Fais pas chier!
Sorry, the visual is funny! FECK!I've heard some shite excuses but that takes the biscuit.
Tonight, a guy, running, with two offleash retrievers about 50 metres behind him, then every so often realising he had vanished and running after him. No doubt these are at least two of the dogs that are contributing to the huge increase in shit along the path, unless he has eyes on his arse and I doubt he'd let a little thing like picking up poo interfere with his PB, but I'm sure he thinks he's a great owner letting his dogs get so much exercise.
This also drove my old dog mad for some reason and he also decided he had to run down the lane too, and then roar at every other dog he saw, despite being 13 and decidedly wobbly. He was the canine Begbie, now he's the canine Father Jack.