Well-Known Member
IF he isn't photo shopped on and has actually done that, what do we think the repercussions will actually be?
Reading AA's licence link he's breached a lot of those terms plus hasn't he potentially brought the sport into disrepute?
The cynic in me says because he's a "big name" with a very large circle of influence, the most he gets is a slap on the wrist and a fine. Also given who a lot of his horses are owned by, that person comes across as being ambivalent at best towards the welfare of their horses, so won't be removing them from the yard. Said person is probably GE biggest source of income- the most that will happen is a few smaller owners will move their horses but they are a small percentage of his income. JP comes across as someone who cares about his horses- does he have any with GE?
Yes Mr McManus has several horses with Gordon Elliott.