My next equine project horse


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24 October 2011
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That is just his hippy phase. He will grow out of it :)

No........don't mention the 'grow' word, it is a four letter word and banned in Ted land. He does nothing but grow and sleep, although Micky did kick him out of bed on a regular basis by jumping on his head. Now with Micky gone Ted will have a fortnight long snooze.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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All the best to you, sending positive vibes for the final hurdles.

How is Alice, is she still on Rivita grass?

We are both on ryvita grass. Steroids have done me no favours, thank god only 3 more days of the flipping things during the final session. Talk about strange food cravings I seem to have had them all. The current one is pineapple ice lollies at 3am.

I walked her paddock fence line this evening and there is not a blade of grass anywhere, what is she and her mate, a aged mare, living on is beyond me. My dearest friend who is also my vet, was doing a lot of mumbling about Alice's weight and I am sure she did not believe me when I promised I was not feeding Alice. Good doer is an understatement. I could put her on a rope and take her walking, we might both shed an ounce or 2.


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24 October 2011
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Please celebrate with me, I have done it, finally got through the last chemotherapy this morning. I feel totally sxxt but so happy. Just my luck though, the poor nurses could not find a healthy vein and after three painful attempts they finally did it. I was sitting there trying to smile, clutching a sick bowl, white as a ghost and frantically biting my lip to prevent agricultural words flying around the ward ! I kept a mental picture of my horses in my head and told myself they need me to be brave and get back to them.

I said my goodbyes to the horses this morning. Alice is upset because one of her ribs can be seen when she turns round. I have promised her if a few more appear she can have a name change and become Victoria Beckham. Some body has told her there is a rude song about an Alice. I don't know it but apparently it is rather rude !

Ted -no mates- is in a rather too grassy field, but he does have the brick outhouse next door who is on a sahara patch of ground with the only interesting snacks being blackberries.

The big horse has been given the go ahead to ride him on a soft field or on a surface. He broke down in August 11 and I joined the forum to see if anyone else had been through his type of injury. He has not been ridden since June 12 when rehab failed. We brought him into his old barn, the tack was on the door and after a brush, his eyes were just glowing with excitement, we tacked him and he started to tremble. My friend and I started to think this could turn interesting. Moments later the big horse started to squeal and passage in the barn. No bucking or humping, just pure excitement. Now with a joint age of 121 years we were not fighting over who was getting on ! So the tack came off and we gave him a good bath and turned him back out again. He stood and sulked, pulling faces at us. Plan B, in a fortnight when I am better, will be a few ACP first !

Issuing Ted with the normal instructions of 'be nice, don't break anything and do not bite anybody' I kissed him goodbye. My dear friend, who takes over when I am ill, gets to him this evening and he has fallen through the post and rail. Give me strength, blooming cart horse, he had got more grass than he could ever eat and spends most of his time asleep, but no, just when it is important to behave he falls through the fencing.



Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Congrats on the chemo :) hope you start to feel better soon. Ted is expert at looking innocent when you take a photo.. and just because you can't see what he was trying to reach the other side of the fencing ;)... well that or he was itching his arse!


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24 June 2008
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Sweetheart i have just raised a glass to you to celebrate your last chemo. And to your future. your post raised a tear and a laugh esp at ted. I hope life gives you everything you dream of esp with your lovely horse friends hugs hugs and more hugs x x


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I think he was trying to reach the arse of the brick outhouse, which is very sizeable and inviting !

Thank you, I can only improve now and I can't wait.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I'm so glad to hear that you've go to the end of the chemo. Well done for hanging on in there!

As for the carthorse, we have 2. We are just rebuilding the stable that the Draft horse knocked down (meaning that she had to be rehoused in the middle of winter) and the 2 yr old cob had only been here a fortnight when she walked through the gate (destroying it in the process) into the next field to join the Draft mare and her companion who were having fun showering under the hosepipe, leaving her own companion looking rather puzzled on her own in their field.
I'm sure that doesn't help you but at least you're not alone!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I'm so glad to hear that you've go to the end of the chemo. Well done for hanging on in there!

As for the carthorse, we have 2. We are just rebuilding the stable that the Draft horse knocked down (meaning that she had to be rehoused in the middle of winter) and the 2 yr old cob had only been here a fortnight when she walked through the gate (destroying it in the process) into the next field to join the Draft mare and her companion who were having fun showering under the hosepipe, leaving her own companion looking rather puzzled on her own in their field.
I'm sure that doesn't help you but at least you're not alone!

Thank you. Has anybody seen the Horse and Country website with the Shire doing a dressage to music video. It really is rather good. I have put it in Ted's laptop and told him to study it carefully.


Well-Known Member
18 July 2013
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Thank you. Has anybody seen the Horse and Country website with the Shire doing a dressage to music video. It really is rather good. I have put it in Ted's laptop and told him to study it carefully.

I know its been said on here before but I love the way you speak about the horses and it would make a fab book!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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So glad you are at the end of your Chemo, and that Ted does not change!

I am sure he would look spectacular doing dressage, but he will have to learn to stay in the small arena area!

Wish you all the best for a speedy recovery and some nice autumn weather to ride in.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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aww hun so glad to hear you have reached the end of your treatment :)

Ted is as handsome as ever in his pic, i can sympathise as i to have a rather large cart horse who likes to fall through fencing, the most spectacular time being when he saw me arrive came charging across the field, didnt stop in time and slid straight through my fencing landing on my drive at my feet in a heap!!! lol Gotta luv em :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Thank you for all your kind encouragement. I am totally wiped out today, but not too poorly to stop me looking at next sessions show schedules. I had planned to take Alice out a few times this year, just local youngstock classes, but of course it didn't happen.

Next year there is plenty to look forward to, and thank god, I will be here to enjoy it all.

Remember ladies attend those pesky scans - you just never know what is around the corner.


Well-Known Member
17 April 2013
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I have only just stumbled across this thread and have spent the last 45mins reading it all. The way you have told the tales of Ted are brilliant, you really have a talent.

Sorry to hear about your health, sounds like you are on the final stretch to recovery now, and it won't be long until you can enjoy your horses properly again. :)

Please keep up the updates, it's fantastic hearing about Ted and his escapades, I've become very fond of shires after purchasing my own ShireX, they really are a lovely breed.

Good luck with the radiotherapy, the end is in sight!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Thank you Elvis, hope you didn't waste your lunch hour reading my silly ramblings ! Sadly I have not seen Ted and the rabble today, just plenty of daytime tv, the forum, lots of waiting for the OH to come home so I have someone to moan at and searching the fridge for something I fancy to eat, nothing floated my boat and I am hungry now. Blooming chemotherapy does odd things to your appetite, always hungry but fancy nothing.

I have had the all ok, from my friend doing the horses this evening, so Ted must have behaved himself, plenty of rain here, that will make him grow even more no doubt.