hunt sabs, animal lovers?????????


Well-Known Member
27 December 2005
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I find it very odd that you have managed to put the blame on those in charge of the hounds.
Hunting is obviously not a subject wbout which you know very much!


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12 March 2005
N Beds
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It was a few pages back now, but can we please stop the 'vegan = boring' nonsense? How does what I have (or don't have) for dinner automatically make me boring? In respect of food, it has actually made me more adventurous than when I was just vegetarian as I've discovered all sorts of foods that I never knew existed. Meat-and-two-veg isn't the only way.


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5 December 2007
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"Surely if population control were the primary motivation it would be better to trap and shoot them? People in general tend to find the most efficient way of accomplishing a given task. So it seems unlikely to me that a mechanism that requires many people, horse and dogs, and that results in most of the foxes escaping anyway is a feasible method of population control. My conclusion? That it is primarily a form of entertainment. And that, for me, sums up the real barbarism of hunting with hounds."

Can't say I can fault his argument.

Exactly, that was one of the reasons i turned anti, we rarely caught a fox and it just didn't make sense to me that these people were acctually claiming that their primary motivation was population controle!

and for who ever it was that seems to think that all my arguments are copied from a LAC pamphlet, i can assure you that they aren't! I don't have a LAC leaflet and have nothing to do with the LAC (i dont even really know what it is other than it doesn't agree with killing animals) Perhaps in your arrogence you find it hard to contemplate that a 16yr old anti hunt can -unlike yourself- conduct an argument without resorting to insulting others whos oppinions differ from my own, and be aware of the fact that everyone is entitled to an oppinion be it fitting with my own views or not! Now lets see whether your capable of constructing a response without offensive insults to those who don't share your overbaring views...


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
Again, if everyone is entitled to their own views, why come on this forum in the first place? Its quite clear that you will not agree with people. I have asked this question before and as yet know one has given me an answer.
The point of hunting is it manages the population in a natural way, it is not trying to wipe out foxes.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2007
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It is the anti's fault that a dog died and I completely disagree with many people's way of protesting against hunting, or any other animal welfare matter.

I am one of those people who tend to lean one way and then the other generally because I can see both sides and understand both arguments. However I personally don't like hunting. That doesn't mean I think any one that hunts is blood-thirsty or whatever anyone wants to call them- I just don't like it and that is a personal choice.

I do think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this or any other matter and there will ALWAYS be conflicting views but why should that mean they can't be discussed rationally without 'preaching' or stereotyping? I know that (besides the extremists) the 'sane' people on each side get very offended at such comments and yet it seems to be that these are the ones who end up throwing names around due to the tension between both parties.

As far as converting people - a person can only be informed with information (on both sides) and then make a choice. I know that my partner and many of my friends are in support of hunting where as I am generally not - but that doesn't mean we have to hurl abuse at one another! Sorry - rant over :crazy:


Well-Known Member
6 December 2007
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Again, if everyone is entitled to their own views, why come on this forum in the first place?

Definitions of forum on the Web:

* a public meeting or assembly for open discussion
* a public facility to meet for open discussion


Well-Known Member
14 January 2006
In limbo...
However I wouldnt not go on a forum which had anything to do with anti hunting to put my points across to people i have no hope of converting.
I have heard the argument against many times and have made my decision. As have people who are against, I respect that decision, therefore do not seek them out to put my point to them.
I have several vegan/vegetarian/anti friends, we agree to disagree, we dont not need to continually discuss a subject which has no hope of ever being closed.


Well-Known Member
8 December 2005
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"Why is there such a difference between murdering a fox and murdering a dog?"

Why is there such a difference between holding up a trailer in high temperatures and killing a hound, and killing a quarry species with hounds in a fair hunt?

I have seen dozens of foxes killed by hounds, and I know that they do not suffer. The fact that you delight in the death of a hound - and the suffering of the entire pack in those circumstances causes me concern - shows you up for the fraud that you are.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2007
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Quod erat demonstrandum. [/quote]

We all have acces to Latin interpretation, how sad are you to write that in the hope that i wouldn't understand!
PS Latin stopped being taught in 1979.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"The point of hunting is it manages the population in a natural way."
I'm sure this has been said before but what is natural about breeding hounds to chase foxes when followed by people on horses?
Natural would be the packs of WILD dogs chasing something for food, not just to rip it to pieces.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2007
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I wrote in the hope that you would know a common Latin phrase - it was apt, wasn't it?

I did, however, expect you to have better usage of English.

Lol gd retaliation! however please do bare in mind that i am drunk having just come back from a night out at the moment so my English will not be on the ball... i can barely focus on the keys!
But just to clarify that i do know how to spell: access (c'mon i only missed an "S"!)

and no it wasn't apt... i never came this topic trying to change people's view on hunting, but to try and change the pejudice directed towards anti hunts via the pro hunts. I'm not really on here arguing about the morels of hunting - i know i will never change your oppinion, as well as i know that you wont change mine- i came on here trying to clarify that not all anti hunts are ill thought through "sabs", but in doing this i have felt the need to justify my point of view. It would be nice if pros and antis would agree to disagree and hunting wasn't such a heated subject, as there are pro hunts that i get along with very well, however i must keep my oppinions on hunting quiet to them as they have such prejudice views anti hunts that they would proberbly never speak to me again.
i don't see why people of different oppinions have to be enemys for the sake of a dead fox... surely there are more importent issues in the world!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2007
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I am now old enough to know better than to join in this debate, except to say:
When I was young, I deplored hunting, because it seemed horrif and cruel. Then I got - a lot - older and realised that the hunt way is actually better! And the anti-hunt reasoning is so off the mark, they could persuade anyone to be pro-hunting.


Well-Known Member
28 May 2007
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Personally I'd have kept driving on and run anyone over who stood in my way... If the vehicle was surrounded by a mob, you'd have a good defence of panic/self preservation. Just don't stop and reverse back over any of them ;)


Well-Known Member
27 December 2005
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If someone wrote 'etc' would you say

"We all have acces to Latin interpretation, how sad are you to write that in the hope that i wouldn't understand!"


Well-Known Member
8 December 2005
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"Lol gd retaliation! however please do bare in mind that i am drunk having just come back from a night out"

A prima facie case of drunken posting. Some advice:

1. Download the Google toolbar
2. Use the spellcheck function.

Works for me everytime. :)


Well-Known Member
27 December 2005
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quote/ i came on here trying to clarify that not all anti hunts are ill thought through "sabs", /quote.

I'm the first to admit I'm not the sharpest pitchfork in the haystack, and I really can't understand this sentence. Could someone enlighten me please?


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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"I'm the first to admit I'm not the sharpest pitchfork in the haystack, and I really can't understand this sentence. Could someone enlighten me please?"

It means that you openly admit you're not the most clever person in the world and you're so befuddled you lose track of what you're on about.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2005
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Very good Reginald. Now could you tell me what the following sentence means:

quote/ i came on here trying to clarify that not all anti hunts are ill thought through "sabs", /quote.


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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I'd say it means: "The reason why I take part in the debates on the hunting forum is to reassure myself that although people might be against hunting they are not all "sabs" whose arguments don't hold water."


Well-Known Member
19 July 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
LOL JessDoesItBetter, I have no idea what LAC is either, and what people don't realise is that we don't NEED to be part of some violent group or to have our monthly leaflets sent to us to have the opinions we have. We can manage those just fine, without being spoon fed opinions by other people, it just so happens that whenever those opinions disagree with the views of pro-hunt people then we're the ones who get insulted.

It's a sad world where people are told to get off of a forum - yes, Henmeister, a forum, a place of DISCUSSION - because their views do not agree with the vast majority. Isn't that what people like Hitler wanted? A world where nobody ever challenged his opinions? Sorry but you might as well just shut H&H online down right now if you're going to start telling people to stop disagreeing with your views cos until you do it will keep happening.

I am not trying to CONVERT you. As you will not convert me. I'm just trying to explain my view on the matter, as is everyone else who has commented here.

There is no need for petty insults and Eagle_Day, I worry about your argument if you are grasping at straws so much as to feel the need to pick on someone for their "use of English" as opposed to the actual point in question.

QUOTE "Why is there such a difference between holding up a trailer in high temperatures and killing a hound, and killing a quarry species with hounds in a fair hunt?

I have seen dozens of foxes killed by hounds, and I know that they do not suffer. The fact that you delight in the death of a hound - and the suffering of the entire pack in those circumstances causes me concern - shows you up for the fraud that you are." UNQUOTE

Both are activities performed by hunters. Therefore both are proving my point. Neither should be performed and therefore I wouldn't have to choose between the two :)

Oh and no, I didn't DELIGHT in the fact that poor dog died. I just feel sorry for the poor animal that it was ever bred into such circumstances and its natural abilities used in such a barbaric fashion in the first place.

Oh and foxes killed by hounds do not suffer? BULLSH*T


Well-Known Member
8 December 2005
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"I worry about your argument ..."

Spare me your concern. I don't need it.

"Oh and foxes killed by hounds do not suffer? BULLSH*T"

Ever seen it?

"Both are activities performed by hunters"

Including killing a hound by heat stroke? That truly is an exercise in moral gymnastics.