Well-Known Member
What an absolute tool.
Oh Jesus C I watched a few minutes of this and do not see why people are so flipped out. It looks to me like they are using their method of teaching a horse to stay out of their personal space by shaking the snap to get the horses attention..... NOT hitting the horse. I cannot say I am a follower but their methods are obviously working for some people or they would hardly be as followed as they are. I have seen entire barns full of these people and no animal was harmed as fas as I could see. Just a lot of happy campers playing ball with their horses in groups that I refrained from joining. I say get off of the negative obsession with these people and get on with your own methods. I have witnessed abuse and I hardly classify this as abuse. If you do not want to use their methods then don't but save your pity for horses who really need it if you want to call the abuse card
or her and her evil stupid would vanish husband . never thought much of them 2 ideots was only a matter of time for the true d ........ds they areGod I wish she and her stupid sun visor would just vanish.
Really, she is an affront to humanity!
I am cranky today and just keep coming up with smart alec responses that are counter productive so I will close my activity on here for now by suggesting that you avoid this method for you and your horses if you find it so upsetting.
and.... if you truly suspect abuse here then send the video evidence to somone who will investigate and can do something about it (although I suspect it will not get anyone far)
I guess this Parelli thing has just been done to death on here and I am suprised people can keep coming up with new things to flip out about in regards to them, WHY these threads STILL go pages long, and why anyone bothers. I guess that makes me a hypocrite so I better go!
She really is an evil old bint! Do they actually have followers over here or is it really an American thing? I just can't believe anyone would buy into this ****
QR - what i genuinely don't understand about this "parelli" method and the very special Linda is why on earth doesn't someone step in and stop her?! She is clearly a complete lunatic. Honestly, if anyone else had posted a video like this the RSPCA would be round in a flash, but because its under the guise of "Parelli" somehow it's above reproach. Honestly, I just don't understand. Can someone please explain what i'm missing?! Correcting a so-called bargy horse, or any horse that doesnt behave how we want is called "horsemanship" not "parelli."
I truly believe this woman has mental health issues. What on earth was that horse doing that was wrong.
'See how safe I am when he's so far away from me' I think one day will be her last words.
ETA It is just not normal and so uncomfortable to watch and hear her delight when a horse is being hurt.
Oh dear. I guess that now their pathetic little 'haters' page on Facebook has been closed down, they had to find somewhere that they could post their outdated, taken out of context video clips and bitch amongst themselves. Same old names, same old pack drill, same old same old *yawn* ....
Em no, it's this thread that's (more than) a little off Echo Bravo ....That a little off golf girl
Em no, it's this thread that's (more than) a little off Echo Bravo ....