Irresponsible Owners

Errin Paddywack

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20 June 2019
West Midlands
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Many years ago Michael killed the next door farmer's dog. They were approaching an open gate on to the road and the dog ran straight out. Michael hit the brakes and sadly pinned the dog to the road. They blamed him. It was a good few years before they had another dog, one of the sons got a lurcher. That died the same way, thankfully not in front of Michael this time. Some people just don't learn.


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26 May 2008
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Today's solo walk for Fenrir, spotted someone coming the opposite way so kept him on his lead as we're having some slight regression and I don't want him to lead to run up to dogs. Said woman allowed her collie to stalk us the whole way towards us until we're nose to nose and she is still 2 metres behind her dog. I said that he is friendly bit going through some regression so I'm not wanting him to greet dogs, she then puts said collie on the lead and still tries to stand and talk to me while I'm walking away and let's her dog jump up me 😡 She's very lucky I didn't have Dobby!


20 March 2007
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If you can't recall your dogs away from the couple supervising the wobbly grandchild on a balance bike, who look visibly apprehensive about the approaching soaking wet and muddy dogs, please look where you're wanging before you ball wanger it away from them instead.

Large dog didn't even blink but until very recently the shit would have well and truly hit the fan.
7 July 2023
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My best friend owns a staffie x Pittie they’ve had her since she was a pup but got her spayed whilst in heat they’ve never introduced her to other dogs (I’ve worked with her out and about) and she’s nearly 10 I think they used to kick her about and it was horrible. They never walk her the only time she has been walked is when I have the time to take her about to give her extra training around other dogs which she is miles better with now but she escapes the house at any chance she gets I’m not allowed to do much at the moment so the dog hasn’t been walked since last year when I had time I’d finally gotten her safe to walk and introduce to people and to keep calm and focused around other dogs but all of my work has gone down the drain due to poor owners. Just a bit of a backstory I’ve never owned a dog myself I want one but have 3 cats at the moment so it’s out of the question I’ve grown up around my best friends 2 previous dogs who passed just before they got their new one and I was promised by my friend and her family the dog would be trained but it wasn’t so I watched a video on what to do and trained her like how I trained my pony and it worked perfectly but now my friend is too scared to walk her dog without me present because she can’t hold her dog back because she doesn’t have the strength to do so and her dog is on the verge of being out down because our neighbours dogs (we live next door but 1) broke the fence and got in a fight with her dog.

My neighbours are just as bad if not worse they moved in the back end of 2023 had 4 dogs but one passed since moving in they’ve never walked their dogs and they’re out around 16-20 hours a day the dogs crap and wee all over their house with no access to outside when they get back it’s rare the dogs go out back but they have a springer spaniel who is very energetic and needs exercise she’s around 3, they also have 1 chihuahua and an in tact male British bulldog they bark all day and have no off switch and they reek havoc around the house it is unfortunate to see but these dogs are move violent then my best friends dog I’m tempted to offer to walk the spaniel when I can if she has a muzzle and a harness for her face as it’s the only way I will be able to hold her but I doubt my neighbour would let me because they don’t care about the dogs but refuse to get rid of them when the spaniel and bulldog keep fighting


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Feeling a bit disappointed with myself . Stirling and I went for a walk down by the river in our local town . I stopped to read a text . Stirling sat next to me, all calm ( on lead ) when a little terrier came flying around the corner it came straight up to us, stirling wagged his tail . Next minute a bully type dog ( not a xl) came around the corner and started snarling and barking . It was getting closer and closer , so aggressive. It was snapping at Stirling , everyone around stood and watched . The owner tried calling it back but it wouldn’t listen . I just froze , I couldn’t even speak . I just kept thinking get ready to kick it . We were backed into a corner so could t get away . The owner eventually managed to get it away , all he said was it was protecting the little terrier . Protecting it from a on lead dog that’s sitting calmly doing nothing ?!
I was useless . A lovely couple came over and checked we were ok.
I’m so sick of other peoples aggressive dogs .


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7 July 2023
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Asha, don't beat yourself up, I froze the other day as well when confronted with an xl (on lead and muzzled) but came onto the driveway. I'm damned sure if it had gone for your dog you would have protected him because instinct would have taken over. Sadly I now view many dogs/owners as possible problems - that wouldn't have occurred to me years ago.


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25 February 2012
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Thanks for that .
I know what you mean about the XL , we saw a few out and about the other day and like you say they are very intimidating


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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Feeling a bit disappointed with myself . Stirling and I went for a walk down by the river in our local town . I stopped to read a text . Stirling sat next to me, all calm ( on lead ) when a little terrier came flying around the corner it came straight up to us, stirling wagged his tail . Next minute a bully type dog ( not a xl) came around the corner and started snarling and barking . It was getting closer and closer , so aggressive. It was snapping at Stirling , everyone around stood and watched . The owner tried calling it back but it wouldn’t listen . I just froze , I couldn’t even speak . I just kept thinking get ready to kick it . We were backed into a corner so could t get away . The owner eventually managed to get it away , all he said was it was protecting the little terrier . Protecting it from a on lead dog that’s sitting calmly doing nothing ?!
I was useless . A lovely couple came over and checked we were ok.
I’m so sick of other peoples aggressive dogs .
I think on our keyboards we are all great at planning responses. I’m pretty sure in a real life situation many of us would be absolutely hopeless. Don’t worry about it, no harm done and maybe being still and quiet didn’t escalate anything? You did ok.


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17 August 2005
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13 July 2020
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I can’t. And even tried to log in but it refuses to recognise my address.
You’ll have to summarise!

Gahhhh. Okay.

Person walking dog on extendable lead, allows it to walk into someones front garden, past their car and along the inside of their fence line, to then allow it to take a crap.

Who allows their dog to go into other people's gardens!? Let alone allow them to use it as a toilet.

Of course, the muck was also left there.


Justified & Ancient
15 January 2008
Mu Mu Land
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Loads of people allow their dogs to walk in/toilet in other peoples' gardens around here, and on the verge in front of my house. I think they see any patch of green as fair game. I've had a lot of people let their dogs just dander into/jump over the wall into my garden, I found a large dog round my back once, thank goodness none of mine were out.


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8 July 2023
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Whilst walking mine the other day, she can be reactive IF others approach, she was on lead, next to me at heal walking along a path on the nature reserve meaning the path is actually about 40ft wide at that point. Woman walking in opposite direction to the far right of the path, I’m on the left. She’s got two off lead dogs which sit next to her for a treat whilst we are still some way away. I think bingo someone who’s on it. Anyway we continue and as we are approx 20 foot away she releases from the sit and the larger of her two comes bounding over aggressively barking at mine who then barks back. I grab and walk, she shouts it feebly before continuing but we could hear it for a good half mile barking at every other person behind us!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Two vislas and a big terrier mongrel off lead being thrown a ball in a deer park which instructs that dogs must be on leads, yesterday. Deer in view, dogs had zero recall, wouldn't even bring back the ball, that was being done by the terrier with them. If they'd seen the deer just downwind and up the hillside, who knows what carnage may have resulted. That's asking for the public privilege of open access to Chatsworth Park to be withdrawn, idiots.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
I was the irresponsible owner on Saturday 😢

Was a lovely morning. Having a cuppa and back door open. Knock on front door. Lad from over road bringing Odin home. 3 got through a hole in fence to next door, and their gate was open. I didn’t even know they were gone until Lewis knocked on door with Odin. OH was at work, spent 2 hours looking for them. Friends came to help and the power of FB!

We’ve been slowly replacing fence panels, but weather not been helpful. Fence patched for now.


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Well-Known Member
1 August 2019
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Feeling a bit disappointed with myself . Stirling and I went for a walk down by the river in our local town . I stopped to read a text . Stirling sat next to me, all calm ( on lead ) when a little terrier came flying around the corner it came straight up to us, stirling wagged his tail . Next minute a bully type dog ( not a xl) came around the corner and started snarling and barking . It was getting closer and closer , so aggressive. It was snapping at Stirling , everyone around stood and watched . The owner tried calling it back but it wouldn’t listen . I just froze , I couldn’t even speak . I just kept thinking get ready to kick it . We were backed into a corner so could t get away . The owner eventually managed to get it away , all he said was it was protecting the little terrier . Protecting it from a on lead dog that’s sitting calmly doing nothing ?!
I was useless . A lovely couple came over and checked we were ok.
I’m so sick of other peoples aggressive dogs .
Try not to beat yourself up about it. I can’t remember whether I posted about it on here or not, but my dog was attacked by an XL Bully whilst I was walking him down our road. The dog ran out of its house and stupidly I listened to the owner who shouted “he’s friendly”… turns out he wasn’t. Thankfully my dog had the sense to hide under a van in the middle of the road, and managed to get away just shaken and bruised. I felt incredibly guilty about the whole thing and that I should have done more.

We had another incident in the park a few days ago on a narrow path we know well. My dog went round a corner a few feet ahead of us (there’s a hedge you can see through) and suddenly bolted back and ran behind me, followed by a huge XL unmuzzled off lead. Thankfully I had my OH with me, but I stood in front of the dog with my hand up and shouted NO and “ah ah”, luckily it actually listened to me and gave OH a chance to shield our dog with his legs.

Unhelpfully the charming owner then came up shouting he’s friendly, and had quite an aggressive to at me when I said my dog was scared! Slightly cross with myself I didn’t take a photo of them and report but I was slightly worried he might set the dog on us and wanted to get out of there ASAP!


18 September 2007
Down the lane.
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Next door finally rehomed one of three dogs after they put yet another dog into the vet hospital. Since then the owner of this dog has had to block them on their phone as the lady was constantly calling and texting how unhappy they were that they had had to part with a much loved dog due to him saying he would shoot it if he ever saw it again.

The much loved dog spent over 23 hours a day in solitary confinement in a kennel, their dogs were seperated when they killed one of their own a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Try not to beat yourself up about it. I can’t remember whether I posted about it on here or not, but my dog was attacked by an XL Bully whilst I was walking him down our road. The dog ran out of its house and stupidly I listened to the owner who shouted “he’s friendly”… turns out he wasn’t. Thankfully my dog had the sense to hide under a van in the middle of the road, and managed to get away just shaken and bruised. I felt incredibly guilty about the whole thing and that I should have done more.

We had another incident in the park a few days ago on a narrow path we know well. My dog went round a corner a few feet ahead of us (there’s a hedge you can see through) and suddenly bolted back and ran behind me, followed by a huge XL unmuzzled off lead. Thankfully I had my OH with me, but I stood in front of the dog with my hand up and shouted NO and “ah ah”, luckily it actually listened to me and gave OH a chance to shield our dog with his legs.

Unhelpfully the charming owner then came up shouting he’s friendly, and had quite an aggressive to at me when I said my dog was scared! Slightly cross with myself I didn’t take a photo of them and report but I was slightly worried he might set the dog on us and wanted to get out of there ASAP!

oh my word, thats awful, hope you and your dog are ok now ? That must have been terrifying

Theres a real breed of owners isnt there .. the chap who owned the dog who went for us was a charmer too. Really rough looking . My husband has said we shouldnt walk around the town again with Stirling, which i understand, but feel its unfair that we are made to feel like that. A friend of mine has a rottie and she was in town the same day, apparently the same dog went for hers too. But this time it was on a lead. Im sure he gets a kick out of it


Justified & Ancient
15 January 2008
Mu Mu Land
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To be fair to the guy who walks a cropped-eared donkey, the exact hue of a Global Hypercolour t-shirt past my house, his dog has coped admirably well with my young dog going absolutely berserk at it and last week very kindly observed the international silent symbol for 'wait there two seconds please while she does a dump and then let me get her out of the way before she sees you'. I walked past him the other day with her father and informed him that he was not to worry, as this one wasn't such a gigantic melt.


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1 August 2019
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I must live in a place that attracts complete [insert rude word of choice]’s to own dogs. Waiting for a friend outside a pub ”oh what a cute dog… Freddie be nice” as obese Labrador launches itself round the corner and goes for us aggressively.

I then told them they shouldn’t let their dog do that to other dogs or go up to them and was told “well we didn’t anticipate that would happen” - well maybe have some sense next time. Woman then tried to stroke my dog and got pissed off when I promptly told her no!

GSD Woman

Well-Known Member
9 December 2018
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Yesterday I was walking Freddie on the nature trail. Suddenly 4 Goldens start running towards us. Owner wasn't in sight. That wasn't first time this has happened and one of her dogs had challenged Rudy and found out that was a BIG mistake. Anyway, once again the owner wasn't in sight. I had to yell for her to call her dogs. 2 listened. The other 2 kept running towards us. She's yelling for her other 2 and they finally listened. I have never seen this woman carrying a lead, much less 4. Argh.