Linda Parelli teaching how to hit with the snap


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24 July 2005
Wisconsin, US
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I am cranky today and just keep coming up with smart alec responses that are counter productive so I will close my activity on here for now by suggesting that you avoid this method for you and your horses if you find it so upsetting.

and.... if you truly suspect abuse here then send the video evidence to somone who will investigate and can do something about it (although I suspect it will not get anyone far)

I guess this Parelli thing has just been done to death on here and I am suprised people can keep coming up with new things to flip out about in regards to them, WHY these threads STILL go pages long, and why anyone bothers. I guess that makes me a hypocrite so I better go!


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Oh Jesus C I watched a few minutes of this and do not see why people are so flipped out. It looks to me like they are using their method of teaching a horse to stay out of their personal space by shaking the snap to get the horses attention..... NOT hitting the horse. I cannot say I am a follower but their methods are obviously working for some people or they would hardly be as followed as they are. I have seen entire barns full of these people and no animal was harmed as fas as I could see. Just a lot of happy campers playing ball with their horses in groups that I refrained from joining. I say get off of the negative obsession with these people and get on with your own methods. I have witnessed abuse and I hardly classify this as abuse. If you do not want to use their methods then don't but save your pity for horses who really need it if you want to call the abuse card

As I've said in the past, I've dabbled in the Parelli ways, but now prefer other methods. The issue here is that there is a large metal clip (a heavy one) on the end of the rope; it's that which is being used to hit the horse under the jaw (that's the 'snap').

Right, off to wander round elsewhere and leave this one to run its course.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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I just typed out a big reply to this thread and then my internet died and I lost it all. But basically I concluded that Linda Parelli is mental. And also quite possibly sadistic.


Well-Known Member
23 April 2009
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Loony!!! I mean it doesn't take a genius to work out that smacking a horse in the face will make them back off you - what lesson is there in that?? If it was a 101 in making your horse head shy then yep fair point I can see her angle.

LP quote "Bounce that clip of him - i mean hard - he's not listening - harder!" Physco!

God a really dislike Parelli - it makes me mad!!!!!


Well-Known Member
26 October 2009
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She really is an evil old bint! Do they actually have followers over here or is it really an American thing? I just can't believe anyone would buy into this ****


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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I am cranky today and just keep coming up with smart alec responses that are counter productive so I will close my activity on here for now by suggesting that you avoid this method for you and your horses if you find it so upsetting.

and.... if you truly suspect abuse here then send the video evidence to somone who will investigate and can do something about it (although I suspect it will not get anyone far)

I guess this Parelli thing has just been done to death on here and I am suprised people can keep coming up with new things to flip out about in regards to them, WHY these threads STILL go pages long, and why anyone bothers. I guess that makes me a hypocrite so I better go!

You go girl!


Well-Known Member
17 December 2007
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She really is an evil old bint! Do they actually have followers over here or is it really an American thing? I just can't believe anyone would buy into this ****

Unfortunately, there are many in the UK who adore Pat and Linda Parelli and their Natural Horsemanshit. Cults are not unique to the USA.

I detest PNH, and I can't find words any more to describe how I feel about the two numpties who spread that **** around. I have spent many hours in debate with PNH followers, on several forums and in person, and I've come to the conclusion that they are aliens who can speak to us, but they cannot hear what we say to them.

Please, please avoid them at all costs lest you be be damaged. Don't look at them, don't listen to them, and don't let them near your horses...see no Parelli, hear no Parelli, speak no yourselves.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2008
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iv not read all the replies as there is quiet a few pages to trawl through but i think its disgusting. i thought they used cable ties on the headcollars so any pressure applied made it snap? ovbiously not!


Well-Known Member
17 June 2006
QR This video is horrific
Firstly telling people to this much force it just immoral, when the girl with the sweater round her middle was being ineffective and LP took over abused the horse and then got her to do the same I saw little 'education' going on. If she couldn't do the technique then she should have practiced on an inanimate object first rather than repeated hit her horse until she got it right at which point the horse probably didn't know what it was being smacked for. Not that anyone should hit a horse like this. I am preparing yearlings for the sales (racehorses) and we have one very rude bitey colt who will lash out with his front feet, I used my Dually on him to gain some respect.
Also at no point did LP praise the horse in the video, she even said 'look smug' when they had got the horse to do something.


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29 September 2009
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I watched the first few mins and then turned it off. This woman is mental and as far as i can see is having a serious power trip. There is no way i would let her anywhere near any of my horses .

Spit That Out

Well-Known Member
27 April 2010
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For those people who have made comments like "i haven't watched the whole video" and then make statements like "I don't know what all the fuss is about" and "I don't know why people are getting upset as she doesn't hit the pony" maybe should watch the whole thing and then make their comments, then maybe you will understand why people are getting so upset.
The pony clearly gets a smack on the nose with a stick, the muppet of an owner then stands there for a couple of minutes repeatability wiggling violently the rope which continually hits the ponies head with a metal clip. When the idiot owner can't get the pony to take a step backwards LP steps in and very sharply and violently has a go to show how to really abuse your horse and make them headshy.
The pony isn't even doing anything wrong, surly the horse needs to make a mistake and then corrected otherwise it won't know why your smacking it around the head...not that smacking it round the head is an acceptable method of training.
People like LP shouldn't be allowed near horses and i can't believe there are ignorant people out there that buy in to the quick fix method and follow their money making cult.

Watch the whole thing before you make comments :mad:


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I don't understand what that session was meant to achieve, given that the horse seemed to be behaving fairly well under the cicrcumstances...? Mind you, followers of Parelli would no doubt say that is because I am too foolish to see what the horse is doing wrong and maybe pray for me and my enlightenment:p

I don't think all Parelli is the work of the devil, I'm sure that some people get something out of it, but I just don't get it.:confused:

I also hated to see the horse slopping about on the end of a long line like that - asking for an accident.

I'd be interested in knowing more about the horse and its owner, and whether it has displayed dangerous behaviour at home? LP was talking as though the horse was dangerous, but its behaviour seemed at odds with this? The owner certainly seemed quite tense around it though. Not that slapping it with a leadrope clip seems likely to help to me. Surely it's generally safer to be closer to a horse rather than far away like that.

I find it all a bit wierd tbh.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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QR - what i genuinely don't understand about this "parelli" method and the very special Linda is why on earth doesn't someone step in and stop her?! She is clearly a complete lunatic. Honestly, if anyone else had posted a video like this the RSPCA would be round in a flash, but because its under the guise of "Parelli" somehow it's above reproach. Honestly, I just don't understand. Can someone please explain what i'm missing?! Correcting a so-called bargy horse, or any horse that doesnt behave how we want is called "horsemanship" not "parelli."


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1 May 2007
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I haven't watched the whole thing but I gather things deteriorate from their already low point?

I agree that poor horse was doing NOTHING wrong and did not deserve the treatment it was getting.

In another place I have been following the experience of someone who has been undertaking some sort of high level intensive Parelli course and the parallels between what she has been experiencing and the induction methods of cults are quite astounding - right down to the sleep deprivation, the hard physical work, the break them down and then show the "leader" as the answer to all their problems and not to communicate with anyone other than fellow cult members


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21 November 2008
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I really don't know how LP gets away with this stuff and I really can't understand why she feels the need to use these abusive agressive methods to get results that can be gained in much gentler kinder ways.

Blue was sod when I got him 14 months ago. Bargy, in your face, he bit, was no respecter of space at all he was quite frankly a nuisance. Today he is a different pony, respectful and gentle. How did I achieve this? Well not by smacking him round the head with a clip thats for sure. To be honest I'm not quite sure how we got to where we are at now, but being fair and firm has worked wonders.

LP is a complete t w a t.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2009
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This video annoys me so much. The horse wasn't doing anything wrong and appeared totally confused. Why does she feel the need to inflict pain on horses and market it as a good way of doing things. I really can't understand how people actually buy into their methods, surely they can see this isn't good horsemanship. It sickens me as to me its just a cruel money making gimick.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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QR - what i genuinely don't understand about this "parelli" method and the very special Linda is why on earth doesn't someone step in and stop her?! She is clearly a complete lunatic. Honestly, if anyone else had posted a video like this the RSPCA would be round in a flash, but because its under the guise of "Parelli" somehow it's above reproach. Honestly, I just don't understand. Can someone please explain what i'm missing?! Correcting a so-called bargy horse, or any horse that doesnt behave how we want is called "horsemanship" not "parelli."

I think it's a video from America? So not much the RSPCA etc could do, in fairness to them.

TBH, I don't think that this is dreadful abuse: I don't like it and I don't think it's effective, but compared to many things that go on it is fairly small beer, which is a very sad reflection on what goes on, but it is true. Of course that doesn't make it right, but it's low down the scale compared to many things that happen.

I totally agree that a bargey horse needs some common sense applying rather than a leadrope clip!


Well-Known Member
28 October 2009
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I truly believe this woman has mental health issues. What on earth was that horse doing that was wrong.

'See how safe I am when he's so far away from me' I think one day will be her last words.

ETA It is just not normal and so uncomfortable to watch and hear her delight when a horse is being hurt.

Not sure about the mental health issues, but she really seems to delight in hitting the horse hard and making him frightened. Not content with that, she then teaches the owner to do exactly the same thing. The owner obviously thinks that LP can do no wrong. Absolutely horrific. I want my horse to be respectful of me, but I also want him to enjoy my company and not be terrified of every move I make. This horse didn't know what it was supposed to do because she clonked it for everything!

Golf Girl

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15 July 2010
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Oh dear. I guess that now their pathetic little 'haters' page on Facebook has been closed down, they had to find somewhere that they could post their outdated, taken out of context video clips and bitch amongst themselves. Same old names, same old pack drill, same old same old *yawn* ....


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21 May 2007
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Think I feel sorry for the poor little pony AND his poor owner. Both of them seem very sweet and the owner seems to me to have a lovely quiet and soft way about her. I loved LP's demand that the owner 'walk with purpose' (the owner looked as if she liked to meander and her pony looked like he/she liked to meander too!).

LP looked to me like she should tone the 'purpose' down. Scary walking, weird rope swinging and some very aggressive body language with a little pony who didn't seem to be problematic at all until he was wallopped with the stick and socked with the rope.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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Oh dear. I guess that now their pathetic little 'haters' page on Facebook has been closed down, they had to find somewhere that they could post their outdated, taken out of context video clips and bitch amongst themselves. Same old names, same old pack drill, same old same old *yawn* ....

Go on then - explain it!

What was the horse doing to warrant being slapped in the head

What was the aim of the session

What had been achieved by the end of the session

Why were basic safety measures, like ensuring the lead rope was not allowed to drag, therefore becoming a trip hazard not taken

What did the owner learn

What was the viewer of the DVD meant to learn

I am curious to know.

Sarah Sum1

Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Yes I want know too!

All that video shows is how to get a head shy, confused, frightened horse. Whilst making yourself look like a ***K flinging a leadrope at a poor horses face. Where did we take it out of context? There are no clear instructions to the horse, if he moves he gets hit, if he stops he gets hit, if he's too close, too far, too fast all ends up with same result. Insane way to try and gain respect from an animal.

Roasted Chestnuts

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7 July 2008
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I am sorry but for those defending this atrocity of soo called horsemanship whats the difference from giving the horse a sharp smack on the chest from a stick to stop barging since thats not allowed and whacking a piece of metal off your horses head??

Hmmm let me see hit fleshy area with stick make a noise or hit horse on the head and possibly take an eye out with the clip or even at the least cause bleeding???

I mean am i missing something??? Am i not high enough up the parellis @sses to understand??? I am sorry but they called traditional horsemanship brutal but these guys have led people in with the sugar coating and now the real training is coming out. If this is what they do openly god help the poor horses they are treating behind closed doors.

I dont know how ANYONE can defend this, its like trying to defend those who beat up dogs or children IMV

Nikki :(