Introducing Toby

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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I think I saw you hacking up to Katie's lesson. I was walking and my owner rode back - hogged black and white on his own, I had a pink t shirt on under a black body protector

We were late as Dolly was totally filthy this morning. I think you were in the lesson with my friend Charlotte and her 4 year old? She was hacking up in a group with one black and white horse, but I saw another black and white a cob walking up behind, so was not sure which was you. We were so late I could not stop to say hello! Did you have a good lesson?


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15 March 2016
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We were late as Dolly was totally filthy this morning. I think you were in the lesson with my friend Charlotte and her 4 year old? She was hacking up in a group with one black and white horse, but I saw another black and white a cob walking up behind, so was not sure which was you. We were so late I could not stop to say hello! Did you have a good lesson?
Yes, I sort of know charlotte in so far as she was at Feb camp when I was. We were the second black and white - theyd gone on while we swapped jockeys


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15 March 2016
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Honestly, I brought the cob in for a dressage a couple of weeks ago and he was just black from head to foot on one side and just mostly black on the other, all wet sloppy mud. I had to hose him which he was just appalled about

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Who else is doing the ODE? We should have an HHO socially distanced social! I am doing the 50 but Katie is doing the 80 so I'll be there for that too.

Ambers Echo

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13 October 2017
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I think I'm only pleased with it because it is so much better than the test riding I did in June. Not sure it's ready for the public yet! Maybe August;s test will be... I am doing one a month x

Ambers Echo

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13 October 2017
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First E-Rider stressage test attempt. Was going to do intro but his canter is better than his trot so went for prelim. There is so much room for improvement as there were lots of dodgy bits so I was delighted with 61.74%. I expected around 55!

Just got the scores for July. He got 64.6% in prelim. That's a very pleasing improvement in a month. Woop woop!! He's now having a rest which is good news for him as it's 30 degrees plus!


Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Amber is absolutely my horse of a lifetime but Toby is not a bad number 2! I doubt I can keep him long-term though. Im still assuming he will be sold once Amber is back in work.

Ambers Echo

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13 October 2017
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Slight setback in that his shoe slipped back and by the time I was able to get the shoe off he was quite foot sore. But 24 hours later there was a noticeable improvement and he is sound now. I discovered that he is even angelic when an amatuer faffs about getting a shoe off a sore foot! He stood like a rock for me and then patiently stood still while soaking his hoof in a bucket of diluted anti bacterial stuff to kill any nasties that might have got in the holes.

Farrier felt he could do with a break from shoes so we are trying him barefoot now. I prefer unshod anyway. I only shod him as he arrived shod and sometimes the transition is not that easy but with both Jenny and Amber it was fine so hopefuly he will do well too.

Ambers Echo

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13 October 2017
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Amber seems fine. She is at grass now and very chilled. She was last reviewed about 6 weeks ago and was still lame on the right rein on a circle but fine walking and trotting up in straight lines and on the left rein. So she is allowed out and seems very happy 'retired'.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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So all change in the herd.... I am moving Amber to grass livery on Thursday as my yard has such restricted turnout in winter. It was bad enough last year but she has announced that we are all sharing ONE paddock - for 1 hour a day each. Anyway, Dolly does not seem to mind as she is so nesh. And as long as she has hay and people around she is fine anywhere. But it's not adequate for Amber or Toby. Amber will be 35 minutes away and I am starting her rehab. Also my plan to have the others on full livery has been shelved as I'd rather manage them myself. So basically I am going to sell Toby after Somerford camp in September rather than try and deal with 3 on DIY across 2 yards all winter. And I will stick with 2 till I see what is happening with Amber. If she comes back into work well HURRAH. If not, I will turn her away again for longer (probs a year). Or try Rockley Farm. But I won't replace Toby till I know what the future holds a bit more. If my timing works I'll sell before the market crashes.....

So any Toby fans out there - now is your chance.....


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15 March 2016
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Oh I'm sorry you can't keep enjoying him a little longer, he really seems to have blossomed with you but winter is hard enough without having unnecessary horses to try and keep going, especially as your girls are getting older - school etc will have to be their priority I guess

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Yep they are going into 6th form. Izzy is going away to college an hour and a half away. And she has a weekend job. So realistically she won't have time to do anything much at all. Katie will be busy with Dolly but I suspect I will be schooling her myself through winter as she will be on so little turn out that I want to get her out ridden, lunged or inhand every day. And work has gone bonkers since lockdown ended. So enough is enough. I need to simplify my life!!