Laminitis with no improvement


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i am pleased you have been able to voice your thoughts to the vet and farrier and i really feel for you as it is a very difficult situation. you are doing everything you can but please dont feel guilty if you decide the end has come, hope you are coping ok....


Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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I’m having a word with the vet in the morning to see if they can x ray her ASAP. I don’t see the point in waiting another week for them to say there’s nothing more that can be done or she’s got worse or whatever and my farrier will have a wasted journey and I’ll have these imprint shoes that I have no use for (at £150 a pop it’s not something I can really afford to do for no reason) Plus she’s going downhill again, so I’ll be on to them first thing to get them out sooner (hopefully tomorrow)


Well-Known Member
9 March 2009
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I feel strange about "liking" that sort of news but YKWIM... You are doing everything you can, I'm just so sorry she's gone downhill again. If it's any help I had a couple of weeks of this horrible time, you know you've got to do the deed but you still have to keep turning up & treating them as normal and being your normal self for them when actually you feel c**p, it does stink.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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I know exactly what you mean don’t worry. It’s really disheartening especially when last week she took herself for a mooch to the outside of her stable and seemed to be improving a lot! Urgh


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I’m having a word with the vet in the morning to see if they can x ray her ASAP. I don’t see the point in waiting another week for them to say there’s nothing more that can be done or she’s got worse or whatever and my farrier will have a wasted journey and I’ll have these imprint shoes that I have no use for (at £150 a pop it’s not something I can really afford to do for no reason) Plus she’s going downhill again, so I’ll be on to them first thing to get them out sooner (hopefully tomorrow)

I completely agree with you, it's unfair for you to be left in limbo like this until next week, even if she could wait. I'm sorry you have arrived at this point, PSD. Good luck with the conversation tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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I completely agree with you, it's unfair for you to be left in limbo like this until next week, even if she could wait. I'm sorry you have arrived at this point, PSD. Good luck with the conversation tomorrow.


it isn’t fair on her either, I can see a difference in her and I’m not sure how to explain it. It’s as though my horse has gone and there’s just this horse in front of me existing. It’s the most bizarre feeling and I think this is what people mean when they say “you’ll know”


Well-Known Member
18 July 2010
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Just caught up with this PSD, I'm sorry you and your sweet mare are still struggling with this horrible disease. As someone who is also fighting a long term issue in a beloved horse without much hope of success I really feel for how emotionally and physically exhausted you must be. Riding the roller coaster of minor improvements followed by relapses is heart breaking. The mental strain of worrying what you're going to find each morning when you get to the stables is dreadful. Thinking of you, I hope you get a clear resolution tomorrow from the x-rays.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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Just caught up with this PSD, I'm sorry you and your sweet mare are still struggling with this horrible disease. As someone who is also fighting a long term issue in a beloved horse without much hope of success I really feel for how emotionally and physically exhausted you must be. Riding the roller coaster of minor improvements followed by relapses is heart breaking. The mental strain of worrying what you're going to find each morning when you get to the stables is dreadful. Thinking of you, I hope you get a clear resolution tomorrow from the x-rays.

im sorry you’re having similar troubles. It truly is heartbreaking and as you say, not knowing what you will face when you get to the stables is just so stressful, if I arrive and her head isn’t over the door the sheer panic that runs through me is just becoming too much now. Thank you


Well-Known Member
18 July 2010
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im sorry you’re having similar troubles. It truly is heartbreaking and as you say, not knowing what you will face when you get to the stables is just so stressful, if I arrive and her head isn’t over the door the sheer panic that runs through me is just becoming too much now. Thank you

Thank you. He is currently (for want of a better way of putting it) in remission and happy in the field. But I still have the fear when I check him twice a day. If it returns again for a fourth time I've already told the vet I won't be treating it and he can live with it until he is no longer comfortable and then will be pts. Thankfully they're in full support of that course of action, it would be a much harder decision if they were less pragmatic. I feel for you being in the situation where your vet isn't supportive of what your gut instinct is telling you hence my hope of a clear resolution for you all tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you


8 November 2019
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PSD my horse was on box rest for around 12 months as he basically had to grow a new foot so this would certainly be a realistic time scale were there any hope of a recovery. The fact that she is now in, it seems, more pain says to me that something not good is going on inside that foot. From what I understand actual sinking is irreversible. I remember that whole period as being under a massive black cloud which was always there. You have to follow your heart,( in tandem with your head ) xx


Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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PSD my horse was on box rest for around 12 months as he basically had to grow a new foot so this would certainly be a realistic time scale were there any hope of a recovery. The fact that she is now in, it seems, more pain says to me that something not good is going on inside that foot. From what I understand actual sinking is irreversible. I remember that whole period as being under a massive black cloud which was always there. You have to follow your heart,( in tandem with your head ) xx

oh yes don’t get me wrong I know it’s not an overnight thing but the fact we’re on month 4 now and there’s absolutely no sign of improvement bothers me and as you say it sounds as though there’s something more sinister going on inside her foot. My farrier said the sole can thicken again and in effect sort of reverse the sinking however he said she’s a thin soled pony anyway and this is likely why she’s in more pain than perhaps a pony with a thicker sole would be.

I’ll keep you all posted with what happens later today


Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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I have spoke to the vet this morning and told them she’s worsened quite significantly, she’s in a lot of pain now more than she has been and enough is enough. They have agreed they will x ray her feet today and then make the call.

I got cross with them in all honesty as the guy I spoke to is obsessed with her having an abscess in that foot (same one who said it a few weeks back) and he thinks this is why she’s gone downhill. I told him straight, he can do the x rays but I have made my mind up and I’d like them to respect my wishes on that. So I’m just waiting for a call back with a time as to when they are doing them, it may sound a bit crazy having x rays done when I’ve made the decision anyway but I feel like I need to see for myself that things have worsened inside her feet just to make my decision indefinite. Hope that makes sense, I feel a little numb at the moment and all this seems very surreal, I had a chat with a livery friend this morning who went through the same with her cob last year and she told me to be absolute with my decision and not let anyone persuade me to prolong it any further. She said it’s heartbreaking letting them go but it’s even more heartbreaking seeing them struggle - which is so right.

so yeah not much of an update unfortunately.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Stick to your guns PSD, even if she was to recover it would be to a life not worth living after months and months of more box rest and stress for you both.

I am annoyed on your behalf about your vet and farrier. Just because things can be done doesn't mean they should be.

Be strong. Thinking of you.



Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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Stick to your guns PSD, even if she was to recover it would be to a life not worth living after months and months of more box rest and stress for you both.

I am annoyed on your behalf about your vet and farrier. Just because things can be done doesn't mean they should be.

Be strong. Thinking of you.


exactly my thoughts. There becomes a point where welfare is a concern especially now she is unable to cope with the pain, I’m not prepared to put her through anything else now. I got there this morning and I could see her bed was very disturbed and it looked as though she’s been moving her legs in discomfort overnight which I have told the vet. My farrier has actually supported my decision and said to just keep him posted now with the outcome, I told the vet I know it’s their job to save horses and do whatever they can but there comes a point where they must respect my wishes. My friend I spoke with was angry too, she said who are they to tell me what is to be done with my horse, which I agree with.

this was her this morning, poor thing.



Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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I suspect current vet is more keen to carry on to try and 'make right' the lack of care from your previous vet. I can understand that but there is a happy medium between not helping and trying to help too much. She's yours, you spend the most time with her, it's your decision.

yes I think you’re right there. they’re a fantastic practice and I am eternally grateful for their help however they can’t carry on for the sake of undoing what can’t be undone


Well-Known Member
11 February 2017
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I've read through the whole thread and haven't commented until now but I really feel for you PSD. I've been through similar with my old pony, he was on box rest for 6 months before showing signs of coming sound. Whilst I did manage to keep him sound for around 7 years after this (plus going back to competing sj and xc which the vet said he'd never do again..) ultimately I look back and his lifestyle was not ideal and although he seemed happy enough I don't think it was fair on him. He had EMS and couldn't have any grass as it would trigger lami instantly. I lost him in 2017 after he started getting lami for no reason (on same management) and I made the difficult decision as he was getting worse and I couldn't put him through more box rest at his age. I'm just rambling a bit but i'm sorry that it's got to this and you are a great owner for helping as much as you can, it's such a horrible disease and having lived through that intense box rest, never knowing what you would find when you get to the yard in the morning I really get how you are feeling. Thinking of you.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i am cross with your vet as well, they need to listen to you as you see the horse every day and know when she is not right, i can understand why you want the x rays done and i think i would too at this stage. please keep strong for your horse and remember to look after yourself as you must be very drained. good luck


Well-Known Member
18 July 2010
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PSD I completely understand your anger, it's a hard enough decision to come to without the professional making it harder. Up to a point it's great that they're so invested in the outcome and clearly care a lot, however, as you and others have said previously you see her every day, you know her best. In this instance (not always) I would say you as the owner are best placed to say when enough is enough. I have been thinking of you today.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I am so sorry you haven't got a better outcome but I am sure that you have made the right decision for your horse, who would not be able to live a normal life even if there was a chance of some improvement. You and your horse have been let down by your professionals, I'm afraid.

Thinking of you.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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Okay so we have results and they are as expected - she’s a lot worse. My vet seems to think insulin levels are the issue and they need to be brought under control, I’m not sure why they’re saying this now when 3 weeks ago the rotation had improved to 8 degrees in her right and 6 in her left. He said the rotation in the RF is more like 16 degrees as he hadn’t set the angle line properly when I’d taken the picture.

I really really don’t know where my head is at right now in all honesty. I don’t understand why my vet wants to carry on after seeing this?



Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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For her sake and yours have her PTS now, I mean NOW, PSD.

Your vet is on an ego trip to prove he can "save" a horse another vet couldn't.

You don't need him, there are kind and caring people who will come to you this afternoon.

I could weep, you are being so badly let down.



Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Oh wow, I'm so sorry op, it must be heartbreaking to see those. That bone is close to coming through her sole....surely you can't wait and risk her experiencing that awful end to life?

Sending virtual hugs, poor her and poor you xx