Hunting is in a spot of bother


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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As expected the new poster has vanished.
They turned out to be a one trick pony.

Endlessly repeating the same trick didn’t get the response that they had hoped for, most HHOers are too canny for that.

Of course, if they roll up again with something more concrete to say to put things in a fresh light, then we’ll listen.

As said earlier, if the account is true then it has huge liability ramifications for the hunts re the antics that individual members of the field get up to when following the hunt.


9 June 2007
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Please point us towards an official rebuttal by a pro hunt agency such as the BHSA, they must be aware of the reporting of the incident by now.

I’m surprised that one of the long standing forum regulars who do still actively trail hunt haven’t mentioned this before you suddenly popped up.
Why would the BHSA rebutt something that didn't happen?


9 June 2007
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They turned out to be a one trick pony.

Endlessly repeating the same trick didn’t get the response that they had hoped for, most HHOers are too canny for that.

Of course, if they roll up again with something more concrete to say to put things in a fresh light, then we’ll listen.

As said earlier, if the account is true then it has huge liability ramifications for the hunts re the antics that individual members of the field get up to when following the hunt.
Unlike you, some of us have to go to work. We don't sit around all day on social media.


9 June 2007
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Unlike you, some of us have to go to work. We don't sit around all day on social media.
I meant more provide evidence to dispute the claim.
What claim? How can anyone dispute something that didn't happen? There is absolutely zero mention of anything on the web, and I'm sure something so huge as a member of the public apparently being so seriously injured that she almost died, would certainly make news somewhere on the internet???


Well-Known Member
20 January 2021
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What claim? How can anyone dispute something that didn't happen? There is absolutely zero mention of anything on the web, and I'm sure something so huge as a member of the public apparently being so seriously injured that she almost died, would certainly make news somewhere on the internet???
We've already been over that haven't we all.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2008
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Well I’ve googled it and just as jackloobyloo says the only thing that comes up is sab pages and this post . Sorry but if something that serious happened that long ago by now something more would be on the internet .
I’m certainly am not prepared to believe just what the Sabs say gullible is not my middle name .


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Both pro and anti hunt put out fictitious twaddle at times. It is wise for those of us interested in the truth to treat it all with a degree of caution.

This allegation is very detailed, with names of people who do appear to exist and the name of a hunt that does exist. Easy to refute if the allegation is twaddle, and very unwise to leave it unchallenged if it is false.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2021
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Banwen Miners Hunt (a Bloodhound pack) are in trouble ... I always fancied being the quarry for a bloodhound pack... Not this one though apparently

They acknowledge it was their hounds, that attacked the dog of a woman and her. NOONE from the hunt stopped to help her, they left the scene.

This isnt the first incident like this, with this hunt.

This harks back to my post that started today's bickering...

No first aid protocol, no "actions on" an incident, no first aid kit, and no interest in the member of the public injured.

Why is there no standard requirement by ALL hunts to have these systems in place in order that they be allowed by their governing bodies to go out?
No systems, no hunting.
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Well-Known Member
19 July 2008
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Both pro and anti hunt put out fictitious twaddle at times. It is wise for those of us interested in the truth to treat it all with a degree of caution.

This allegation is very detailed, with names of people who do appear to exist and the name of a hunt that does exist. Easy to refute if the allegation is twaddle, and very unwise to leave it unchallenged if it is false.
In the eyes of the law you have to prove something did happen not did not . The detail of the allegation if true would mean it would be easy to find more about using an online search . But nothing .
Sorry tiddlypom but in this instance I think you’ve been played .


Well-Known Member
20 January 2021
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In the eyes of the law you have to prove something did happen not did not . The detail of the allegation if true would mean it would be easy to find more about using an online search . But nothing .
Sorry tiddlypom but in this instance I think you’ve been played .
This seems to be the same argument as earlier. Not everything ends up on the internet, in fact MOST things probably dont.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2008
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Banwen Miners Hunt (a Bloodhound pack) are in trouble ... I always fancied being the quarry for a bloodhound pack... Not this one though apparently

They acknowledge it was their hounds, that attacked the dog of a woman and her. NOONE from the hunt stopped to help her, they left the scene.

This isnt the first incident like this, with this hunt.

This harks back to my post that started today's bickering...

No first aid protocol, no "actions on" an incident, no first aid kit, and no interest in the member of the public injured.

Why is there no standard requirement by ALL hunts to have these systems in place in order that they be allowed by their governing bodies to go out?
No systems, no hunting.
Now this looks like it did happen, is it a drag hunt as it involved bloodhounds .


9 June 2007
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The hard to believe part of the account is not what happened, as I’ve hunted and seen hunting often enough to know that it could have happened like that, but that the hunt as an entity was found liable rather than the named individual rider whose horse was alleged to kick the walker.

If the anti account was true then that sets a new precedent for a hunt to be responsible for the actions of a member of the field.

Good sleuthing, Burnttoast.
As expected the new poster has vanished.
Why do you keep saying I've vanished??? I have a life outside of this forum, I'm not sat glued to my phone screen waiting for posts to appear like you appear to be!


9 June 2007
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I’m sorry but something like that witnessed by a lot of people would certainly end up on the internet. Not buying the story sorry
Yep! And you will not find ONE SINGLE MENTION on any news sites, social media, or in fact anywhere on the World Wide Web, except what the antis have posted. Unbelievably people on here are still maintaining it's true, which leads me to believe most of them are undercover sabs. The non-story "broke" yesterday on Facebook and the other social media sites. They have then spammed it on this forum too.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2008
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Yep! And you will not find ONE SINGLE MENTION on any news sites, social media, or in fact anywhere on the World Wide Web, except what the antis have posted. Unbelievably people on here are still maintaining it's true, which leads me to believe most of them are undercover sabs. The non-story "broke" yesterday on Facebook and the other social media sites. They have then spammed it on this forum too.
There are a couple on here , but to be fair I think most is an overstatement.
I think people here are too trusting and believe what they read making themselves easy prey to the likes of the sabs tales , I used to be that way too but
unfortunately life has made me more sceptical.


Well-Known Member
5 June 2010
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It didn't happen though. The whole story is a complete fabrication will be the final season that these hounds will cross the beautiful Pendle Forest and Craven Country.... how unutterably sad those words are. Thank you for taking the time to post but you will find that the appetite for anti-hunt propaganda is pretty much insatiable here.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Thanks, Fellewell, there is still much appetite for the truth on here. Many of us on here have hunted in the past, we are not sab cronies. There’s a very small minority who are actively anti, most of us just watch unfolding events with our heads in our hands

Obvious sab lies gets called out, but obvious pro hunt lies get called out too.

Hunting leadership should have had a complete overhaul before it was too late.
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Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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Thanks, Fellewell, there is still much appetite for the truth on here. Many of us on here have hunted in the past, we are not sab cronies. There’s a very small minority who are actively anti, most of us just watch unfolding events with our heads in our hands

Obvious sab lies gets called out, but obvious pro hunt lies get called out too.

Hunting leadership should have had a complete overhaul before it was too late.
I agree that hunting leadership should have had an overhaul - that is completely true. However, many of those most vocal anti hunters on HHO haven't been actually hunting for years, in some cases decades - there is a huge amount that has changed, and changed for the better but some people simply do not want to consider or accept that. They may not be able to see it where it counts, because they are not out in the field. The level of sab aggression has also increased and is, in many places, under the influence of semi-professional extremists, some of whom are dangerous, convicted criminals. There have been some vile crimes carried out by hunters and those have been outrightly condemned by hunting leadership and hunters; it is very sad and frustrating but none of us should believe everything posted online or put out by clearly partisan commentators: including so called journalists who don't have an objective bone in their body and are a disgrace to their profession frankly.

Many of the things that sabs/anti hunters hate alongside hunting are established and legal conservation/rural management strategies. The illegal smashing of traps for example, which sabs love to joke about (pixies reference). The RSPB regularly use traps to try to reduce predation on some of our rarest and most threatened species. Sabs absolutely have, and will release their own bagged foxes to try to film hounds hunting etc etc etc.

Instead we should look at the data and reliable records from Ministry of Justice, Wildlife Trusts etc.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I may not have hunted for many years, Palo, but I can recognise successful prosecutions for illegal hunting, of which there recently there have been a number in these parts. The local Police Rural Crime Teams have really upped the ante.

I was hoodwinked at the time and believed that hunts were trail hunting. They weren’t. Did that make me gullible? Probably yes, but not any more.

I can also recognise blatant illegal hunting when I see it. Please explain how post ban it is legal to put hounds into standing maize and have the field on point around it? The crop is too tall and dense to lay any sort of trail in it, so if hounds pick up a scent in standing maize it isn’t going to be a trail. Drones reveal much more of the full picture than filming from the ground. See recent Portman conviction.

The fact that individuals who have convictions for illegal hunting are still actively employed in hunt service, holding masterships, or even being high up in hunting’s governing body, speaks volumes.

I have never condoned or supported any of the illegal activities that the antis get up to. Keep it legal, don’t interfere, get it on film and hand the footage in to the police for them to deal with.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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Well guess who is heading the investigation in Warwickshire police and the Warwickshire hunt? Phillip Secombe ! Well that will be impartial wont it? As he is pro hunting and a member of the Countryside alliance is that not a conflict of interest? Humm....
By the way I am anti hunting and proud of it.
I have hunted many years ago pre ban. Post ban I have seen enough of what the Warwickshire get up too. I am not a sab and agree that there can be faults on both sides BUT in this area at least illegal hunting is alive and well sadly.