!!

Spent the afternoon pressure washing the box as we are off to camp next week and his box compartment will be my bedroom!


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15 November 2007
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The only time he struggled was back in the car park. So many stressed horses whinnying and banging.

Every horse I get seems to be a tit in car parks and everyone else's seem saintly and relaxed. At the end of every ride involving other horses, washing off feels like doing battle.

That's all I've got to moan about, my two fun rides went brilliantly. Horse was an absolute superstar (high points being squeezing through some tiny gaps and gateways without once cracking my knees on anything, leading 3 horses past a loudly clicking electric fence which they all found too scary and taking on the hills like a beast). Cefn's a fabulous ride, Peover, though still fun, would be better for jumping which horse and I don't care for, but two successful outings to remind me I'm living the dream. :D
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I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Every horse I get seems to be a tit in car parks and everyone else's seem saintly and relaxed. At the end of every ride involving other horses, washing off feels like doing battle.
He actually tied perfectly sensibly to un tack and wash off. It was when his friend came over as we loaded, he was still fine, then she left just as he was locked in and he was momentarily bereft. It was only for a minute though, I still take it as a win, especially as he split form her beautifully when we finished riding.


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29 September 2013
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Had a lovely time at the farm ride, except for the unplanned dismount which has resulted in a fat lip, a fat knee, a stiff jaw and a massive headache…

Millie was extremely saintly upon arrival and to begin with, and I felt slightly more relaxed about my decision to stay in the snaffle. Got to one of the jumping fields and was having a lovely time jumping and having a canter about. Then went to turn to canter down one of the paths and she decided to inject some humour into the occasion and did a Millie special of spectacular proportions and I just wasn’t expecting it. At some point her neck collided with my face and I bit my lip, then I remember seeing the side of her body, and some unruly mane before landing with with a thud on my right side and banging my head. That’s the first time my eyes have ever wobbled after a head bang. I was trying to put my stirrup leather back on (that flew off at some point in the moment) but everything was jumping about . Anyway, my eyes only carried on for 2 minutes and thankfully by the time I clambered back on, the wobbling had stopped and my vision had cleared, but the headache had started. I think I just gave myself a rattle.
Jumped some more and had a few more blasts and she was good, so can only assume it was hi-jinx!
Travelled home and although my head is absolutely throbbing, I don’t feel sick or anything and have managed some food.

Only had that hat about a month and now I’m going to need a new one!

Pictures of partially saintly beast to follow!

Oh heck Scats! That sounds like a nasty one. I once had a stern telling off from a nurse for not going directly to A&E after a head injury!

Take care of yourself. Hope you're OK.


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14 August 2011
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Scats, please be careful, you may have a concussion. Hopefully you aren’t alone son someone can keep an eye on you?

Finished off a lovely weekend with a fantastic run round Milton Keynes xc course. Haven’t been since they sold the land and there are lots of houses on it now . Amazing how many you can fit on the area of a livery yard. Whoever now has the xc course has invested in it, there’s a big new school and lots of jumps. A really good range of heights.

Finnegan polished his halo even more, by being saintly to handle the whole time, stood like a rock with horses whizzing all over the place, and generally seeming to really enjoy himself. He was a bit sticky to start and we had some slow grinding halts when I failed to ride him right - I have a horrid habit of dropping him just before the fence. It’s like I curl up into a ball and just hope he’ll jump. But when I stay with him the whole way, and he’s moving forward nicely, he jumps beautifully. Started small and ended with some reasonable 80cm combinations, steps, drops, skinnies, which for us is a huge step forward. David Britnell was teaching and he seemed to get a great tune out of everyone, tailoring it for each rider and making it a good combination of confidence building and challenging.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Was very tired last night but my banging head wouldn’t let up so popped some more painkillers and managed to sleep. I don’t live alone so had someone here to keep an eye on me.
This morning I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. Can’t open my mouth very wide (yawning is fun!) as the left side of my jaw has seized up. The whole fall is a bit blurry but I assume I hurt the left side of my jaw when my face collided with her neck. Though I’ve bitten the right side of my lip and I landed on my right side..? My right knee feels far worse than it looks this morning, but I don’t bruise easily at all in general. There is some mild blue bruising and it’s a bit fat but it’s very sore to touch.
But my head is throbbing still. I’ve got dogs in today but I’m actually off tomorrow so if my headache is still hanging round then, I’ll pop up to the walk in.

I very rarely fall off. It’s a once in every 4-5 year occasion, so it’s usually something impressive that gets me off. Millie is not in the good books!


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11 February 2017
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Buzz was excellent at the little local show on Sunday, even though we nearly missed our WH class after being there for 2 hours doing nothing...:rolleyes: quick get ready and warm up whilst the first two competitors jumped!! I hadn't realised the two classes before me were empty and it also wasn't announced...not helpful :D But he was a star to jump, lovely and forward and not backing off anything (although they were teeny tiny). his show piece was a bit wobbly as he was excited from jumping so we got a second, very pleased. Although not happy that the judge said "what's wrong with his tail?!" it grows like that! He has sweetitch, he's lucky to have a tail at all!

We also did a tiny SJ class and I forgot that local shows to jump offs, I've always avoided jump offs as Buzz just doesn't have the speed, plus he's a notorious run-out-er so i have spent the last 5 years making sure all my approaches are as straight and centre as possible - that all went out the window :D he did a great job though despite being a little confused at why I was making him go faster when i've been trying to slow him down recently haha. We placed 5th after some very whizzy ponies!

Very pleased with him having to wait around for such a long time, even though at one point he was seriously freaked out by a football game that started the other side of the hedge, he was mainly so chilled and relaxed. We did two courses and both were clear which is so nice as he normally has poles or a stop. I know they were small but my confidence is getting back up again.

Also really happy for my friend who won her cob class, she was so excited as she hasn't won any classes before!

A couple of pics (don't mind my face but not sure bf would be happy to have his on here :D) Buzz looks so handsome though

Not putting his ears forward ever in photos...


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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Buzz was excellent at the little local show on Sunday, even though we nearly missed our WH class after being there for 2 hours doing nothing...:rolleyes: quick get ready and warm up whilst the first two competitors jumped!! I hadn't realised the two classes before me were empty and it also wasn't announced...not helpful :D But he was a star to jump, lovely and forward and not backing off anything (although they were teeny tiny). his show piece was a bit wobbly as he was excited from jumping so we got a second, very pleased. Although not happy that the judge said "what's wrong with his tail?!" it grows like that! He has sweetitch, he's lucky to have a tail at all!

We also did a tiny SJ class and I forgot that local shows to jump offs, I've always avoided jump offs as Buzz just doesn't have the speed, plus he's a notorious run-out-er so i have spent the last 5 years making sure all my approaches are as straight and centre as possible - that all went out the window :D he did a great job though despite being a little confused at why I was making him go faster when i've been trying to slow him down recently haha. We placed 5th after some very whizzy ponies!

Very pleased with him having to wait around for such a long time, even though at one point he was seriously freaked out by a football game that started the other side of the hedge, he was mainly so chilled and relaxed. We did two courses and both were clear which is so nice as he normally has poles or a stop. I know they were small but my confidence is getting back up again.

Also really happy for my friend who won her cob class, she was so excited as she hasn't won any classes before!

A couple of pics (don't mind my face but not sure bf would be happy to have his on here :D) Buzz looks so handsome though
View attachment 91084

Not putting his ears forward ever in photos...
View attachment 91085

Lovely pics!

I like that the BF has bagged the rosette! ?


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31 August 2011
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Our superstar chiro vet was out at yard this morning seeing another client and popped in to have a look at the big guy - she thinks likely soft tissue issue, so we will box rest now until we see our primary care vet next week for proper diagnosis. Slightly gutted but feel like we have a bit of an idea of way forward now. Wish we didn’t have to wait a week to be seen but hey ho ??‍♀️ Have told them to ring me if they get any cancellations ?

Top tips for retaining sanity (horse and humans) during box rest are much appreciated… we move to summer turnout soon so will hopefully be able to create a little stable-sized patch for him then.

He’s in great form anyway, sad to miss out on the fun stuff this season but will do whatever needs doing to get him right.



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24 October 2012
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Fun ride completed, though lesson learnt go early if you don’t want Topaz to relive her hunting days ??, we’d been told it should have been a quiet day ??.

Most people were so nice about the deranged pogo stick that was excited Topaz, happy to let the crazy pass them and keep everyone safe. Just two riders near the end that decided trotting/ cantering off in front of an obviously het up horse was a good choice ? well done my mum who packed her stickest brave pants!


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Lots of good weekends have been had by the looks of it :D sorry to hear your chap is still not right Sheep and hope the aches and pains are quick to fade away scats x

We finished our "weekend" with a good lesson this morning. Knobbled by the sound of a pressure washer in the yard on the other side of the wall... so he was fairly daft for the first 5 mins but by the end he was really through and lovely, cruising around doing green but serviceable work and started chipping away at some half passes. Given the improvement in the last 4 weeks, i think if we can continue at anything like this rate, he'll hopefully be a lot of fun to ride this summer.



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30 December 2011
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I spoke too soon about the big lad's recovery. I had the vet out today because I had the day off and thought I'd get his agreement that my horse looks awesome. Unfortunately what he actually told me was that my lad has a hernia at the top of the incision site (and possibly another further down). He has to go in for a scan in a couple of weeks and then we will know what sort of repair is required, if a repair is possible/beneficial etc and then whatever additional period of recovery is required. Very disappointing. In the meantime I have ordered a belly band from the US under the vet's instructions, nearly £600 ? Anything is worth it if it will help though.


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9 January 2011
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I spoke too soon about the big lad's recovery. I had the vet out today because I had the day off and thought I'd get his agreement that my horse looks awesome. Unfortunately what he actually told me was that my lad has a hernia at the top of the incision site (and possibly another further down). He has to go in for a scan in a couple of weeks and then we will know what sort of repair is required, if a repair is possible/beneficial etc and then whatever additional period of recovery is required. Very disappointing. In the meantime I have ordered a belly band from the US under the vet's instructions, nearly £600 ? Anything is worth it if it will help though.
Oh know xxx bless him xxx not good having to have more surgery xxxn


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1 March 2016
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I spoke too soon about the big lad's recovery. I had the vet out today because I had the day off and thought I'd get his agreement that my horse looks awesome. Unfortunately what he actually told me was that my lad has a hernia at the top of the incision site (and possibly another further down). He has to go in for a scan in a couple of weeks and then we will know what sort of repair is required, if a repair is possible/beneficial etc and then whatever additional period of recovery is required. Very disappointing. In the meantime I have ordered a belly band from the US under the vet's instructions, nearly £600 ? Anything is worth it if it will help though.

Sorry to hear this, and I hope you get the best possible outcome from the scan.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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The weekend stretched to today. We did an arena hire and popped a few X poles, just to show baby horse that sometimes you have to do more than 3 fences before being entitled to stop and rest.

He was his customary laid back self, but managed a full 7 fences in a row!

It is a spooky arena, he managed the banners with a little banana-ing, and didn't mind the fillers at the side.

Had a nice hack home too, met a flatback, a tractor with an implement behind and a bus. He didn't even raise his head.

He can have the day off tomorrow and a hack on Thursday to be ready for camp at Somerford on Friday!



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27 January 2009
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Sorry to read about the various horse issues, I hope all make a quick and full recovery. They’re such delicate creatures at times.

After a fun weekend of hacking, we had an impromptu jumping lesson last night. Chilli had one little jump at the start of March but nothing since. He’s bold and sensible over the jump but his cockiness is evident in between!!



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29 September 2013
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I spoke too soon about the big lad's recovery. I had the vet out today because I had the day off and thought I'd get his agreement that my horse looks awesome. Unfortunately what he actually told me was that my lad has a hernia at the top of the incision site (and possibly another further down). He has to go in for a scan in a couple of weeks and then we will know what sort of repair is required, if a repair is possible/beneficial etc and then whatever additional period of recovery is required. Very disappointing. In the meantime I have ordered a belly band from the US under the vet's instructions, nearly £600 ? Anything is worth it if it will help though.

Sorry DC, that really sucks.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Gorgeous weather today
Taking it a bit easy this week because I’m still not right. Definitely never underestimate a knock to the head! Headache was raging until yesterday but I’ve got it under control today with zapain. I still feel very spaced out though and weirdly ‘monotone’, for want of a better word.
I haven’t bothered the doctors if I’m honest. I probably should have gone Monday after I got back, but I think it’s probably pointless now and I’d just be told to take it easy, which I’m trying to do anyway. I would feel a bit of a fraud going now, there’s far more poorly people needing attention than an idiot who can’t stay on her horse! Plus the thought of a 12-hour wait to be told to rest isn’t particularly appealing.
Any ideas how long this feeling might last for though??
I also have a hunger like nothing I’ve experienced before! Having to keep myself out of the fridge or I’d consume anything I can get my hands on. Very, very weird!