Irresponsible Owners


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24 March 2023
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I don't know if the goat was castrated, it was small ( thank's god) and very young.

He also looked very strong willed and charged the vet at some point !

If he is used to go into the bed, good luck to try to get him off. :eek:


Well-Known Member
13 May 2011
Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire
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So not an irresponsible owner.
Erm - off lead unmuzzled XL type dog loose on a busy footpath/cycle path, and staying off lead throughout the approach of me and my dog? XL type had every chance to be aggressive had he so chosen. Lead was clipped on only when owner/dog right next to/past us. So yes, irresponsible.
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Well-Known Member
13 May 2011
Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire
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Casual reminder that it can look like an XL bully, walk like an XL bully, and bite like an XL bully, but if it stands at <20in at the withers (or under <19in in the case of a bitch), the owners are under no obligation to muzzle because, as per the law, their dog is not an XL bully.

I’m presuming no one here can accurately identify by eye if a dog is 19in or 20in tall…
I'm exceptionally good at estimating heights, lengths, volumes etc. Slight autistic trait. My off lead bully type was easily 24 inches at the shoulder.


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
In My Head
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Erm - off lead unmuzzled XL type dog loose on a busy footpath/cycle path, and staying off lead throughout the approach of me and my dog? XL type had every chance to be aggressive had he so chosen. Lead was clipped on only when owner/dog right next to/past us. So yes, irresponsible.
I would also feel very uncomfortable with this. I'm not really a fan of passing off-lead (or some on lead!) dogs on paths like this as there's often not that much space. Great if they have a very good 'heel' (rare!) or relaxed lead, then I worry a bit less but always put myself between them and other dog. When it's an XL bully or other large dog I do find it particularly worrying.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2020
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I would also feel very uncomfortable with this. I'm not really a fan of passing off-lead (or some on lead!) dogs on paths like this as there's often not that much space. Great if they have a very good 'heel' (rare!) or relaxed lead, then I worry a bit less but always put myself between them and other dog. When it's an XL bully or other large dog I do find it particularly worrying.

I'm another that would have been very uncomfortable in this situation.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Local stately pile with fabulous gardens and grounds are having a right mare with a small minority of entitled dog owners. We’re annual members and go regularly for the 7 months a year that the grounds are open, not least because of the all dogs on leads policy.

It’s strictly all dogs on leads at all times for all visitors.

Except that some people, as ever, reckon this doesn’t apply to them. Tbf to the estate office, they respond quickly to reports of loose dogs, but usually the perpetrators have vanished by the time the report gets to them.

Gateman told me this week that yet another occurrence had happened the day before, upsetting a visitor. The visitor told the dog owner that their dogs ought to be on leads, only to get the accusation back ‘Don’t you like dogs?’ They had gone by the time the estate manager had gone to look for them.

Some pics of the lovely grounds from earlier this year. This is the JRTs happy place. Why do people have to be such d1cks?





cauda equina

Well-Known Member
2 February 2014
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Local stately pile with fabulous gardens and grounds are having a right mare with a small minority of entitled dog owners. We’re annual members and go regularly for the 7 months a year that the grounds are open, not least because of the all dogs on leads policy.

It’s strictly all dogs on leads at all times for all visitors.

Except that some people, as ever, reckon this doesn’t apply to them. Tbf to the estate office, they respond quickly to reports of loose dogs, but usually the perpetrators have vanished by the time the report gets to them.

Gateman told me this week that yet another occurrence had happened the day before, upsetting a visitor. The visitor told the dog owner that their dogs ought to be on leads, only to get the accusation back ‘Don’t you like dogs?’ They had gone by the time the estate manager had gone to look for them.

Some pics of the lovely grounds from earlier this year. This is the JRTs happy place. Why do people have to be such d1cks?

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What a fabulous place! How dare people risk getting everyone banned?


Well-Known Member
1 April 2018
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I generally assume and respect that people are either afraid of or want nothing to do with my dogs. Or both. Unfortunately they do take an interest in my dog(s) from time to time and I wish they wouldn't, tbh. I don't care to be social 🤣

OH and I took the dogs on a hiking trip recently and we always moved well off to the side of the path if someone came by (with or without another dog). Our dogs are fine, but I know not everyone likes dogs or wants to be near them due to fear or other reasons. It just seems like the right thing to do.

One of my dogs has lighter coloured eyes, and I think that does actually make some people a bit wary. I posted a picture of her on here once and it made someone wary, and someone did mention her eyes. Combined with her breed, people just don't always feel comfortable. She gets compliments frequently on her behavior and training, but that doesn't mean jack sh*t when you're afraid. So I just try to be as courteous and considerate as possible.


Well-Known Member
24 March 2023
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I live by a school and every morning, lot's of kids and their mothers walk by, i didn't know as i don't have kids or grand kids,
by there is a new cartoon called ' toutes les créatures '

Not sure of the title in English, in there, there is a Basset, he is paralysed and pullls a small wheel chair behind him, he is the main caractère.

This morning, i nearly got mobed down by kids shouting ' That the dog ! that's him !

They all came running, thank's God Nouille is nice and simply sat down and enjoyed all the attention.

They asked me why she didn't have a wheel chair and i felt a bit stupid, said, well, it's only for the tv, she is can run really fast !

They all laughed at me and the mothers smiled ! Nouille made their days, that's for sure.