Horse is fitting after head injury- what are my chances?


Well-Known Member
26 February 2008
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Am so happy for you. Have just read the whole thread and ifelt so bad for you all and i was thinking 'what would I do?' and felt so frustrated at your vet and then your mum posted and I thought that's brilliant and then there is Rosa happy and fighting! Well done to you all,well done for fighting, for believing and for caring!! X


Well-Known Member
8 May 2005
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Brilliant news to hear she is doing so well. Don't be disheartened if she seems to plateau for a while - OHs brother was badly concluded after a car crash and his recovery was very stepped.


Well-Known Member
15 February 2016
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Hi how is Rosa doing? I've been following this thread and thinking of you all so searched it out to see how she is. x


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Bump. Hoping she is OK and now turned out for a holiday before coming back into work?


New User
20 January 2012
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Hi, hope all is going well. If you ever want to compare notes my heavyweight started having seizures after a head trauma in October 2015

High Hope

Well-Known Member
10 March 2013
Wherever I lay my hat...
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Hey guys :)

Rosa is doing well :)

My mum has been up to visit her (and me!) this weekend, and she actually reckons she's in a better position than she was expecting :) and is confident that with time and the right management she should make a full recovery- woo!

ATM she is still on box rest, she *thinks* she wants to go out, but as soon as I do anything with her, she realises she wants to go straight back to bed, bless her.

She's no trouble in, and she obviously needs to be in so she will be for a while yet.

When she finally is strong enough, I'll start gradually introducing her to her field again, and try and get her out for an hour or so again.

She's a long way off being ridden, so that's not even on my mind right now :)

She's bright + perky, and she has put weight on but she's still far below what I would like her to be weight-wise.

Roll on Spring/ getting her out + doctor Green!

Thank you all for your continued support :) I will keep posting back in here as we make progress :) :) :) :)
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Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Absolutely wonderful, I hope you have a fabulous summer and enjoy the horse you have fought so hard to bring back to health.


Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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Small steps but they're good ones . I'm so pleased you didn't give up on her and fought her corner she's one lucky lady!

Yes once that lush spring grass is through she will come on leaps and bounds ��

High Hope

Well-Known Member
10 March 2013
Wherever I lay my hat...
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Just to update :)

10 weeks ago, as a lot of you know, I nearly lost my pride + joy.

It's been 10 weeks of endless slog, with a horse who wasn't anywhere near herself for the majority of the time.

We've felt hopeless together, annoyed at each other together, endlessly tired together + we've both been completely fed up of the whole thing.

Today was the first day that my beautiful girl's character shone through for the whole day. The character I fell in love with, that always made everything worth it, came back.

Today I realised she's going to come back to me completely. I'm not having to rely on blind faith, trudging on, hoping for the best.

She's going to be absolutely fine.

And that makes everything worth it.

As of tomorrow she will be turned out all day (still in at night) and Dr Green will hopefully do its job.

She's had a long, hard trip, and she's going to get a good break.

Mum always says however long it takes a horse to come right after an injury, allow it the same amount of time the other side of it to make sure they're totally ok, so I'm going to give her at least two months in the field, just being a horse for a while, then hopefully slowly bring her back into work for the summer,

I want to thank everybody for their kind support + comments, especially at the start when we nearly lost her.

I'm glad we stuck by her, she's worth it