Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
As usual it was absolute stupidity from one person that got the EXO a bad rep regards to keys. One person had removed all their keys from the BP and then fell off. Luckily not badly.
Again a vague recollection that was the compromise made by Exo to get them back in use. Until then there was some talk of fence judges all having one?
This is all a long time ago and pretty academic, you must be one of a very small number of people who still have one, they haven't been sold for donkeys years.
I tried one on one in Derby House once and decided that the sheer weight of it would make me more likely to fall off of I got unbalanced.
Im sure Im not the only one who is extremely worried about Nicola, I appreciate that the family has more to think about than letting us know whats going on but I also think that if there was some really positive news we would know by now. I have everything very firmly crossed. Im not sure we should be discussing the merits of various safety measures on this thread? We all have our own ideas of what works and what doesnt and we all know that every time we go near a horse we are putting ourselves at risk to a greater or lesser degree, maybe another thread is needed for this particular discussion!!
It was a horrific fall and she was rolled over by JL Dublin. I suspect she has abdominal crush injuries which would keep her in ITU for a couple of weeks. It is very good to hear she did not have a head injury (she was out cold after the fall) and that she is not ventilated. Hopefully she will recover well from all the trauma but I suspect we will not see her competing for quite a few months. I personally think if she had been wearing an air jacket she would not have sustained as many injuries as she did. Emily King had an almost identical horse fall but was wearing an air jacket which very obviously protected her from injury. I suspect air jackets might soon become mandatory as body protectors did in the past.
I dont see how some air can really help if you're rolled over by a horse - the weight of it is still fully on you even if you have a bit of air in between you and it.
I don't think frangible pins were common 7 years ago either; you would hope that with safer fence design and fewer rotational falls the riders' safety equipment is less likely to be tested to the limitRiders who are going to do dangerous stuff are more likely to choose to wear an air jacket? Especially 7 years ago, when they were more likely to be worn by eventers on a cross country than leisure riders.
BE have done a longer update. There is sensation and movement returning to her upper and lower limbs but going to be a lengthy recovery
That's got to be good news that she has good feeling in her hands and arms. Well done Nicola and team, you've got this.