Is anyone else not entirely convinced by the Horse Hoarders plight?


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
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its in black & white, anyone who dares question you is ignorant debbie. its all over the fb page & tbh some peoples comments have been deleted. am not arguing on apublic forum, will pm you will all of my concerns :)

debbie do dar

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8 July 2011
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its in black & white, anyone who dares question you is ignorant debbie. its all over the fb page & tbh some peoples comments have been deleted. am not arguing on apublic forum, will pm you will all of my concerns :)

Yes please do but there IS nothing to hide! i have never said you are ignorant (cant even spell it!) and only three posts have been removed since the page started due to the nature and tone of them, I responded to yours and anothers post after i was called to remove you both, to which i have not and will not, I no people dont have the time to go through every single post but you kept asking the same things and it was responded too........ and i also stated to please PM me because even i cant keep up with the amount of posts.


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25 February 2009
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remove us for what?! for asking polite genuine questions?! then add further fb posts stating people are ignorant/nasty?! far from it - people asking questions similar to mine have been deleted which is very worrying. the only comments you leave on there are the ones supporting & giving money.

i do so hope my worries are unfounded & that clwyd manages to stick to having a couple as petsrather than keep obtaining & selling :)


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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remove us for what?! for asking polite genuine questions?! then add further fb posts stating people are ignorant/nasty?! far from it - people asking questions similar to mine have been deleted which is very worrying. the only comments you leave on there are the ones supporting & giving money.

i do so hope my worries are unfounded & that clwyd manages to stick to having a couple as petsrather than keep obtaining & selling :)

It wouldn't be the first FB page where only one pov is allowed and anyone else gets deleted, insulted, called a troll etc. :rolleyes:

No-one on that page wants discussion or to even consider there may be more to the story than victimized innocent Clwyd and evil the RSPCA ;)

Best leave them to it IMO. As I said before, I just hope it ends well when the circus is over.

debbie do dar

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8 July 2011
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remove us for what?! for asking polite genuine questions?! then add further fb posts stating people are ignorant/nasty?! far from it - people asking questions similar to mine have been deleted which is very worrying. the only comments you leave on there are the ones supporting & giving money.

i do so hope my worries are unfounded & that clwyd manages to stick to having a couple as petsrather than keep obtaining & selling :)

Your worries are unfounded have some faith that many systems are in gear and the outcome will always be for the animals best interest, (makes a darn change i can tell you!) admitted its not been in the past but thats why Michelle is so valuable to not just Clwyd and his horses but to the likes of the RSPCA etc Can you also actually read my posts, i was asked by some to remove you I DID NOT and DID NOT WANT TO >look am using shouty capitals now grrr< remove you or anyone because for me personally i feel that everyone is initialled to air there concerns....i even got some info wrong today and had to apologise! never in a million years did i see the way the page would go and with that many people all vieing for post space somethings can get caught up and not responded too...Michelle has said she or clwyd have nothing to hide and i can see that....thats why i direct people to Michelle....


Well-Known Member
25 February 2009
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thanks for clearing that up debbie. i doubt any of us will ever get the full "truth" but lets hope as others have said, the circus dies down & people stop giving to michelle/clwyd & to proper registered charities. michelle charging £35pw livery is hardly charitable, thought charity started at home?! i have some old nags in a rented field, anyone wanna give me some freebies & cash?!

debbie do dar

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8 July 2011
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thanks for clearing that up debbie. i doubt any of us will ever get the full "truth" but lets hope as others have said, the circus dies down & people stop giving to michelle/clwyd & to proper registered charities. michelle charging £35pw livery is hardly charitable, thought charity started at home?! i have some old nags in a rented field, anyone wanna give me some freebies & cash?!

grr this forum keeps logging me out!

shes not charging him for livery lol that is a private joke between the two of fact you can see the humour and the irony in the shot... Any way please feel to ask if there is anything uncomfortable that sits with any of you just ask. you all no who i am on the page so message me there or here. OH and EMW are an amazing charity


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2 June 2012
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Debbie Do Dah as you are directly involved could you confirm if Clywd has any of the herd still require rehoming or are for sale?? Having trawled the pages I have only been able to see the possibility of the cobs that have come from someone else.


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9 September 2008
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Can you also explain why last night in reference to the picture of one of the seized horses, it was initially explained as a maRe with ple, but then that comment was deleted when the date was referred to, then they claimed it wasn't even one of his horses. Either you (or the poster) knows the horse and it's condition, or you don't????

debbie do dar

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8 July 2011
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Debbie Do Dah as you are directly involved could you confirm if Clywd has any of the herd still require rehoming or are for sale?? Having trawled the pages I have only been able to see the possibility of the cobs that have come from someone else.

Yes she has some of his in her yard now which are undergoing handling and three colts waiting to be gelded, she also has some other horses/ponys in which are either undergoing the same esp handling, she is also, over the next few months reducing him down to hopefully 8 (baring in mind a court date is due in april) and she has committed to keeping an eye on him, worming the mares he will have and helping him with his personal life and his activity's, sadly at 68 he his stuck in his ways but he does see the severity of the situation he is in however that was plain to me when i spoke to him yesterday, there is no disputing that, Michelle really does need our support she has helped a lot of owners and horses where no one else would, and it would now seem that the elderly land owner needs help and support as well, so i am rooting for a good out come for all parties and Michelle has my support as well as Clwyd.... such a sad sad situation for them all to be in to be honest.

debbie do dar

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8 July 2011
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Can you also explain why last night in reference to the picture of one of the seized horses, it was initially explained as a maRe with ple, but then that comment was deleted when the date was referred to, then they claimed it wasn't even one of his horses. Either you (or the poster) knows the horse and it's condition, or you don't????

AWR that was me because michelle and I had talked about one of the horses having PLE and i jumped to the conclusion that the horse in the photo was the one, i was corrected and felt i should remove my misleading post!


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7 October 2010
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You have asked me this before I think fburton.

I think the actions of the RSPCA were proportionate and just, and the only option left. - Well said!

Ideally, I don't think any person who has been found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering should be in possession of any animal. Harsh on him maybe, but I don't for one second believe he was that fussed about them anyway, given the fact the documentary itself said that he 'was disgruntled that the proceeds of the sales were going to have to be spent on wormers etc for the remaining ones'. I can't believe that people seem to have clouded over that bit! :rolleyes: - Totally Agree

However, if that is not going to happen then I would like to see Clwyd recieve some psychological help, have the majority of horses removed from him, and a close eye kept on him to ensure he doesn't get any more and the ball start rolling again. I also have concerns about the way Michelle is running the show, taking on more horses than she herself appears to be able to afford or cope with, asking random strangers to come and help out (bearing in mind it appears one of her previous helpers used to sell loads of horses through Beeston and was known for 'standing up on their backs' in the ring.) and donate money to pay for a man to keep horses when he has already caused suffering. Plus, donating cookers etc because they say he can't afford to live, yet he said he was spending £100 per week on his horses from his pension. Well, he doesn't have as many horses now, and also, it is quite frankly his look out if he has chosen to live that way and have the horses instead of looking after himself. Nobody, however much they donate etc etc, is going to do any good for him in the long run, because it is just making it a damn site easier for him to go out and get more and more. Plus, the fact that Michelle was or is charging him £35 per week livery, but then asking for donations to help out, to me, is hardly 'charitable' on her behalf. More of a business, laced with glory.

I'm sure all those who are donating/assisting/helping are doing it with the best intentions, I just wonder if they will continue to so indefinitely because I also suspect that he will continue to hoard/breed.

I'm afraid I don't see Clywd as a simpleton, I see him as a man who at one time was a shrewd business man. He must have been making money when he was a respected breeder.

He now chooses to hoard horses, squat in a derelict farm house and opt out of the "system". He also chose to spend his pension on his ponies - freedom of choice - and he knew that the care his ponies received was inadequate yet he didn't ask for help, again his choice.

I can't help thinking that he may well be embarrassed by all the attention that he is currently under going and there is more to this story than was given in the programme.

I for one think there is far more worth causes out there that need donations/help urgently. :(


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Michelle really does need our support she has helped a lot of owners and horses where no one else would, and it would now seem that the elderly land owner needs help and support as well,


Timing coincidence, much?
Expect he's seen how well all this charity & donations, publicity is working out so well for Clywd

they may be' lovable old rogues' but they sure 'aint stupid!


Well-Known Member
9 September 2008
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Wow coralwings, just goes to show you the power of television and how slanted it can be, disgusted, thank God the RSPCA are prosecuting looking at those pictures......


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9 August 2011
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anyone else seen this?? not for the faint hearted - would people still donate after seeing these distressing photos??

That's utterly horrific. Assuming those photos really were taken at his place, it's not surprising he was found guilty. :mad:

Wherever those photos were taken, it's heartbreaking. That little grey had clearly broken her leg some time ago and it has tried to heal itself into that shape. :(


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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the programme never stated what the 6 cases he pleaded guilty to were. They also never said what was wrong with the little black that the RSPCA took.

Given how slow they are to act with horses generally I was surprised if there was nothing the programme wasn't avoiding that the RSPCA knew.

I didn't really feel sorry for him watching the programme and anyone who takes on another stallion and chucks it in a field with mares and foals is a tit at the very least.


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25 May 2008
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If the guy has committed and act of cruelty/neglect (which clearly he had as he went on to plead guilty to 6 counts of neglect) then its right he should be prosecuted....BUT and here is the but.....
This is an old man who clearly has mental health issues. Whilst I am not condoning what has happened, there are FAR worse animals out there whom really need help yet the RSPCA turn their backs on them.
And worst of all, like it or not, Michelle has exploited the whole thing to her gain.
Begging for donations, yet selling Clywds horses at vastly inflated prices.
It clearly states in the program Michelle was charging him £35 a week livery.
And the old man himself was heard to say he did not believe that the paultry sum he was getting was fair.
To sell ONE horse for £400 would cover wormer for the whole herd and if bought in bulk, would probably see him through a good six months. Michelle has sold more than one horse.....yet is begging for donations and money from Joe Public.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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have you seen the most recent link Joeanne? Because if those pics are correct these animals very much did need the RSPCAs help.


Well-Known Member
9 September 2008
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And without prosecuting him, what's to stop him going out and getting a load more once these have been sorted.... Those pics in that thread were from 2008! So this is a recurring problem which only a court can stop...

Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
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OMG! Those pictures, I really hope they serve the purpose of bringing some of these crazy followers of this man and his equally culpable lady friend to their senses. So distressing, horse rescuers my a***e.


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9 August 2011
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Can anyone think of any way of verifying they're really Clwyd's ponies in those photos?

The photos are so upsetting. That poor mare, and I wonder what sort of deaths those dead ones suffered before being left to rot on the ground? :(:(