Well-Known Member
Your latter paragraph is why I would say avoid situations that have the potential to become a battle wherever possible, as he stands a good chance of winning and that could reinforce the nappiness (if that makes sense). If he doesn't have reason to tank off in the first place, he won't have the chance to learn it as a good evasion technique. I don't think that you need to go through and win this sort of battle in order to properly train him - the best approach is to avoid the battle in the first place!
As an example, when I worked as an SJ groom we were sent a nice 4 year old for producing. He had been backed, but it soon became very clear that he had learnt to rear vertically as an evasion technique! He would do it on the lunge and under saddle and you couldn't win the battle as he would just get sillier and sillier and rear higher if you kept trying to push him through it. So my boss got him on the long reins and spent a month long reining him all over the farm, as for some reason he didn't rear on the long reins. By the end of the month he seemed to have forgotten all about the rearing, and they were able to get back on him without any problems. He never did it again and was sold for a substantial amount of money as a 6 yr old. The rearing was incredibly dangerous behaviour and it was a battle that my boss knew would be very hard to win. So he avoided situations where the horse could rear as an evasion technique, and he just grew out of it. With older horses where the behaviour is already entrenched it can be different, but youngsters do seems to forget and grow out of things fairly easily if you give them a chance.
Yep makes lots of sense! Thanks for writing that out. I guess I felt once it had started with the spin/tank we had to work through it to make sure it was resolved. Sort of like when I decide to start having a sort out of my kitchen draws- you wish you hadn’t
It’s definitely a learning experience bringing on Bear having bought on Bog. In some ways Bog was easier but just more scarey to ride! This is only my second youngster so all a learning curve...