A musing.. took both my boys for a hack this morning. Friend on Bear me on Bog. To get out hacking you go up a steep grassy track that runs between two fields. Recently there’s been a big coil of white tape left by the fence and most horses have had a look. Bear first saw it at the weekend and was in front of a big hack group. Grabbed the bit and span, got firm use of stick and leg, span again, got whacked (rightly or wrongly) and then went. Did the same again with friend on Monday but went 3rd time. Today however he massively escalated it, tanking off down the hill, spinning and even lifting his front feet off the ground for good measure. He absolutely would not go and friend getting worried. We swapped horses and i also found it was a real battle- I’m not a weak rider but Bear is immensely physically strong and really sets his neck against you. It was physically impossible to stop him spinning. No amount of stick and leg would drive him forward (and I had a stick in both hands!) Behaviour getting worse and worse and unpleasant on a sloppy steep track and Bear himself getting really upset.
So a change of tact, asking him to go past alongside Boggle and then slightly in front and then building it up (we must have done the loop about ten times) until he was going past it on his own happily enough. This was successful, horse went back to being reasonable and responded well to lots of praise and a softer approach.
Bear hasn’t in 6 months said “NO” like that to something he’s been worried about He will usually always go second time. Made weirder by the fact he had been past it twice. In my mind the horse has to go however worried and that sort of behaviour isn’t acceptable and has to be worked through, but it was escalating so much the change of tact to a softer approach felt like the only thing to do.
Would you have done this or would you have absolutely insisted the horse goes past it as asked- in front of the other horse? Bearing in mind this is a usually very rational, reasonable 4yo but with a cheeky streak and will absolutely try it on if he thinks he can get away with it. Personally I would have insisted he went past on his own as asked in normal circumstances however much of a battle/escalation it took, but the steep slippery hill made it feel verging on dangerous hence trying the alternative approach.
I guess we all have our different ways but interested to hear what yours would have been- and what would you have done if you were on your own without a lead horse? ?
Hmm getting the shit kicked out of you and whacked for being worried about something when you are a baby that hasnt seen the world. I wonder why his reactions escalated?!
Poor mite.