Well-Known Member
I think some people get hooked on the feelings of adrenaline you get from riding a more ‘difficult’ horse. Everything you achieve with them gives greater feelings of satisfaction, because it’s harder won. Part of that excited/butterflies in the tummy feeling they give you before you ride them is because they can be unpredictable and you don’t know exactly how they might react in any given situation, even when you know them well. If this is the kind of horse that floats your boat a steady eddie just won’t do it for you.
You have to decide what it’s most important to you that the horse absolutely must be good at. I’m not one for bonds and all that stuff, but I need to have trust in a horse to keep itself and me safe XC. That is my number one priority, so they have to be bold and willing jumpers from the go. I don’t mind if they are green in technique, but they need to have the right attitude for taking on solid fences. If you are used to a firecracker like Amber XC, it doesn’t sound like Toby will be able to give you that feeling.
You have to decide what it’s most important to you that the horse absolutely must be good at. I’m not one for bonds and all that stuff, but I need to have trust in a horse to keep itself and me safe XC. That is my number one priority, so they have to be bold and willing jumpers from the go. I don’t mind if they are green in technique, but they need to have the right attitude for taking on solid fences. If you are used to a firecracker like Amber XC, it doesn’t sound like Toby will be able to give you that feeling.