My next equine project horse


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Poor Ted. He must be exhausted by all the growing he's doing


Keep well AA and thank you for the lovely delinquent Ted update.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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I do hope Ted does not lose his loveable quirks as he matures. My OH is in charge at present as I am on duty with grandchildren and out of the country and our 2 two year olds are testing him, including jumping out this morning, so now I know some cobs do jump naturally

Hope you feel better soon.


Well-Known Member
8 July 2009
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Nice to see Ted is, as ever, keeping you all on your toes. Poor Alice really has drawn the short straw, unruly companions & ryvita grass.
Sorry to hear this week has been tough but well done for keeping your chin up & continuing as best you can, you're truly inspirational!


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Your post about Ted always make me smile. I hope that he manages to make you smile too during this difficult time. Hope the yucky stuff is over soon and feel back to normal. Maybe Ted is a natural comedian and just does these things to brighten up your day? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Your post about Ted always make me smile. I hope that he manages to make you smile too during this difficult time. Hope the yucky stuff is over soon and feel back to normal. Maybe Ted is a natural comedian and just does these things to brighten up your day? :rolleyes:

Thank you, Ted makes me smile every time I see him. I have had horses for 35 + years and I have never seen such a gormless expression as Ted's. He is always pleased to see me and has started to talk a lot. This morning he put his brave pants on and let me introduce a fly hat to him. His ears are out of bounds and it took a while for him to put his head down (I can't reach if he puts his head up anymore), but it is very rewarding when he makes the decision to accept what is happening. The best bit is although he says 'no' to most things, he rarely legs it anymore, and on the rare occasion he does clear off, he comes straight back. I know that sounds a bit pink and fluffy, but with a horse as nervous as Ted, trying to force or restrain him is not possible. He learns he will not be hurt and we move on to the next step. The fly hat lesson was done in the field.

I know it is wrong to wish time away, but the sooner 2013 is over the better for me, and this time next year Ted will be broken, brave and beautifully handsome. I will be fixed, fit and looking forwards to lots of fun with my wonderful horses.

Thank you for all your kind words of support, and remember ladies.....never ignore those scan letters, you might just be saving your lives.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2010
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I must be the doziest person ever, only just realised that you are having Chemo AA - sending you all the strength and healing vibes I can find. You are obviously a lady with an incredible spirit and this will surely see you through. And love reading about Ted and Alice. Definite book material! :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Lots of exciting things have happened since I last updated this thread. Ted has a new friend called Mickey. Ted has not spoken to poor Alice since he dumped her last month. His rude behaviour upset her so much she even lost some weight. Just another 100kg to go !

Mickey is approx 14 months old and a reasonably well put together, stocky little cob, not the prettiest with 2 blue eyes and a piebald coat, but he will make about 14 hands and I can see him being a useful all rounder under saddle or in harness. He was dumped and his luck was in when he landed with us. Knowing full well the charities, police or rspca would not want to know we were stuck with him. He is now gelded, bathed, brushed and halter broken. My big mare was caught with her large bottom carefully placed so he reach her through the rails, can you imagine a small coloured cob colt on a ClydesdalexRID mare ! Tesco burger for sure. Ted and him play endlessly and are so funny. Mickey is quick and agile whereas Ted has a rather large turning circle and no disc brakes.

This morning Mickey was running circles bucking and kicking, Ted simply stood in the middle doing a very passable turn on the haunches to watch. Ted then got bored and lay down, Mickey went up to his prostrate body and demanded Ted got up to play, no chance and I am sure I heard a naughty word from Ted, can't imagine who taught him bad language. Sadly Mickey cannot stay so the search for a nice home for him commences. If anyone knows somebody who might give him a lovely home please pm me. No money is involved but a special home is a must.

Alice had a roller and breast girth on for the first time today, she was brilliant and even managed to walk a few circles around me on a long line in the barn. Just wish she would grow another hand and be big enough for me, I cannot see me shifting several stones to make me light enough to ride her.

I have managed to ride everyday last week and really enjoyed it, well apart from my crash hat rubbing - no hair and crash hats don't mix ! Never mind, I am nearly at the end, last but one chemotherapy on Thursday followed by a week without horses. That cob mare hadn't better put the weight she lost toiling up hills last week, back on, we are on a fitness campaign together. My OH says our backsides are a matching pair !


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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There's never a dull moment at your place, is there? Lucky Mickey landing with you!

It's good to hear that you are now nearly at the end of your treatment. Onwards and upwards!


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Definitely require Mickey pictures and sooooooooo pleased to see you have had a few moments in the saddle! Whoopie! xxx


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Good to read you have been able to ride, hope all goes well with your last session and the week passes quickly so you can carry on with getting fit again.

Mickey sounds a real live wire, hope you find the right home for him.

All the best will be thinking of you and sending vibes all goes well.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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OHHHH he is super cute lol xxx

Love your ted updates hun. hope you are well again soon :) xxx

Thank you, wonderful news, the little chap has found a fabulous new home where he will be cared for and loved for many years to come. Have to break the news to Ted next. He has gone feral since having his new friend and I can't catch him at the moment, we need to have a few words about manners.

I am miffed at the moment. Had my radiology appointment today and was gutted to hear them say I cannot ride whilst being treated. Apparently my ribs will be affected by the treatment and if I have a fall there is a good chance I will break them. I tried explaining my cob is relatively safe, but it soon became obvious that the only cob the doctor was aware of has cheese and onion on.

So frustrating, I had planned to use the month or so of treatment to get fitter and back into a routine. However, I have been lucky, well looked after and I must be grateful. Got to bid farewell to the yard and horses in the morning and head off for the last but one chemotherapy session. Must remember the extra strong mints - just enjoyed a pint of Bulmers !! medicinal of course.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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So glad you have found a home for Mickey, love the idea of a feral cart horse!

All the best for your treatment, what a disappointment not to be able to ride, look after yourself and I hope the month passes quickly.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Ted had to say farewell to Little Micky this morning. We were both sad to see the comical little chap go but he has gone to the most lovely home and has certainly fallen on his hooves for the second time in his very short life. Micky was scrubbed and bathed yesterday, he was covered in cow poo having skidded and fallen over whilst playing silly wotsits with Ted in the cow fields. He certainly smelt better this morning when I handed him over ! He walked straight into the trailer without a second glance, he is remarkable for just a yearling.



Ted can spend the next week relearning everything he has forgotten since I had to abandon him earlier in the year, hopefully his goldfish memory has remembered something.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Sounds like Teds in for lots more fun next week. Hope you are feeling better, and can enjoy your project s for a while!

Oh yes ! his hairstyle is set for a revamp for starters. The end is in sight for me now, one more chemotherapy session on the 12th and I cannot wait even though I know it will put me in bed for 6 days.

I rode over the weekend, bit of a struggle but I managed it. Crash hats and no hair is horrid, so itchy, I parked the mare on the verge on Sunday and took it off for a good scratch, a poor motorist nearly ditched his car, he had slowed right down to pass me but I think I surprised him a bit !

I have a month to recover from the final session and then 23 days of radiation and after that I am free of drugs, appointments and having to depend on my long suffering friends. I have ordered a kind winter for us all so the horses can be enjoyed without weather problems.

The next entry on Ted's thread will be all about his progress and I am so looking forward to starting him again. Please ladies, go to your scans, they do not hurt, ok they are a tad embarrassing but so what, your life is precious.