Horse turning nasty.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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So why can't you turn him out? Move somewehre with turnout. I have had as much rain as anywhere else, my fields are a bit wet, my horses are out and there is plenty of grass, so much so they're being strip grazed and we have clay, wet, deep marshy soil but it's not overstocked. Why can you not do this?


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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So why can't you turn him out? Move somewehre with turnout. I have had as much rain as anywhere else, my fields are a bit wet, my horses are out and there is plenty of grass, so much so they're being strip grazed and we have clay, wet, deep marshy soil but it's not overstocked. Why can you not do this?

Susie T, if you can't offer any constructive advice then don't bother commenting - it will upset Shils!! ;):D

Devonshire dumpling

Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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This made me do this . . . :D . . . and then made me do this . . . :eek:


Someone similar happened to me a while back.......

I was calmly walking around Tesco minding my own business when a woman bashed her trolley into mine, I automatically said sorry, as I was brought up well, anyway she tutted!! I saw red! I said well actually I retract that, I am not sorry, you are rude and need to learn some manners! Was all rather heated for a while , but I felt better for it :) I am one of those nice friendly people until someone crosses me, sometimes NOT having the last word makes you come out on top tho :D.. read into that what you will.


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16 October 2006
Herts, UK
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The OP asked for help and advice and I think a lot of the responses have been really nasty.

I'm not an expert by any means and can only offer advice based my on my own experiences but here's my two cents worth.

I have a so called agressive horse that was labelled dangerous by many experts and had ended up in multiple homes and went through several sales rings in a very short space of time.

His insecurity made him act aggressively as did the abuse he suffered as a foal, maybe your youngster is struggling to cope with the changes in how he is managed and the changes in yard etc and will eventually settle with consistent handling and rountine?

More turnout that allows him to socialise with other horses might also help as might stable toys etc as he would be being stimulated for longer periods of time than he currently is.

Periods of box rest and remembered pain could also account for his current behaviour, in my experience this can have a huge impact on a horses behaviour after it has fully recovered from the injury/illness and is no longer on box rest.

He could have a niggling issue that is causing him pain and it would probably be worth your while doing/redoing all the usual checks even if all it does is confirm there is no underlying physical cause that is causing his behaviour.

It's probably worth you getting someone with more experience with 'problem' horses help you work on re-establishing the boundaries of what is exceptable behaviour and what isn't.

Not all horses respond to the same methods in the same way and a new pair of eyes assessing your current situation will hopefully help you resolve everything and prevent both you and others getting injured by your horse in the future.

I hope you have a speedy recovery and are able to resolve your horses issues :)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
28 May 2012
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So why can't you turn him out? Move somewehre with turnout. I have had as much rain as anywhere else, my fields are a bit wet, my horses are out and there is plenty of grass, so much so they're being strip grazed and we have clay, wet, deep marshy soil but it's not overstocked. Why can you not do this?

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Its so easy to sit behind a computer and say oh well move yard. Some times thats much easier said than done.
Tbh I found your post rather rude.


11 April 2012
The North
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can u please point out where exactley i have rebuffed any ones advice?

unfortunatly ive had to spend my time correcting people that cant be bothered to read, and have to keep explaning. horses age, is isnt stuck in a stable etc.


To be fair you were the one who said he was stuck in the stable 23hrs a day and 5 mins exercise without properly explaining your turnout situation. If you arent going to explain something properly, when it may have a baring on the advice you are looking to receive, then you cant get upset when people pick up the wrong end of the stick and you have to correct them. Posters only have the information you are providing in your post to enable them to assess the situation and offer you advice based on their own personal experience ;)


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Border Reiver
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To be fair you were the one who said he was stuck in the stable 23hrs a day and 5 mins exercise without properly explaining your turnout situation. If you arent going to explain something properly, when it may have a baring on the advice you are looking to receive, then you cant get upset when people pick up the wrong end of the stick and you have to correct them. Posters only have the information you are providing in your post to enable them to assess the situation and offer you advice based on their own personal experience ;)

And they could always ask for more information to prevent them from making all sorts of silly assumptions :cool:


11 April 2012
The North
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And they could always ask for more information to prevent them from making all sorts of silly assumptions :cool:

When someone suggested he needed a to go out and have a rest the OP stated "he gets to go out, but weather wise it may be for only an hour, but hes doing something in hand monst days even if its 5 mins up the road and back." So not really making any 'silly assumptions'....just going on the imformation and responses made by the OP....:confused:

Donnie Darco

Well-Known Member
11 September 2011
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Dear God :mad::mad::mad:

How can this thread still be going?? I wanted to comment this morning, but didn't want to ressurect it from the last post 10pm last night, I was hoping it would just fade away :rolleyes:

I have NEVER seen such BITCHINESS on HHO before (maybe I haven't looked hard enough? :eek:)

BUT COME ON WHAT IT WRONG WITH YOU ALL THAT FEEL ITS OK TO POST A BITCHING REPLY having obviously not read JH's post from the beginning :mad: but just copy everyone else ??? :mad:

I don't know JH from adam, and cannot advise on the horse's behaviour (SO I DIDN'T :eek:) but I'm commenting NOW because frankly I'm disgusted with most of you :mad: jumping on an Chinese whispers band wagon :mad::mad::mad:

We all do stupid things/things we regret. We all make mistakes. (Lord I've made plenty :rolleyes:) Accidents happen - imagine if if JS had not posted this thread but then posted a thread about her youngster mashing her hand at a show, the responses from you would have been much different I'm sure :confused:

Sorry JH am sure you are plenty good enough to fight you're own battles, I'm just outraged on your behalf :eek:

I feel better now, Tuesday night rant and all that, hope the hand improves JH


Donnie Darco

Well-Known Member
11 September 2011
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Ps - can we get this thread locked? It offers nothing to anyone which IMO is not the point of this forum :p

A v pissed off DD


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Ps - can we get this thread locked? It offers nothing to anyone which IMO is not the point of this forum :p

A v pissed off DD

OMG chill out and take a blood pressure pill! If you don't like people responding their opinions when asked by OP then don't read it!:confused:

What an over reaction considering you don't know JH!

Donnie Darco

Well-Known Member
11 September 2011
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OMG chill out and take a blood pressure pill! If you don't like people responding their opinions when asked by OP then don't read it!:confused:

What an over reaction considering you don't know JH!

Like I said, if JH had posted this just as thread about her horse mashing her hand at a show the response would have been quite different :rolleyes:

I have nothing against people expressing an opinion IF/WHEN what they can add is constructive NOT just riding on the backs of others.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Like I said, if JH had posted this just as thread about her horse mashing her hand at a show the response would have been quite different :rolleyes:

I have nothing against people expressing an opinion IF/WHEN what they can add is constructive NOT just riding on the backs of others.

Well for a start, I don't ride on the backs of others. I have my own opinions, thoughts, and quite freely come out with them (much to the annoyance of many other posters at times!).

JH DIDN'T just post about her hand though did she? She posted asking why her horse may be turning nasty...

She got answers.


Demon exorcist...
17 July 2007
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the thread doesnt need to be locked, im an adult i can deal with the insults.

and for EVERYONES info im posting semi naked as i cant currently dress myself

oh and i have hairy legs too:p

Donnie Darco

Well-Known Member
11 September 2011
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Thank god for that I forgot to pick up some Veet from Sainsburys...


My argument is not at you Moomin, it's people reading/mis reading a thread/post and then thinking they are the world encyclopaedia (their two pence worth not any actual experience :eek:) on that particular subject. Plenty of the posts repeat themselves time and again, and it's obvious they are just jumping on the bandwagon. Yes JS asked for answers, and there are some suggestions, but for the vast majority of replies it's the same old s*** with nothing constructive to say (rather the opposite :rolleyes:)

I've followed this thread (lurking as is the norm) from the beginning, think JH started this Saturday/Sunday?

I'll say again, I haven't commented before now AS I DON'T FEEL I CAN OFFER ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE. Other people feel its their God given right to voice their opinion, valid or not. THAT is my arguement.

Echo Bravo

Well-Known Member
6 August 2009
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To get back to the ops question about her horse. Yes to me it's pain/frustration related and being mishandled both by you and vets, cann't tell a horse sorry love I know it's going to hurt but it's for your own good, they don't think that way,you have caused him alot of pain so he no longer trust you. Taking him to a show, well you got what you asked for.
Take him right back to basics and again his trust, if this doesn't work or he gets worse do the kindess thing by him and pts.