Horse turning nasty.


Well-Known Member
20 July 2012
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Oops. With the lead rope through a hay rack to keep her head pinned away from me because she was so vicious. She was good natured otherwise (!). In the end an elbow in her gob when she went for me cured the biting and a stable with breeze block walls instead of wood cured the kicking. (she kicked the breeze block once and it hurt and she never did it again).

I agree no feeding from hand. Richard Maxwell and a be nice halter revolutionised my horse and she was completely normal after a year of doing that.

You could never hit her tho, I went through a few farriers to find one who wouldn't dig her in the ribs/ slap her with a rasp if she fidgeted as that would turn her into a raving looney, even now at 17yr old. I got her at 2 yrs old.