Hunting is in a spot of bother


9 June 2007
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This is a horrible incident, I really do feel for that poor lady, its an awful thing to happen and I'm devastated on her behalf.
But to be devils advocate to this report, a first aid kit would have been no use in this situation. Plasters, cotton wool and gauze bandages wouldn't have done a thing. She needed an air ambulance.
And a horse blanket to keep warm a person who is going into shock is much better than a first aid kit foil blanket.
The rider may well have 'fled' the scene- or quickly removed the dangerous horse from the injured person to avoid causing more harm.

The other incidents are horrific too, but these are all accidents. Accidents happen everywhere and no one goes hunting wanting, or expecting this kind of thing to happen.
The rider of the horse 'should' have public liability insurance (as should all riders who ride in public spaces) and so should the trekking centre that owned the horse, if the rider had public liability the lady would have been able to claim for her injury off that. I imagine it was not usual behaviour for the horse otherwise it would not have been suitable for a trekking centre. I'm not defending any of this, but equally, a horse kicked out- as the enquiry found, there isn't anywhere to lay the blame for the animals behaviour.

Yes, hunts should probably have some more 'procedure' in place in regard to accidents. But any injury sustained when hunting is going to require more than a first aid kit, most first aid kits are present only for health and safety tick boxes and are functionally useless in a genuine crisis. Any hunting injury I've seen has been swiftly dealt with by providing a prompt escort to an ambulance and the medically trained members of the field (we usually have some doctors and nurses floating about) are always very quick to attend to the injured person immediately and usually stay with them until their care is transferred. Wire cutters are available from horseback if needed. For the injuries I've seen hunting- kicks, wire injuries, concussion, the current informal procedure is very effective. I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement, but ''Don't worry, here comes the quad bike with the first aid kit, we'll get a plaster for your concussion'' would be ridiculous.

I can't speak for all hunts but the hunts I ride with always tell the field to be considerate and polite to anyone we encounter, whether in a car or on foot, which includes giving them plenty of room when passing, but this is difficult if you are riding down a narrow PROW and meet someone in the middle of it. Despite what the report implies, the PROW clearly wasn't wide enough to allow the lady to move a good distance away as otherwise she wouldn't have been kicked, and when walking on a bridleway, you may meet some horses. Again, a terrible accident.

There have been lots of people who have died by careless driving this year, shall we ban cars along with hunting on public safety grounds?
It didn't happen though. The whole story is a complete fabrication


9 June 2007
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The PROW is much wider than I was expecting. There should have been room for horses and the walker to keep a safe distance apart.

I’d have headed to one of the gateways up ahead before the rest of the field came past.

Re risk assessment. There ought be a robust system of calling out hazards up ahead like ware hole, so in this case ware walker on left or some such, so that members of the field following close up behind others (and quite possibly not paying attention) aren’t taken by surprise by a walker.
The "incident" never happened. The sabs have fabricated the story and spammed it everywhere. Go on Google and type the so called incident in, see what comes up.


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11 February 2018
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It didn't happen though. The whole story is a complete fabrication

Hello New User. Would you care to introduce yourself to the Forum. We like to know who we are 'talking' to.



Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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The "incident" never happened. The sabs have fabricated the story and spammed it everywhere. Go on Google and type the so called incident in, see what comes up.
Please point us towards an official rebuttal by a pro hunt agency such as the BHSA, they must be aware of the reporting of the incident by now.

I’m surprised that one of the long standing forum regulars who do still actively trail hunt haven’t mentioned this before you suddenly popped up.


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17 August 2005
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Well wow! I’m unsurprised, I’ve read sab reports of hunt days I’ve been out at and it can be complete lies and fantasy. If this didn’t happen it’s a new low though.
And other hunt people won’t necessarily know anything about it, each hunt is an independent thing and if something didn’t happen they won’t have been talking about it.


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15 March 2009
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The people named do appear to be real people who live/take part in activities in that area. Neither with common names. A Bryony Fearnley has a fb profile that shows her as a rider/hunt supporter in N Yorks who recommended a trekking centre local to Skipton and a Gabrielle Jagger was taking part in running events in Wharfedale in 2021. All quite easy to find with a quick google. It would seem foolhardy at best to make up such a story using real people from the area.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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The hard to believe part of the account is not what happened, as I’ve hunted and seen hunting often enough to know that it could have happened like that, but that the hunt as an entity was found liable rather than the named individual rider whose horse was alleged to kick the walker.

If the anti account was true then that sets a new precedent for a hunt to be responsible for the actions of a member of the field.

Good sleuthing, Burnttoast.

The people named do appear to be real people who live/take part in activities in that area. Neither with common names. A Bryony Fearnley has a fb profile that shows her as a rider/hunt supporter in N Yorks who recommended a trekking centre local to Skipton and a Gabrielle Jagger was taking part in running events in Wharfedale in 2021. All quite easy to find with a quick google. It would seem foolhardy at best to make up such a story using real people from the area.


9 June 2007
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Are you saying that the antis made up the whole thing, a kicked and seriously injured walker, court ruling and all?

ETA On re reading the anti account it appears to have been settled out of court by the hunt’s insurers. Allegedly. No mention of a court hearing.
No, nothing happened. There was no incident. Check online


Well-Known Member
15 March 2009
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The hard to believe part of the account is not what happened, as I’ve hunted and seen hunting often enough to know that it could have happened like that, but that the hunt as an entity was found liable rather than the named individual rider whose horse was alleged to kick the walker.

If the anti account was true then that sets a new precedent for a hunt to be responsible for the actions of a member of the field.

Good sleuthing, Burnttoast.
Perhaps the individual rider had no insurance to go after. Wouldn't be the first time I imagine.

Thank you lol. I'm having a lovely bout of gastritis so random googling is easier than working!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2009
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The people named do appear to be real people who live/take part in activities in that area. Neither with common names. A Bryony Fearnley has a fb profile that shows her as a rider/hunt supporter in N Yorks who recommended a trekking centre local to Skipton and a Gabrielle Jagger was taking part in running events in Wharfedale in 2021. All quite easy to find with a quick google. It would seem foolhardy at best to make up such a story using real people from the area.
It would be very foolish to use real peoples identifies if no incident occurred, particularly a named rider who does actually exist and hunts. If I was Bryony Fearnley and this was a fabricated story, I’d be suing for defamation!
Last edited:


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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No, nothing happened. There was no incident. Check online
Not good enough. It may not have been reported on yet if it was ‘just’ an insurance settlement. Where is the official rebuttal?

Pro hunt follow the sab pages closely. If this was fully false they’d have been shouting it out pronto as false. Unless pro hunt agencies are asleep.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2009
Location my wellies
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No, nothing happened. There was no incident. Check online
Not everything is online. Not everything online is truth. Not everything online is false. You have come on as a new user only to post on this thread. You are so adamant it never happened. Where is your evidence it didn’t happen (and Google is not evidence).


9 June 2007
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I have had a Google and to be fair the only report of it is on the hunt sabs website and the wording of which is what is on the original post on the event on this thread.

If it did happen and is going to court that could explain it being kept quiet.
Exactly. Something like that would be all over the internet, court case or not.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2021
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No, nothing happened. There was no incident. Check online
There are plenty of things go on that are "not online" usually don't hear about them....
It may not be entirely truthful, It may be mostly truthful, but as @Tiddlypom and @lizziebell say, if it weren't and the people exist which they seem to, it would be a very silly story which would then make the tellers look like liars when they eventually sued for defamation.


9 June 2007
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Not good enough. It may not have been reported on yet if it was ‘just’ an insurance settlement. Where is the official rebuttal?

Pro hunt follow the sab pages closely. If this was fully false they’d have been shouting it out pronto as false. Unless pro hunt agencies are asleep.
It supposedly happened in 2022 - do you honestly believe that there has been some kind of injunction put out, because if that were the case the sabs wouldn't have been able to mention it?


9 June 2007
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There are plenty of things go on that are "not online" usually don't hear about them....
It may not be entirely truthful, It may be mostly truthful, but as @Tiddlypom and @lizziebell say, if it weren't and the people exist which they seem to, it would be a very silly story which would then make the tellers look like liars when they eventually sued for defamation.
And that's exactly what's happened. They've as good as admitted it on social media.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2021
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And that's exactly what's happened. They've as good as admitted it on social media.
I don't know what you're trying to say. Either I've had a long day, or that makes no sense.
If anyones been suing for defamation, you might be able to find it on the internet to show us....if its not there, it can't have happened ;)


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
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jackloobyloo, you are making lots of noise but not coming up with anything concrete. Not finding something on Google doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

The Pendle Forest and Craven hunt still exists, though, doesn’t it? Why has it not yet put out a robust rebuttal if all the sab account is fantasy? That we would be able to find on Google as the hunt would want the rebuttal to be made very public.

Apparently the PF&C are still going, but this is their last season. Unless this statement that they are folding is another anti fabrication 🙃.



Well-Known Member
20 January 2021
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Can be very tricky to prove something didn’t happen.

Should be a lot easier to prove it did. Local press reports, incident records etc
Yes you're right. But @Tiddlypom is probably correct that if it didn't happen, someone, the hunt, or one of the bodies mentioned would put a statement out to say so.
They're very quick to claim things the antis put out are untrue normally to avoid negativity themselves and try and make the antis look bad (even when they're been to court for the things!!) ... Why would they let this be believed?


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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Not everything is online. Not everything online is truth. Not everything online is false. You have come on as a new user only to post on this thread. You are so adamant it never happened. Where is your evidence it didn’t happen (and Google is not evidence).

Exactly. If the woman injured didn't want to go to the press, there's no guarantee it would have been reported allowing them to sweep it under the carpet

Not every single dangerous occupancy will end up as news

The fact the people exist does rather suggest it did happen

The fact the lady named as the injured party was taking part in running in 2021 according to posts above, doesn't mean it didn't happen, because the incident was 2022.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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The sab account of what allegedly happened has been on the main Hunt Saboteurs Facebook page for over 24 hours now.

Pro hunt closely monitor what the sabs post, so the Pendle Forest and Craven Hunt will have been tipped off about this many hours ago. Why has the hunt not replied to refute the allegations if they are not true?