Well-Known Member
I used to live in northern Australia where 40+ was normal. It was weird though as you didn’t really sweat, just went all salty. I worked outside.I think when it's heat and humidity, it's even worse. Not sure how humid it is over there. Putting a fan in a window, as far out as you can, does help. We used to put one out on our balcony pointed into our bedroom at night, and it made a huge difference.
Our house that we live in now has AC because it's just too hot not to. It was 41C when I got to the yard yesterday. The horses were in standing under fans, and we put them out later in the evening. The fields are full sun, with smaller shelters, so I think most prefer a stable with a fan during the hottest hours. I was dripping from the moment that I got out of my car! The horse's all seemed well enough. Some a little sweaty, but not distressingly so.
Managing animals in the heat is no fun. If you're not used to 30C, it probably feels blazing.
The horses adjusted ok, they lived out and had open shelters. I’m not sure I’d cope with it now.