How is this vet allowed to conduct themselves like this online?

Angele TĂ©moin

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21 January 2025
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Hiya, welcome to the mad house 😊
Genuinely, SV kicks any of your arrogance sideways, she guns for Olympic level đŸ€Ł
I am sure she is French :cool: and if she is not, she must apply for naturalization.
I let myself go. I try to publish content that is sourced, scientifically verifiable, and accepts criticism đŸ„ș. If I publish more, you will probably suggest that I become an English citizen đŸ˜±.
It's imperative that I recover đŸ€Ș

Angele TĂ©moin

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21 January 2025
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Welcome to the forum @ Angele. I actually copied your very useful and informative post on FB to my own page to share with people here on the forum and my FB friends, many of them are great cob lovers or owners. I hope you did not mind me doing so, I did not want to share directly from your FB page on here without your permission.

We are all doing our best to highlight this dreadful woman and her controversial and factually incorrect posts to the rest of the horse world. Even if it stops one or two people acting on her awful advice it will have done some good. :)
Thanks :)
Feel free to share as much as you need.
In France the disease is poorly known and we are only currently disseminating your protocols. My own mare is sick and it took me months to get her diagnosed. You can’t imagine how much I appreciate all the work that has been done.
If you go to the French forum, you will observe that the horses are not in good health because of an early diagnosis.
Don’t let the stinks hurt you


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4 April 2024
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Latest post....

Arc Equine... 'I don’t want to simply throw product advertisements at you all, and more useful veterinary posts are incoming.'

However....blah blah blah..... 'it will cost you ÂŁ300 approx with my discount code. '

I think SV has lost her mind.

Especially as she admitted in her original post that she only started using the unit when the ground had dried up alot. So something else HAS changed in the horse's life which could potentially be significant. Though she is now claiming it hasn't.

She can't even accurately assess or consider the impact of even very basic other influences on the situation.

Also claiming that the unit cannot do any harm whatsoever, but without sharing any scientific proof or links to support that opinion.

All very concerning for a practicing vet whose qualification and training is supposed to be based in science.


Fly paper for freaks 🍀
20 November 2008
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Also claiming that the unit cannot do any harm whatsoever, but without sharing any scientific proof or links to support that opinion.

Anything with the potential to do good has the potential to harm.

There were a few big threads on here about them back in the day. There most definitely was harm done to some horses.

I was on contact with the guy behind it. He claimed they had amazing results with a racehorse who had 80% hole in a tendon that was being rehabbed using arc and it had amazing results. He said he was getting it peer reviewed and would issue the results. That was circa 2015 and nothing has ever been published by arc.

He name dropped a few people too, like William FP mum, as if that compensated for a complete lack of evidence or reviews.

I can see how that would align with SV "values".

Have to say that I'm extremely disappointed that the Equine Dental Clinic are sponsoring her.


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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All I can say is she used to act differently around men.
Can't comment on present day as i only had the 'pleasure' of her once in her early career, and refused to have her again.
But one of her latest comments states that anyone who meets her in person thinks she’s lovely (clearly forgetting about her neighbours) đŸ˜±


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22 April 2014
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I wasted too much time last night reading through all the posts.

I looked through to see if I could find any reviews or recommendations from customers after it was mentioned up thread yesterday. I couldn't, not even one. Lots from sponsors linking back to her posts that push their product but not a lot else.


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11 September 2007
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Cynical me thinks the latest post may be a retort to comments on this thread. đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

Why does she share this kind of stuff? So unprofessional.
She needs to do her job and get off FB. Nobody cares how many horses she vaccinates or how many clients she has. She’s only doing what vets up and down the country do.

Social media is the worst type of place for people who crave constant attention and back patting.
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Well-Known Member
25 April 2020
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Why does she share this kind of stuff? So unprofessional.
She needs to do her job and get off FB. Nobody cares how many horses she vaccinates or how many clients she has. She’s only doing what gets up and down the country do.

Social media is the worst type of place for people who crave constant attention and back patting.
SV reminds me of my ex husband, who ticked every box on the narcissist checklist.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Cynical me thinks the latest post may be a retort to comments on this thread. đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

I wanted to write, but of course I'm already banned, "they appreciate your support of them ignoring pain signals from their horses so they can continue to ride in ignorant bliss, often bigging themselves up for being able to sit a buck".


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14 September 2001
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Wise words from SV this morning (gets the worlds smallest violin out) 😏

"Behind every nasty and slanderous comment you write about someone online, is a real person. That real person is probably reading every single one of your vile and hurtful comments, and wondering how you can write that about someone you have never even met, let alone had a conversation with. This year I am going to shout louder than ever about online abuse and bullying, as it’s something I have been badly affected by, and continue to be badly affected by. I am incredibly grateful that I grew up in a world with no social media.

I feel physically sick when I see a forum start an attack on a rider; a commentator; a judge; a trainer; a vet; a REAL person, because I know you cannot just ignore it. You try to, but then at 2am, unable to sleep, you decide to check just one more time to see which complete stranger has written something spiteful about you in the past hour.

No human is perfect. But that includes you. Half way down your profile, or in your profile photo, is normally a “hashtag be kind”, or a donation to a mental health charity. The irony. Does it make you feel good to be “one of the gang/mob” and join in? I’m genuinely curious, as it’s something I have never ever done in my life.

People often ask me why other vets don’t share their knowledge and experience on social media like I do; this is why. They’ll always be someone, or sometimes a whole gang or mob (because that’s what you are) that knows better than you. Instead of simply sharing their own knowledge and ideas on their own accounts, they seem to get immense pleasure out of shouting loudly about how awful that rider/trainer/dealer/yard owner/vet/judge/commentator is, without thinking that the consequences of their actions could actually prove fatal.

The thing that upsets the bullies the most, is blocking them. They tend to go into a social media rage, and want the world to know that they have been blocked. They are outraged. I used to try and reason with them, but these people are normally not worth the time and effort.

If you are one of these bullies (because that’s what it would be classed as in the real, non-internet world) then think about your own life, and how much more you could achieve if you stopped those tappy fingers and concentrated on living.

I don’t know how, or even if, I can achieve it, but I want to try and get the message across from my social media presence that the people these bullies are attacking, are exactly that; people.

Feel free to send me a private message if you have any ideas of anything that can be done, especially with my large following."

What a shame she doesn't see her own behaviour in what she's written. The "be kind" slogan obviously doesn't apply to her when she's encouraging a pile on, trying to belittle people who ask genuine questions or ask her to explain her opinion, which she implies are facts. Of course people are going to be angry when she undoes a lot of good work by claiming something doesn't exist. She doesn't seem to understand the influence she has and how irresponsible some of her opinions are.

Natalie, if you are reading this, and you do genuinely want to know what you can do about it, then I'd advise not being so rude in your responses. By all means block the rude people, but you really don't have to be so insulting to everyone. You could also make it clear that your opinions are only yours, and not veterinary facts.


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1 June 2021
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Does it make you feel good to be “one of the gang/mob” and join in? I’m genuinely curious, as it’s something I have never ever done in my life.

Sorry @meleeka it’s quoting you but I know it’s her words.

That is literally all she does on her page. Belittle, judge and try and make an arse of people with a differing opinion or asking appropriate questions. I just about dropped my phone when I read she wrote that. “Bore off” is one of her favourite phrases isn’t it and all her ENORMOUS following clap and cheer with her.


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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Sorry @meleeka it’s quoting you but I know it’s her words.

That is literally all she does on her page. Belittle, judge and try and make an arse of people with a differing opinion or asking appropriate questions. I just about dropped my phone when I read she wrote that. “Bore off” is one of her favourite phrases isn’t it and all her ENORMOUS following clap and cheer with her.

and when she can't win an argument by disagreement she will stoop to belittling people by attempting to correct grammer/spelling.