Well-Known Member
Let me preface this by saying that I think shouty vet is appalling, and bad for animal welfare, and I disagree with that post.
However, my cushings horse who had been on prascend for years stopped eating and seemed really depressed. My vet rechecked his levels and said she thought they were too low for a horse on prascend. So we took him off it (he was only on half a tablet). He is now inhaling his food and has his personality back. No cushings symptoms. So there are cases where prascend may not be suitable, or may become unsuitable.
Your situation isn't what SV was talking about at all. Veterinary opinion is that where there are symptoms, Prascend should be used. Of course there are times when that's not suitable, but for a vet to say they'll only prescribe it if symptoms can't be managed (and implying that they should be able to be managed), is just irresponsible.