Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply do you use any mane/tail conditioners etc? He does have a pretty thick coat , even now when it's 35 degrees every day, much thicker than the standy. I will think about clipping it next summer. I guess I would then need to summer sheet though, from a Sun protection POV?Ummmm yes I do... pay someone else to do it ??? Honestly you’d laugh if you saw my real turnout, Be positive can testify that I tend to rock up to events with plaits everywhere and ponies with toilet brushes for tails..however always with a fit and well looking horse!
In all seriousness I battled for ages with Boggles mane and eventually paid someone to thin and pull it properly and then kept on top of it myself. Made it so much easier. I clip the tails (badly, they grow out to look fine enough pretty quick) and I also have fully clipped horses at all times for several reasons
a) I cannot stand beards, feathers etc from an aesthetics point of view despite being happy to rock up to events looking disheveled. It’s obviously totally incorrect to trim Connies the way I do but it’s what I prefer so I crack on with it!
B) I am really allergic to horses and absolutely can’t groom a horse that’s moulting anywhere. Makes me really uncomfortable and wheezy despite antihistamines.
Edited to add a c)
I actually find Connies grow quite a thick summer coat or at least Basil and Bog do/did, find its much nicer for them to be clipped and easier to keep them cool when they are working hard or it’s super hot.
Bog looks unbelievably fit and well, would be very happy if my pony looked like that!