My next equine project horse


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Ted, cruising for a bruising.

Thank you all for the fabulous support. I will come out the other end and have lots to look forward to. I have achieved what I had hoped by reminding everyone to attend those vital screening appointments, there seems to be a fair few who have remembered to get up to date.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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It looks like Alice is about to get her wish come true and be able to dump Ted as her boyfriend.

They both came into the barn after we had a good storm and Alice had a small paddling pool floating in the gutter on her rump ! and I realised that Alice is as wide as she is tall. Ted is lean and getting taller by the day, but Alice is built like a brick out house. I cannot see how she does it, they have been on less than half an acre for months and months, there is nothing out there at all. I need to take their mobile phones off them, they must be having a take out every night !

Alice refused to be weigh taped in front of Ted this morning, he was calling her names and pointing out 'horse like owner', he wants to watch his flipping step that feral cart horse does. The word muzzle was mentioned and poor Alice burst into tears, Ted rolled on his back, furry feet upturned, laughing his head off. Bless Alice, she wiped her nose on my hairless bonce because Ted has hidden her handbag - again, so she has no tissues.

I don't know what to do now, if I make the field any smaller I think they might get mardy with one another and I don't really want to leave Ted on his own. I could throw Ted to the old mares, they would tell him his fortune !


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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Beautifully written, as always!
It is a problem isn't it? Our older ladies are both good doers, so are in the bare field. Both youngsters when they arrived dropped some weight with the stress of moving and so are in a different field from the fatties but now one of them has put back all that she lost and a bit more, so we are going to have to be careful with her - and I certainly don't want to put her in with the others and leave one on its own - yet more juggling to do! We thought we had left that behind when we had the old cob pts ...... ah well - the benefits outweigh the disadvantages (or so I keep telling myself).


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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:)Hugs and best wishes to you

Thank you so much. Had the 3 weekly oncology appointment today and doctors are really pleased with me, apart from my sunburnt arms. They do frown a bit when I tell them I wander over fields and sit on a log to talk to my horses. It appears most ladies in my position stay at home and knit. At least I have avoided anymore horse fly bits during this session.

Six days left before they poison me again and I spend a week comatose, but the end is in sight, 14th September is the last one, then radiation for a few weeks. Then my horses better look out because I will be back, firing on all cylinders. I have been off work since March, going back is going to be a blooming big shock, it has been a long time since I had two five oclocks in the same day.


Wasting my time successfully....
23 July 2011
Somewhere south of the middle
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Your thread has made me laugh and cry in equal measues this evening. You really should write a book! I hope the last chemo cycle is not too horrendous. ... at least the end is in sight. Hugs x

Echo Bravo

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6 August 2009
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Looks just like my Lenny, who I bought from travellers at 4 months old, for £200, he's now 2 and a character, not sure what to do with him as he has a slipping stifle and needs a big op as he's retained one of his testicles, once we can get him use to the trailer(taking time) he's off for the op.


Well-Known Member
24 July 2006
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this thread has been so entertaining yet so serious - one of the best i have ever seen on hho, you sound like you have such a bond with your ponies. sorry to hear about your illness, im sure they are hatching plans to keep you entertained when you are recovering!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Just over 12 months has past since Ted arrived and had to be sedated before we physically carried him off the lorry. A few days after his arrival I appealed for help on the forum and his story started.

Have a look at the picture on page one and then look at the one below. He will never be a world beater, but clipped top to toe and fit I think he will be rather nice just now.



Well-Known Member
23 March 2012
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[SUP]Totally totally speechless - that is NOT the same horse!! :eek: A true credit to your care - he is one seriously impressive guy!! Hope all goes well xx[/SUP]


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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[SUP]Totally totally speechless - that is NOT the same horse!! :eek: A true credit to your care - he is one seriously impressive guy!! Hope all goes well xx[/SUP]

Thank you, I am a bit pleased with him. Must tackle his mane though, it is a disgrace and 2 foot long.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2012
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He is magnificent, but you have a good eye for a nice horse, I think you knew he was going to be special right from the start.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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He is magnificent, but you have a good eye for a nice horse, I think you knew he was going to be special right from the start.

That is a lovely comment and I am flattered ! however I did not see Ted until he arrived. My dearest best friend, who is also my vet, spotted him and told me she thought he could be special. In the length of time it took me to say no more horses followed by I will think about it, a lorry arrived and I became the proud owner of a feral, furry and fugly carthorse, and the journey began. I promised I would not get fond of him, he would be sorted out and passed on.

Well, something has gone wrong, he is going nowhere, I am more than fond of him, he has a home for life and as soon as I can get all this crap chemotherapy and radiation treatment finished, he will be started on and in the Autumn of 2015 he will be standing outside our local covert, being admired for being so handsome and well behaved.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2005
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Wow he is stunning, i too absolutley love this thread and think Ted sounds such a character and very much loved. I would also read a book written by you, you have a very engaging style. Wish you all the luck with your recovery too.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Talk about a chrysalis! There's a very handsome young man there, just wait til he's cubbing, you'll have all heads turning!

Stay strong.xx

I will be recruiting a crash test dummy before I get on him, or Alice. I am far too old, fat and windy to get on 4 year olds anymore.

I think Ted needs either his eyes testing or his forelock trimming, he has just tripped up over nothing and head butted the gate.

Alice is in a flounce because Ted has told her fat birds have their jaws wired together and have liquid meals. She is fed up with him, bitterly disappointed West Midlands safari park wouldn't give him a home with the lions, but she has heard about a place called Potters. She has told Ted it is a holiday park, Ted is not convinced and can't understand why she won't go with him.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Don't blame you about a crash dummy, it'll be a hell of a long way to fall from Ted!

Poor Alice getting her knickers in a twist; she'll really throw her dummies out when new baby comes home.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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Ted, cruising for a bruising.

Thank you all for the fabulous support. I will come out the other end and have lots to look forward to. I have achieved what I had hoped by reminding everyone to attend those vital screening appointments, there seems to be a fair few who have remembered to get up to date.

Sorry for the late reply, and even sorrier to hear your health blip is one of those nasty sorts of blip. It must be tough going at times. I've had a few suspect lumps and just the weeks between GP appointment, scan and diagnosis were 'orrible.

Luckily mine turned out to be harmless. There is just lots of very dense craggy tissue in there which is hard to read, even for the medics. I'm immensely grateful to the NHS for the annual breast check I now get.

I thought it might be useful to mention that I am always told by the specialist that I should check my breasts every month (just after period ends is the right time), rather than rely on screening appointments alone.

My mother had an entire breast removed in the early 80s due to a cancerous lump, and is alive and kicking. Glad they caught yours early - the chemo must be awful, though. Bet you're crossing off days on the calendar.

Oh, and love the photo (and latest updates..Potters the holiday camp - lol)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Adorable Alice's world has imploded and it is all her own fault. She left her Ipad unlocked and Ted read her emails to the Safari Park and Potters Holiday Camp. Ted has dumped her, packed his haynet and booked himself into another paddock.

Alice has cried and cried, called to him constantly and begged forgiveness, but Ted is not forgiving her and has not uttered a word back to her. He was sick of living in the slimming paddock with her anyway, he was always hungry and ryvita grass did not hit the spot. His new paddock has nice grass and his new neighbour is the 6 year old cob mare with an even larger bottom than Alice has. Ted likes the more mature lady, I just hope he does not stick his nose through the post and rail, because she is likely to punch his lights out given the chance.

My poor 20 year old, retired ex show hunter is sandwiched in between the hysterical Alice and randy Ted, Alice has been given an aged and very mardy old mare for company, Alice hates her and there is a lot of squawking going on. The poor chap is very much pipe, slippers and in bed by ten so all the noise is sending him dotty, he has already demanded ear plugs and sleeping pills.

I am definitely running a yard for delinquents. Alice cannot understand why she cannot have the same grass as Ted and was offended yesterday when the farrier told her she was the fattest 2 year old he had ever seen. She got her own back by knocking his box over. She then refused to go back into her weight watchers paddock and got a slap with the farriers apron up her bottom. Ted was a total gentleman with the farrier, it has taken a year admittedly, but yesterday was the best he has ever been. Just stood there, rope over his neck, handing each foot to the farrier without question.

I have the next dreaded chemotherapy treatment tomorrow morning so will be away from the yard for a week. Hopefully the delinquent animals do not cause too much strife for my dear friend who kindly looks after them for me.

Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Sending hugs and vibes for coming week, and look forward to the next instalment when you feel up to it.

Poor Alice life is unpredictable, a weight watchers paddock sounds like something serious, it is so hard when others can eat what they like.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Sending hugs and vibes for coming week, and look forward to the next instalment when you feel up to it.

Poor Alice life is unpredictable, a weight watchers paddock sounds like something serious, it is so hard when others can eat what they like.

Horse like owner sadly ! My backside matches that of Alice. She did really well on her dam and has continued to be a chunky monkey.
1 May 2012
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AdorableAlice, you are an inspiration to us all and you entertain us brilliantly with your amusing, witty and informative posts.

You are also a force to be reckoned with. Last year, after I posted an unfortunate picture of my mare asking for stallion recommendations, you not only gave some sound advice but stood up for me against the ensuing onslaught from people who believed I should not breed. I decided to go ahead and this year my mare has given birth to an amazing filly and I am totally thrilled with her. They both have a home for life.

I wish you well in your recovery and will look forward to many more posts about Ted, Alice and maybe this years new arrival?!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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The blooming cart horse is never normal.

After a week of feeling so ill, I finally picked up enough to go to the yard this morning. We get there and I tell the OH to have a walk round and make sure everything is ok.

Two minutes later OH is shouting 'quick quick', Ted is ill. In my current state I do nothing quickly, but I managed to raise a shuffle.

OH is kneeling by a prostrate Ted and is convinced the horse is not breathing. I just wish we had had the camera. Ted was on his side, with his neck and head flexed backwards, mouth open and tongue lolling out on the grass, I thought they couldn't breath with their mouths open ? he had managed to tip himself back a little which had allowed a foreleg to dangle in the breeze. Think tired kitten pose but Shire horse size.

Fair play to the OH, the horse did look well and truly dead. 'What are we to do says OH' "poke it" was my advice. Ted opened one eye, put his tongue back in, farted, stretched and rolled onto his chest. It took another 15 minutes of yawning, flopping back onto his side and farting before he got to his feet.

OH is now asleep on the sofa, tells me he is exhausted by the emotional upset of finding Ted dead. Give me strength !


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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AA I have to say your last post made me laugh out loud ( not good when i am having a sneaky read of the forum whilst at work lol)
i love your ted adventures and love to catch up to cheer myself up.

Im sorry to hear your not feeling so good today after your chemo, i hope you feel better soon ((hugs)) xx