Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Have to say I feel really bloody shit today, I feel like I'm never going to get my horse properly back at the end of all of this- I suspect he's just going to be too fragile.
Thanks guys. Have to say I feel really bloody shit today, I feel like I'm never going to get my horse properly back at the end of all of this- I suspect he's just going to be too fragile.
I don't want to lie this M. You've every right to feel like shit and spend the day crying into a puppy. I hope you feel better about it all soon.
That's completely shit, so sorry Michen. Will keep everything crossed that Boggle comes good again xxxxx
Take a bit of a break if you need to michen. Bear wont take any harm from being left out to be a horse for a while
Thanks. Don’t know wtf is wrong with me I’m more upset than when he did the original sodding injury!
I'm sure part of this will be influenced by how upset you are about Bog though - give yourself a few days off and see how you feel. You might find that you are keen to get going with Bear again. And if you're not it doesn't matter - no-one will think any less of you if you decide he's not for you and you'd rather sell him.I know this sounds super petulant and ungrateful but however nice Bear is I’m not even sure I can be arsed at the moment. At the end of the day it’s only Boggle I really want to ride and faff with.
Am seriously wondering whether I just forget the idea of riding etc at the moment (Boggle depending), and just enjoy puppy and puppy training.. and focus my efforts and time 100% on Bog.
I enjoyed Bear when I thought I had Bog to go back to, weirdly. Poor Bear deserves to be someone’s absolute no.1.
Puppy cuddles are out. She’s 99% reliable house training wise now but obviously decided she didn’t want to go out in the rain so has just done a massive smelly dump right by the (open) back door on a rug. ??
The cat is the only animal I want to cuddle now- he’s delighted!!
Thanks guys. I've actually put an advert up for Bear on one of the cheaper websites for silly money- the markets so bonkers who knows I may get it. Am going to see, if I got that sort of money for him it would be mad not to and I could buy myself something cheaper in Autumn to hunt all winter. I haven't seen any connemara youngsters as nice looking or moving as him for sale already imported at all so you never know. It was something I was pondering anyway a few weeks ago.
I probably seem really fickle (and probably am!).
Thanks guys. I've actually put an advert up for Bear on one of the cheaper websites for silly money- the markets so bonkers who knows I may get it. Am going to see, if I got that sort of money for him it would be mad not to and I could buy myself something cheaper in Autumn to hunt all winter. I haven't seen any connemara youngsters as nice looking or moving as him for sale already imported at all so you never know. It was something I was pondering anyway a few weeks ago.
I probably seem really fickle (and probably am!).