Well-Known Member
By the way, buy "not by more" of course I am referring to unnecessary surplus, before someone gets picky about my choice of words and gets funny about it.
That is very kind of you, god bless you for your kind thoughts. Unfortunately my Arab is not used to having chaff so getting him on it would be a slow process. I could consider increasing his feed slightly but it won't realstically be enough as I can't increase it dramatically to make up for the lack of hay so sudden. Same goes for the pony really, despite being on only chaff. I suppose in the short run anything is better than nothing though so even a slight increase is something to consider I guess. As for Fast Fibre? Neither of them get Fast Fibre and again I can't just suddenly feed them that. Ironically I do have SpeediBeet but neither of them have had any for a few weeks now as they didn't need it and frankly I've never given it to my pony as she didn't really need it. However, this truly is "food for thought", pun intended. Perhaps I could consider giving them both a little bit at least as that again would be better than nothing I suppose. Just don't want to risk causing illness by doing so and not being able to supply them hay which is what they're used to can also cause illness. Needless to say I worry alot about my horses, I just want what's best for them and try really hard to provide that for them. I care a great deal about them, needless to say, they are the world to me.
What really frustrates me is that they do have hay up the road, with whom I rent the field off, and yet they're not willing to share any. They can easily order large quantities, even round bales, as they supply for 4 horses in one go, as well as feed two others of their own who live seperate from the other 4. I really don't get why some people can be like that, I honestly couldn't be so selfish like that. If I could help anyone I would, quite willingly so, without anything in return infact. Probably why people take advantage of me and why I suffer the way I do. Perhaps I too am too niave, it's human nature I guess.
I wish I were closer to you @CrimsonDivine as I have spare bales I'd happily let you have to tide you over.
This is all causing you a lot of stress for which I am sorry. Please try not to take people's comments to heart, I think most of them are trying to help although it may not feel like it.
Unfortunately I am at least 60 miles away from you or I'd drop a few bales off for you. Maybe consider increasing chaff (if it's unmolassed) for your horses if you can't get hold of hay, just to tide them over? or Fast fibre?
That is very kind of you, god bless you for your kind thoughts. Unfortunately my Arab is not used to having chaff so getting him on it would be a slow process. I could consider increasing his feed slightly but it won't realstically be enough as I can't increase it dramatically to make up for the lack of hay so sudden. Same goes for the pony really, despite being on only chaff. I suppose in the short run anything is better than nothing though so even a slight increase is something to consider I guess. As for Fast Fibre? Neither of them get Fast Fibre and again I can't just suddenly feed them that. Ironically I do have SpeediBeet but neither of them have had any for a few weeks now as they didn't need it and frankly I've never given it to my pony as she didn't really need it. However, this truly is "food for thought", pun intended. Perhaps I could consider giving them both a little bit at least as that again would be better than nothing I suppose. Just don't want to risk causing illness by doing so and not being able to supply them hay which is what they're used to can also cause illness. Needless to say I worry alot about my horses, I just want what's best for them and try really hard to provide that for them. I care a great deal about them, needless to say, they are the world to me.
What really frustrates me is that they do have hay up the road, with whom I rent the field off, and yet they're not willing to share any. They can easily order large quantities, even round bales, as they supply for 4 horses in one go, as well as feed two others of their own who live seperate from the other 4. I really don't get why some people can be like that, I honestly couldn't be so selfish like that. If I could help anyone I would, quite willingly so, without anything in return infact. Probably why people take advantage of me and why I suffer the way I do. Perhaps I too am too niave, it's human nature I guess.
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