He's Giving Up and I'm so Angry With Him


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12 June 2009
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Im Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset border so wouldn't be a million miles away if you needed cover. Mine had a strict rota of feed in a set order of varying brands. I capped quantity, tempting as it is to stuff them he was overwhelmed with too much. Also meds went first in a tiny feed before main meal .


Well-Known Member
5 April 2013
Newton Abbot, Devon
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Have you considered speaking to some of the equine nutritionists? Most of the feed companies have a helpline- they might have some ideas to get him to eat.

Good idea. I think it was Ebonys Mum that suggested calling them for samples. Then you would have lots of different things to try.

I have D&H 16+ nuts, Fast Fibre and Alfa A oil. A bit boring but I could send you a few kilos by Fedex from work on Monday if you'd like to try?


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1 January 2004
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sorry havent read all the replies so it may have been suggested but will he drink if you add peppermint cordial or apple juice to his water. Big hugs sounds like you're having a nighmare. xx


25 April 2013
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Didn't just want to read and run, have gone through the same thing and although it was hellish my mare did come out the other side.
We never got a definitive diagnosis, 3 different vets were pretty stumped but I personally think it was chronic grass sickness. Anyway she went from being plump to a rack of bones, condition score 1 if that. When she stopped drinking completely we very nearly threw in the towel.
I was feeding every 2 hours, with whatever she fancied that day and I know it's not good to chop and change feeds, but when you're desperate you'll try anything. My local feed people were fantastic and gave me sample packs of just about everything they stocked.
To get round the not drinking I liquidised carrots and apples and sugarbeet, literally scooping it up in my hand for her to lap it. At one point I syringed water into her, but you need to be careful it's swallowed properly.
My mare was given steroids, I forget if you say your horse is on those, but well worth trying as they can do wonders when really needed.
She was also given Haemovite B which is an iron and B vitamin tonic.
She was very ill for about 6 weeks, dangerously so for a couple of weeks, but somehow she did pull back and at several points I had the same impression as you that she'd just given up. Today she's the picture of health and it appeared to have no lasting effect on her.
Hang in there, it's just heartbreaking to go through but your horse might surprise you yet.


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21 December 2012
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Maybe he's had enough for now as he wasn't eating so much before, if he's a sore tummy a small amount trickling through will be ok, might even be better than if he was tucking in. Look after yourself, take a break. Digestion takes a lot of energy and if he's battling something he'll need all the energy he can muster -like when you have a fever and you lose your appetite, there is a reason behind it.


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20 August 2007
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PM, are you feeding from a door manger? Also please do try the mollichaff, it really was all I could get ebony to eat when she refused absolutely everything else. Xx. Re your horse shuffling weight... I'd be very wary that this may be lami from the malnutrition and with the steroids it could well get worse, keep a close eye on this xxxx. I really can't express how sorry I am to read that you are going through this. MrV's tip about sugar beet water is a good one, its how they get endurance horses to drink when competing x


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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Hi really feel for you , could u not try and see if he could have a few days at the vets at least to give u a break and let the vets give iv meds ?, how was he when you went back out to him ?, x x x x


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21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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I'm in Yorkshire and can't offer any practical help but am sending masses of the famous HHO vibes. Have a nice bath and be reassured that you are doing everything you can. Hugs


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17 September 2009
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when my friends horse has chronic grass sickness - i know the vet says not, but he would only drink if you held the bucket up high for him and it had to be fresh water, at first he would only eat bananas, then we were on a big livery yard and everyone offered there feeds so he could try something different all the time. try holding the water up for him, might not work but worth a try/


Demon exorcist...
17 July 2007
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Op I hope no news is good news, is it worth getting a second opinion? Or talking to current vet about administering a drip and some iv pain killers?

Fingers crossed for you both xx


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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OMG poor you and him. You are bound to be stressed knowing your boy is so ill and not knowing what what you are dealing with. If it was my horse, I think I would be asking for a second opinion and ringing all the feed Companies asking for advice on what might encourage him to eat. I'm sure they will send you samples out the same day.

Can your vet put him on a drip so at least he's getting some nutrition to help build his strength?

You also need some rest so, can you get some help with checking him?

I have everything crossed for you and ((((hugs)))) for you both

Just seen J Howard's post and realised I'm thinking alog the same lines.
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Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
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Hey all

Just had a couple of hours nap and about to head out to start the night shift. Luckily he is at home or I think I would have just about given in by now! I called Baileys on Friday and they have been amazing and couriered me loads of stuff. The only thing I have got into him so far is the Meadow sweet and the outshine. Local feed merchants are being amazing and prepping a load of bits for me to try and I going to pick them up tomorrow, even though they don't open on Sunday.

Meds went in just after I last posted - it was horrid. Backed him into the corner of the stable, twitched him and shoved them down. He isn't good to worm or do anything like that at the best of times so I feel this is the quickest, most humane way to get them down him and try and minimise stress. He had a pick at some haylage and ate some more Cleavers. Had a pick at the Cow Parsley and the Hawthorn but not much interest in anything else. He did drink but I notice that he drinks then alot of the water runs back out???

Going to get some sugar beet tomorrow as well to try that. Also another tonne of carrots as he will eat those quite happily, albeit very slowly. I am not ding any damage to him by feeding him loads of carrots am I?

As ever, thanks guys. Will update you as to how he did overnight. Thank you for all your support - it really does help and makes me feel a little less alone xxxx


Well-Known Member
20 July 2012
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The water running out and the other symptoms would still be making me think EGS.

Even if its not you would still get good help and advice on managing a very sick anorexic horse from the FB group.

What medication is he on?

Shadow the Reindeer

Well-Known Member
15 July 2012
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If you can find someone to help look after your horse in shifts whilst he's this poorly you might find you can clear your head enough to cope better.
I put an ad on preloved asking for help to keep my horse who was on box rest for a couple of weeks company for a few hours a day whilst I was working, and did get a reply, it was just a random ad I'd decided to put up, looking for someone who had owned horses and could no longer afford one, but just wanted to be around them even if it just involved helping a sick one get better.
I've got a friend staying over tonight as I have a show tomo (might not be happening now).. my horse has got a nasty swelling on his chest behind his forelegs, we hosed him between us for 20 mins, it really helped having someone to lean on.

Hang in there, you're not alone x


Well-Known Member
23 February 2013
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Hey all

Just had a couple of hours nap and about to head out to start the night shift. Luckily he is at home or I think I would have just about given in by now! I called Baileys on Friday and they have been amazing and couriered me loads of stuff. The only thing I have got into him so far is the Meadow sweet and the outshine. Local feed merchants are being amazing and prepping a load of bits for me to try and I going to pick them up tomorrow, even though they don't open on Sunday.

Meds went in just after I last posted - it was horrid. Backed him into the corner of the stable, twitched him and shoved them down. He isn't good to worm or do anything like that at the best of times so I feel this is the quickest, most humane way to get them down him and try and minimise stress. He had a pick at some haylage and ate some more Cleavers. Had a pick at the Cow Parsley and the Hawthorn but not much interest in anything else. He did drink but I notice that he drinks then alot of the water runs back out???

Going to get some sugar beet tomorrow as well to try that. Also another tonne of carrots as he will eat those quite happily, albeit very slowly. I am not ding any damage to him by feeding him loads of carrots am I?

As ever, thanks guys. Will update you as to how he did overnight. Thank you for all your support - it really does help and makes me feel a little less alone xxxx

I don't know the answer but perhaps alternate with slices of swede?

I'm on the S.W side of the NF, if you are near enough can offer help next week if you are having to work. PM me if you think I could help.:)


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Pm me your address and I'll send some Equi-jewel and Re-leve. Both low starch. Usually feed in small quantities. 99% horses like them.

Re liquid. I'm guessing you're offering clean water. Try some from a stream. One of mine hated clean water!

Also try rubbing a Himalayan salt lick around his lips. It might be a trigger to get him drinking.

Hugs hunny.

forever broke

Well-Known Member
10 January 2013
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When my lad was ill he ate only carrots and small amounts of sloppy sugar beet for about the first week so think carrots are fine. He also would only eat if I held the bucket up for him, and could only swallow if he 'swished' each mouthful in his water bucket first

Summer pudding

Well-Known Member
3 April 2013
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When my lad was ill he ate only carrots and small amounts of sloppy sugar beet for about the first week so think carrots are fine. He also would only eat if I held the bucket up for him, and could only swallow if he 'swished' each mouthful in his water bucket first

I logged on today so hoping for some good news....any idea why the water is 'coming out' of his mouth? When is the vet coming out again? Am using the power of positive thought.


Well-Known Member
9 January 2011
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Hi How is your little man tonight ?, hoping no news is good news I would think if he is not eating and drinking by himself he is going to get dehydrated quickly especially of not wanting grass or large amouns , I would think he might be better in a vets were he can have access to iv fluids at least ad injectable meds ? X x hope he has made a improvement for u xxx