Well-Known Member
Oh dear. But what do they say? From little acorns...... Glad you had the energy to do 'stuff' - onwards and upwards. You'll be on Ted this time next year!
I think Ted should come and live with Alf - they can be all neurotic Shire-y together! We were joined for about 200 yards of our hack today by a chicken, running alongside us in the ditch. Alf very nearly wet himself...dragon snorts and heart thudding away under my leg. I nearly did the same - with laughter!
I wish there was a like button on here, that would get one, I'm laughing just imagining it!
Never under estimate the danger of an acorn and a feral cart horse.
With a newly cleaned out barn and some newly found energy on my part, I decided Ted could have some indoor training, bit of join up, maybe show him the long lines, I rummaged around and found the felt saddle, in my mind I had him broken this afternoon. Little known to me that my fanciful aspirations would be scuppered by an acorn.
I caught him and as we ambled back to the yard I told him how brave he was going to be and how easily
his lessons would sink in, one can always hope !
He is now steady enough not to need his lead rope threaded through the headcollar, it is clipped on and it has been a good while since he panicked and got loose. Famous last words and all that. As we opened and closed the gate beneath our huge oak a few acorns were falling, one landing straight on top of Ted's head between his ears. In a split second I had rope burn and no horse. Off he went, rope flying around his legs, totally beside himself and what I called him is not printable.
He eventually came back to me, trembling and boiled. After a considerable rest on both our parts, we ventured into the barn and did some de-sensitising work, which did not involve me throwing acorns at him, so stop laughing !! we also had a play with the driving harness.
He has his hay under the oak this evening and hopefully, by morning a few hundred acorns will have landed on the delicate little soul. More Arnica required for my poor hand.
I think Ted should come and live with Alf - they can be all neurotic Shire-y together! We were joined for about 200 yards of our hack today by a chicken, running alongside us in the ditch. Alf very nearly wet himself...dragon snorts and heart thudding away under my leg. I nearly did the same - with laughter!
Now this is worrying me, are you telling me Shire types remain bonkers for life ! I have only had Ted 12 months and have already endured far too many 'adventures' than is good for me.
Ted is keen on coming to live with Alf and learning to be a dressage horse. On the rare occasion that Ted is actually looking in the same direction as his furry body and legs are travelling, he has very nice, uphill paces. plus he is same colour as Valegro so with a good clip and a sparkly browband he will soon be ready to hit the Grand Prix scene.
He was pleased to be caught this morning and his lesson went nicely. In view of him leaving home to live with Alf, I decided he needed to acquire a wardrobe and learn how to wear clothes. He is coming to Berkshire on the train and it is not acceptable to be naked on a train. The smart navy blue summer sheet was the work of the devil but he finally agreed to have it on, the fillet string made him buck a few times. Then we moved on to a nice quilted stable rug that rustled a lot, bit of huffing and puffing but no real problem. Full neck turnout was next and he was chilled. I hate leg straps and don't use them, but I did let Ted have a feel of leg straps and he was ok. To finish he wardrobe lesson I found him a pair of brushing boots, fronts only as I had not got my hat on. He is such a clown, he let me put them on and then did loads of sniffing and snorting at them.
So with his clothes sorted out I have left him on the railway platform at Worcester Foregate Street, with a label on his bottom that says 'Deliver to Auslander' Berkshire'. In his satchel he has a gift for Alf, her name is Spotty Dotty and she is a Suffolk Speckled Hen. He also has a jam sandwich in case he gets hungry on the way, his new pj's and mac.
Look forward to seeing you both at next years BD Nationals.
Maesfen, who named that horse Jesus !
Oh, Alf will have a fit of the vapours when Ted gives him his gift. Alf and Ted have a very similar expression.
I have worn myself out this morning so watching the racing in bed at the moment, nothing heard from Ted, so he has not been arrested yet. I bet some bright train conductor will stamp 'return to sender' on Ted's forehead. Hope you gave Alf a sandwich to take with him to Maidenhead Station for lunch.
Alice has had a text, Ted has been thrown off the train for snoring and farting. Spotty Dotty and the satchel remain on the train so Alf will still get his chicken. Not know where yet, but she has packed her compass, lipstick and all her pocket money in her handbag and has set off to find him.
Oh please keep these posts going just brilliant. but on serious note i hope you are ok on friday AA
. well as ok as can be expected in circumstances. x x
i will be fine and on the 12th November everything will be finished. Going back to work will be a bit of a shock mind ! It has been a very long time since I had two five oclocks in the same day.
This will make you laugh. I have been told to buy E45 cream and ensure I slap it on big time whilst having the radiation. Off to Boots I go and find they have a buy 2 get a third free on their own brand E45.
Fabulous, I use the cream on my cob mares scabby knees with great success so I pack 6 big pots of the stuff under my arm and head to the check out. The check out lady looks at me with some puzzlement, I so wanted to say Martha has scabby knees and I will have a scabby txx, hence the vast quantities of cream being purchased. I decided against it in case the poor girl fainted !
Hi AA!
Fingers x for Friday- bit rude of them to do it on Hunters Day at HOYS!
Im surprised that Alice even went to the train station, Bridgette holds grudges well against boys and refuses to speak to Monty any more after his comment about large bottoms!
Havent seen any bomb threat alerts so hopefully the satchel was taken by a kind person wanting a chicken!
Ted does look smart wearing all those accessories - no wonder Alice is envious.
We are due an easy winter, I reckon - but who knows? Good luck today, anyway. Oh yes, when E45 is not on offer, try Boots Aqeous cream - same stuff, essentially, but cheaper.