Feet, transitioning, hoofboots help please


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Well done tallyho!

I haven't seen yesterdays xrays yet (not allowed into the clinic due to covid restrictions so waiting for them to be emailed) but apparently all was fine and no rotation or sinking.

Very happily tonight I lightly lunged him on hard and soft with front boots on and he did not look sore in any way shape or form. Granted he has had 2 sachets of danilon in the last 24 hours but he was really happy to be moving and floated around the school in trot and even offered canter which I let him for a few strides and then back to trot as I didnt want to overdo it on day 1.

What has come along with the lami is a very sore and tight back which will hopefully ease with the bute but I'll book him in for a massage.
Thanks Wheels! There was a moment when I thought it was curtains she was so lame - god knows what she ate!