HHO's "Bear" project pony...


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14 August 2011
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I think its telling that you have written up and posted a sale ad and didn’t change your mind. That suggests you are ok with it, although that might get tested if you get some calls/interest!

You are having a tough time though and things are so bizarre right now, that I wouldn’t do anything too drastic too quickly though. Maybe take some time out, just enjoy their company, no pressure on any of you, and allow yourself to process the latest.


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24 April 2020
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Possibly worth bearing in mind that when you really want to sell him a drop in price may raise question marks over his soundness/suitability as that's what I tend to think when horses have had a fairly substantial price drop.

Me too. Saying that, I don't doubt anyone would blink twice at paying 5k even for a lame Connie these days. It's bonkers.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Thanks guys. Amazed as ever at the support on here- even when you’ve all followed Bear so far no one has done anything but be supportive about a possible sale sooner than expected as well.

His advert (on nfed) is a bit shoddy tbh, I need some videos of him loose and also over a fence I guess?

FC- I do get your point re price. I guess I’m not toooo bothered about being punchy re price and hedging my bets even if I have to drop massively and it looks a bit bad because even if it made some people suspicious, if I really needed to shift him I’m sure I could get 5k and that wouldn’t be disastrous.

I don’t need to shift him at the moment at all, and the price tag is probably silly, so if I have no enquiries with say a week or I feel differently I’ll take it down and start again in a month or so properly on horsequest.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Not at all fickle, he isn't pulling your heart strings, he's worth a lot of money, you're short of commission payments because of the virus and heaven knows what the future is since you sell into hospitality at the moment. That sounds like an eminently practical suggestion to me, and I hope he sells.


I’m not sure how fond I am of him, I do remember advertising Boggle when it seemed he would never travel alone. I had so much interest and felt like an idiot as I wouldn’t let anyone view, there was something in my gut telling me no. And I actually intensely disliked Boggle at that time. I really like Bear, I can’t say I love him because I think that comes with time and adventures together, I wonder if I’d cracked on and been out doing little bits with him all summer I’d feel differently.

I think that makes sense, Bear will not be ready to hunt properly, he could be in a home that really loves him the way you love Bog and a cheap, possibly less classy, stop gap would give you low maintenance to enjoy, it is not fickle to change your mind once in a while.

Yes exactly. It just seems sensible. I posted a nice TB mare hunt horse in PD’s thread and thought I could have fun over winter on something like that. Although whether I want to feed my hunting addition in the knowledge I will never “properly” hunt Boggle again is another matter!!!!


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6 July 2012
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I mean I can't speak for everyone else, but a tiny selfish part of me is sad you are selling him because I am having a lovely time following his journey with you :p. But at the same time, it's what is right for you. It's not fickle, and it seems like the sensible option at the moment given everything that is going on both with Bog and with the world at large.

be positive

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9 July 2011
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Regarding the price and maybe dropping later, as long as you do not advertise him all over the place then miss a few when you want to remove it/ change the details/ price there should be no problem with people noticing, a few might but in the overall scheme of things they will not affect who does respond to a new ad, people are not all as on the ball with picking up this type of thing so I don't see it as an issue.


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7 September 2004
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Regarding the price and maybe dropping later, as long as you do not advertise him all over the place then miss a few when you want to remove it/ change the details/ price there should be no problem with people noticing, a few might but in the overall scheme of things they will not affect who does respond to a new ad, people are not all as on the ball with picking up this type of thing so I don't see it as an issue.

And by that time he will have done more anyway, so a price drop might not be justified anyway. He will just be more attractive at the current price.

I wouldn’t fret, things happen for a reason and it’s a nice position to be in, not needing to sell.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Yep I’m only advertising on NFED and replying to a few Facebook wanted ads. I see horse quest as the “proper” place to advertise a reasonably expensive horse so I’ll try and crack on over the next few weeks and then at least if I still feel the same I can advertise with some ridden pics in the school etc.

What would you expect to see from a just 4 year old in the school? He’s not going to be in any sort of frame, just taking the bit forward in all three paces I would assume is acceptable?

Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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Hes a super sort, I'm sure your get that kind of money for him. A friend has just sold a gelding for 6k, far less quality than Bear and sold within a couple of days!

The market has gone mental.. PS. So sorry to hear about Boggle :(


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Hes a super sort, I'm sure your get that kind of money for him. A friend has just sold a gelding for 6k, far less quality than Bear and sold within a couple of days!

The market has gone mental..

Blimey. A green youngster? I just put a post on a FB group and deleted within in a couple of minutes after I was inundated with messages from people saying budget is 4K!


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7 September 2004
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Yep I’m only advertising on NFED and replying to a few Facebook wanted ads. I see horse quest as the “proper” place to advertise a reasonably expensive horse so I’ll try and crack on over the next few weeks and then at least if I still feel the same I can advertise with some ridden pics in the school etc.

What would you expect to see from a just 4 year old in the school? He’s not going to be in any sort of frame, just taking the bit forward in all three paces I would assume is acceptable?

I would expect him in a frame, just an age appropriate one. Accepting the bit with an open neck to the contact.
I would expect him to be able to bend both ways, respond to the leg, maintain a semblance of balance between paces (green wobble here and there fine).


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I would expect him in a frame, just an age appropriate one. Accepting the bit with an open neck to the contact.
I would expect him to be able to bend both ways, respond to the leg, maintain a semblance of balance between paces (green wobble here and there fine).

Yeah- we have some work to do!!! My intention was always to get Boggles jockey on him to school.

Peregrine Falcon

Sunshine and warmer weather welcomed
1 July 2008
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Sorry to hear about Bog. My mare hadn't yet done anything to warrant time off for summer but I feel it is looming.

Fingers crossed for a healing 2 weeks.

*trots off to NFED*


Well-Known Member
24 April 2020
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What would you expect to see from a just 4 year old in the school? He’s not going to be in any sort of frame, just taking the bit forward in all three paces I would assume is acceptable?

When I got mine a few years ago he was 4.5 so a bit older, but he was established at a very basic level in the school (walk, trot & canter in a very wobbly frame and a bit tense) and was popping jumps happily. I got him for 3.5k which seems unreal given today's prices.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2014
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Sorry to hear about Bog. I follow your threads but rarely post. I have enjoyed watching your progress with Bear, firm believer in everything working out for the right reason

*trots off to put on lottery*


Well-Known Member
9 September 2010
The Wet West of Scotland
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So sorry about Boggle, I may be wrong but is your Bear advert possibly just a knee jerk reaction to the bad news about Boggle? I would give yourself a couple of weeks to see how things are then before making any definite decisions as your disappointment is very raw just now. You're doing a great job with Bear and he can only increase in value if you keep on as you are. Obviously, if you needed money at this point in time it would be very different. Whatever you decide good luck to Boggle and hopefully one as nice as Bear will have an exciting future either with you or someone else.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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Yep I’m only advertising on NFED and replying to a few Facebook wanted ads. I see horse quest as the “proper” place to advertise a reasonably expensive horse so I’ll try and crack on over the next few weeks and then at least if I still feel the same I can advertise with some ridden pics in the school etc.

What would you expect to see from a just 4 year old in the school? He’s not going to be in any sort of frame, just taking the bit forward in all three paces I would assume is acceptable?

I think for £7.5k I would want a 4 year old to work in the school in all 3 places, not necessarily in a consistent outline but I would like the horse to offer softness/contact if asked. I would also expect it to pop a few small jumps.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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I think for £7.5k I would want a 4 year old to work in the school in all 3 places, not necessarily in a consistent outline but I would like the horse to offer softness/contact if asked. I would also expect it to pop a few small jumps.

Yep fair enough. He'd certainly pop the jumps he's never had any waryness or needed any encourgement over poles etc. I do need to get him in the school and I need to do that anyway regardless but I doubt my own ability to school a baby and want Boggle's fab jockey involved. She's back around next sunday.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Personally I would take the ad down until he's been in the school a few times and is ready to try

I don’t think a couple of sessions in the school will make much difference to be honest (which I can do this week). And I’m not going to rush him in the school for the sake of getting him ready to sell ASAP.

Really if I want to get him going in a bit of a better way in the school I should take it down and re advertise in a month or so. Which maybe I’ll do. It might be that no one contacts me anyway because he’s vastly over priced so I’m just going to leave it a few days, get him in the school and if I haven’t had a single serious enquiry I’ll take it down and re advertise “properly” with the relevant pics and videos in a month. Hopefully the market will still be booming.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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The only "right" thing to do is what your gut tells you. I don't blame you at all for taking a punt at selling Bear, esp with the current climate.
I've had a load of grief, off a couple of people who think they know best, about not getting Rex some extra schooling and selling. One friend keeps saying to sell now while the market is good as any horse can break at any time. The difference is that I can't stand the thought of parting with him. I may or may not regret that decision at a later date but I know I'd be very hard pushed to find such a nice, level headed chap again in a hurry. Can't pretend I haven't been tempted esp as I have the cob on loan but ultimately I don't have it in me to sell.
If Bear doesn't "do it" for you then I just don't see the harm.xx

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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The only "right" thing to do is what your gut tells you. I don't blame you at all for taking a punt at selling Bear, esp with the current climate.
I've had a load of grief, off a couple of people who think they know best, about not getting Rex some extra schooling and selling. One friend keeps saying to sell now while the market is good as any horse can break at any time. The difference is that I can't stand the thought of parting with him. I may or may not regret that decision at a later date but I know I'd be very hard pushed to find such a nice, level headed chap again in a hurry. Can't pretend I haven't been tempted esp as I have the cob on loan but ultimately I don't have it in me to sell.
If Bear doesn't "do it" for you then I just don't see the harm.xx

You bought Rex for yourself, he was not bought to sell on unlike Bear, so why does anyone think it a good idea to pressure you into selling to make a profit, you will still want a horse and may not find one you like even with a higher budget or you buy another unbacked one and invest more time , wait another year or so before you get the horse you want and there is no guarantee the next one will not break either.
It is a bit like telling people to sell their dog because the market is booming, I know a few people do seem to be doing just that but life is for living not all about money, although having enough does make everything easier.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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You bought Rex for yourself, he was not bought to sell on unlike Bear, so why does anyone think it a good idea to pressure you into selling to make a profit, you will still want a horse and may not find one you like even with a higher budget or you buy another unbacked one and invest more time , wait another year or so before you get the horse you want and there is no guarantee the next one will not break either.
It is a bit like telling people to sell their dog because the market is booming, I know a few people do seem to be doing just that but life is for living not all about money, although having enough does make everything easier.

Absolutely this. I'm permanently fairly skint but money has never been a great motivation for me really (assuming bills are paid and animals have all they need), I'd be a really rubbish dealer ???
But 2 people I know have put their own horses up for sale recently in order to profit from the current market. Nothing wrong with that of course but I hate feeling pressured to do the same just because I'm not loaded....capitalising on any means of a good profit "should" be a priority...apparently ????

Sorry to go off topic there Michen. Bear is lovely but you bought him to sell at some point so I really hope you can make a few quid and find something to have a bit of fun on. X


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5 February 2012
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Michen one of your comments has stood out to me, it where you said 'I enjoyed Bear when I thought I had Bog to go back to, weirdly' Do you think your decision to sell Bear now is because you have come to resent him a bit because he's not and never will be Boggle? I dont mean this in a negative way at all but you were really keen on Bear in the beginning and talked about loaning him out if you didnt have time ride both, then you did lots of long reining, walking out and generally just spent time with him. You seemed pretty smitten to me :)

He is so similar to Bog ( in looks at least ) that comparisons are understandable and i wonder if subconsciously you have 'switched off' from Bear because he reminds you of what Bog used to be? I'm probably not explaining myself very well and i do apologise if it comes across as wrong but i have felt a similar way before with a horse.

I also think that you have taken a hell of a lot on recently with rehabbing Bog, starting Bear and a new puppy i imagine that you are feeling exhausted both mentally and physically! If you did need time to re group then it wouldn't do Bear any harm to have a couple of weeks of downtime in the field.

Also sorry to hear about Bog, sending positive thoughts to you both.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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Not sure if anyone’s noticed but I’m ummm fairly spontaneous. Sort of dive in head first with everything, usually it works out..

Anyway- took the advert down. It was a shoddy advert tbh and I don’t even have any decent photos under saddle or videos. He’s not seen the inside of the school under saddle for three months and really needs a solid month of work before I can expect to get decent money for him. That month in turn will stop me making a rash decision.

I don’t know how I feel about Bear, it took me forever to adore Boggle in part because I was grieving for another horse and also because Boggle threw so many curveballs my way outside of the usual young horse challenges. I started to really bond with him when we did stuff together, with that came trust and a partnership. It seems shallow to say I can’t love a horse until I’ve competed it or whatnot and that’s probably not what I really mean.. but it’s all those things that sort of knit you together I guess.

So I’ll get Bear going in the school then see how I feel. Realistically the market surely won’t crash within a month! Then I’ll know more re Boggle and things might be that bit better.

Out of the two horses if I want a cuddle it’s Bear I go to for that ;)


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9 May 2019
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I think you need to give yourself time to think this through properly unless you are desperate for the money. It won’t hurt Bear to have a couple of weeks off to give you a break and you will hopefully have more information on the likely prognosis for Boggle. The setback with Boggle has understandably made you think about the implications of him not returning to full fitness. This has coincided with a buoyant market where horses are selling quickly for crazy figures so I can see why you would be tempted to sell Bear now. That said, I genuinely think a horse like him will achieve a good price whenever you decide to sell him. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself unless you need to for financial reasons.


Well-Known Member
5 February 2012
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Not sure if anyone’s noticed but I’m ummm fairly spontaneous. Sort of dive in head first with everything, usually it works out..

Anyway- took the advert down. It was a shoddy advert tbh and I don’t even have any decent photos under saddle or videos. He’s not seen the inside of the school under saddle for three months and really needs a solid month of work before I can expect to get decent money for him. That month in turn will stop me making a rash decision.

I don’t know how I feel about Bear, it took me forever to adore Boggle in part because I was grieving for another horse and also because Boggle threw so many curveballs my way outside of the usual young horse challenges. I started to really bond with him when we did stuff together, with that came trust and a partnership. It seems shallow to say I can’t love a horse until I’ve competed it or whatnot and that’s probably not what I really mean.. but it’s all those things that sort of knit you together I guess.

So I’ll get Bear going in the school then see how I feel. Realistically the market surely won’t crash within a month! Then I’ll know more re Boggle and things might be that bit better.

Out of the two horses if I want a cuddle it’s Bear I go to for that ;)

Good decision ?

Nothing wrong with giving yourself some breathing space.

I think you are grieving for Bog in a way. Because his injury means he is not likely to be up to the hunting etc.. which you both clearly enjoyed , I feel that you are experiencing a sense of loss and it can take time to come to terms with things. Theres nothing shallow about how you are feeling at all.

Maybe Bear is simply the right horse at the wrong time?

Give yourself time. Take each day as it comes and see where you go from there.

Bog is a very lucky horse and should you decide to sell Bear then I'm sure plenty on here will be happy to take him off your hands!