Following a strict mediterranean diet...
Or, is it to passify us lot sitting on our arses
(in ref to comment made by dressage blog about us on forums)
If they can be delivered to ireland ill get one for sure ! hate seeing show jumpers and dressage riders doing rollkur ! Marcus ehning for example:
Marcus is one of the quietest riders I have ever watched that was 20 seconds if that and the horse wasnt even moving forward, it looked like he was trying to keep its concentration and flex him.
I love seeing correctly trained horses Carls and Charlottes for example but Im not sure what wearing hoodies is really going to achieve, most people wont have a clue what Rollkur is!
I doubt it really if it works for them and they still get high marks they are not going to change, the tide is turning and correct work is being marked highly, but I still dont see how 30 people walking around in hoodies is going to change anything!
No?? how do you work that out!!! so you're Patrik shittle or one of the other abusive cheats or a dressage judge and you see 30 people wearing a message critisizeing this training method its not going to make you think about what you are doing or seeing ..HmmI doubt it really if it works for them and they still get high marks they are not going to change, the tide is turning and correct work is being marked highly, but I still dont see how 30 people walking around in hoodies is going to change anything!