Paranormal activity???


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23 March 2009
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my mum saw my nan sit on the end of her bed after she had died. they had a convosation with eachother then she said goodbye and off she went :) it made mum feel much better.


Well-Known Member
8 February 2009
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Oh god, you mad?!?!? reading this in the dark:eek: are you on your own too?
I do like ghost stories, but i can't read/watch any before i go to bed, or at night on my own, otherwise i'll start listening for every single noise, convinced somethings gonna get me:p

Oh yes, definitely. Thankfully not alone right now, Nigella Lawson is keeping me company :) but it doesn't really bother me anymore.

We have a resident highwayman (house is all of 30 yards away from an old smuggling route) who walks past the lounge window complete with black cape. A little girl stands at the top of the stairs looking down and I always have a feeling something is watching me.

My old house, a big old manor house (when I was about 4, my sister one) my Mum often heard a baby crying through the baby monitor then to find us both sound asleep. She also heard talking before I could could talk and playing with building blocks (which I didn't have) The dog would never go up the stairs and every morning the door to the East Wing, which was kept closed and latched as we didn't use that end of the house, was wide open. On one occasion Mum was talking to a friend about it in the Drawing Room and the light bulb fell out of the fitting on the ceiling and when she went to pick it up found it to be ice cold despite being on all evening!

My Mum also lived in a haunted pub with her family when she was younger and often things went missing. She felt things sit on her bed and when she turned her light on could see the indent. She could always smell lavender - the woman who had previously lived there wore lavender scented perfume. She once (when there alone) went to hang her keys up on the hook and somehow missed, dropping them on the floor. She looked down and they had vanished! The really scary bit is...

...They were on her bed when she went upstairs about a minute later! :eek:

Her sister also frequently felt (and saw) somebody lifting the end of her bed up! Even when she was in it!

I have tonnes, I'm struggling to remember them all though.


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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She could always smell lavender - the woman who had previously lived there wore lavender scented perfume.

how do you know she wore lavender perfume? genuine question as im curious on how you'd know something quite so personal. but still, i think id poo myself if someone lifeted up my bed :eek:


Well-Known Member
8 February 2009
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Oh sorry, after they moved in one of the 'regulars' asked "Have you smelt her yet?" Mum thought nothing of it but when she started smelling it asked said regular what they had meant and she said that the old woman who had lived there wore lavender scented perfume!


Well-Known Member
23 March 2009
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Oh sorry, after they moved in one of the 'regulars' asked "Have you smelt her yet?" Mum thought nothing of it but when she started smelling it asked said regular what they had meant and she said that the old woman who had lived there wore lavender scented perfume!

thats so wierd :eek: !!!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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My mum worked in a nursery, and it wasnt open yet and my and my friend were sorting stuff out in the unused part of the nursery. It was a really old victorian building, first thing was we were in the staff room (attic) and we could hear shouting (was only us and my mum) so we went downstairs and ask what mum wanted, and she wasnt even in she had gone out to get lunch :eek:

Then the next day, another member of staff was in with her kids and me and my friend went across to the messy play room (unused) to do some leaflets and there were 2 kids, a little boy and girl playing with a doll and dolls house and we said hi and went to the other room so not to disturb them and then when we went back to the other end of the nursery, my mums friend and her 2 little girls were there and had been the whole time :eek: So we went back down, and the girl & boy were gone but all the dolls and dolls house were as they had left them.

Im sooo pleased my mum doesnt work there anymore :eek:


6 May 2010
North West
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ELM89 Have you considered getting someone in the clear/bless the house to remove whatever negative entity is there? Certainly sounds like it needs it!

We have thought about that, but whenever we speak about it we always feel a bit crazy and try to shrug it off! That's why I thought I'd see if anyone had had similar experiences ... but thanks for your suggestion, we don't have anything to lose by giving it a try I suppose!

Mavis Cluttergusset

Well-Known Member
22 February 2009
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We have just exposed a big inglenook fireplace in our 350 yr old cottage, and I am wondering whether somebody else might be in our house now. We can smell tobacco and the night the whole fireplace was exposed I had to go upstairs to try and trace what was making a thumping noise in our bedroom, to be confronted by one of the cats coming downstairs at 100 miles per hour. It doesn't feel sinister but it does feel different.


Well-Known Member
15 March 2010
North England
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I have been reading this thread and it is freaking me out!
My house at home is very old, and when we first renivated the kitchen we found shoes etc built into the wall, anyways, next to the door in the kitchen there are shelves, we are quite deep. We had a tin of keys on the top shelves, which was pushed back (no one every used it, and there was bit and bobs in front of it) anywho, I was walking into the kitchen and the tin a keys flew down infront and narrowly missed my head, good job as well, as it was really heavy! Also the light switch in the same area kept electricuting me only, I even got an electrician in and he said it was fine. It only electricuted me though! The house feel nice though, safe, though not too keen walking around in the dark in it!

When I first went to college I was put in overflow accomodation a bit away from campus. I was previously a mental hospital for Hull. My room was horrible, it was like doubled doored and my room was still like a ward, as I was the only one in it though there were several beds. The toilets, which hadn't been changed since it was a hospital were horrible, there we toilet cubicles but there was a bath in the room. It freaked everyone out, luckly it has been demolished now.


6 May 2010
North West
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the ginger one: I think we've peeved whatever 'it' is enough just by living here!

I just wish I knew whether ghosty things really do exist as before we had the problems I was really sceptical, but after reading all these posts and the experiences that people have had I'm becoming more convinced...! Some of them are truly terrifying!

*waits for next story :D *

Mavis Cluttergusset

Well-Known Member
22 February 2009
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Mavis cluttergusset- have a poke around in the inglenook. Up inside and feel around for any ledges. There may be a clue there. Something left behind maybe??;)

I'm not poking around up there! It's filthy! There are some ancient pegs for a sweep to climb and a hook for smoking food on (I presume) :)

Unless the builders abandoned their Marlboro lights up there...


Well-Known Member
15 August 2005
Hiding in the Cadbury Factory
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I have always believed that my Grandad Tom has been with me; I have never told anyone this before - not even my Dad. I don't know why. I've always felt a bit more "in tune" to something - what I don't know and it isn't all the time. I credit it to my Grandad Tom - I will need to give a bit of background just to explain!

My grandad Tom adored my Nanna Flo who was 14 years his junior and she died of cervical cancer when I was a year old. He never got over it and carried her ashes with him constantly. Just as I turned two, he made me a big chocolate cake and then left with my Nanna Flo's ashes and went to stay with my aunty Doreen, my nanna's sister.

He had been there for nearly 2 months when he woke up one morning and was in a flustered state and began packing everything telling me aunty Doreen, "I have to go, Flo is calling me, she is calling me." My aunt begged him to stay but he wouldn't. She told me later she knew that would be the last time she saw him.

My Grandad arrived in the UK I think on the Tuesday of the week (now in the July of 1987). My mum and dad said he seemed a bit agitated and kept trying to convince them to buy the house he lived in (we were house hunting). He had an argument with my dad's brother too. On the Friday, we went over to see him and he seemed ok. He said he had made up with my Uncle Malcom and was going to see him Sunday. We were going to pop round later after seeing a house, but we ended up running late and going straight to my aunt's for my dinner as it was my Dad's birthday the next day. Mum said I was in a panic when we were leaving, and wouldn't leave my Grandad.

I was the apple of my grandad's eye; everyone has said how he absolutely adored me and took pictures at every opportunity. I have so many memories of him - really vivid, it is ever so strange.

We had a call from my Uncle Malcom on the Saturday saying he couldn't get hold of Grandad Tom and could we go and see if everything was ok. We went in and my Grandad was dead; he died on my Dad's birthday of a heart attack and in the house. My mum said I was quiet, just didn't do anyhting.

My aunty Doreen thinks he died of a broken heart because of my Nanna Flo. She also said he would have hated not seeing me grow up.

Anyhow, thats the backgroud (got all teary). Whenever I have been upset, lonely I feel something like a warm breeze across my cheek - always my right cheek and something that could be a whisper - there are words and they are by a male. Afterwards, I always feel warm, and protected; I also get a sensation like a hug. Then my TV clicks itself on (always off at the source, never on standby).

My aunty Doreen, who has recounted many things my Grandad would do with me and mum and dad, said when my Grandad was alive, and I was upset, apparently I would always bury my head into his shoulder and his cheek would rub against my right cheek and he would whisper words of comfort to me whilst giving me a hug. I have never gone to anyone else like that before for comfort - I am not the most affectionate person.

The TV I have? Was his when he lived here. My mum and dad are moving next year...I am terrified that I will never feel him with me again, that he will go when the house does. I am 25 and can remember him being with me since I first remember that sensation and feeling of him being there when I was 6.

Sorry for waffling...I guess it is paranormal activity...just a bit more personal.


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
ELM89 - speak to a vicar about having the house blessed (or whatever he/she recommends). I used to work with a lay preacher, and although he wouldn't tell any stories, he did say that it could be completely terrifying trying to move spirits on.

I have lots of ghostly experiences, they've tailed off as I've become older, but I once stayed in a haunted house, which was extremely frightening for three of the four people holidaying there! I was with my mum, her friend B and my friend S. All of us apart from S, who was unaffected, had strange things happen - think huge bangs coming from empty rooms, eing woken up by our faces being blown on, seeing colours through closed eyes, feeling hot, hot anger directed towards us, all of our cameras not working in one particular room - a ground floor bathroom. My mother was so scared that she would only have a strip wash in that bathroom, never a shower, and she wouldn't shut the door, even when she was using the loo! Her friend B had her Christian faith severely shaken, she kept saying that as a Christian she didn't believe in ghosts! For anyone who wants a very scary holiday personally I would never set foot in the place again.


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13 January 2008
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If anyone wants a hand cleaning out their houses etc, pm me.

Myself, OH and a few others search out these sort of energy fields, and if nesessary, give them a good spring clean. Completely non religous etc. Its 'good fun' and the energy raised can be used for good ends.


Well-Known Member
15 August 2005
Hiding in the Cadbury Factory
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And just to add;

some of these accounts are awesome and I don't normally get freaked out but I am beginning to scare myself so have something to take the malice out of the air... "D'ya think I'm sexy?" by Rod Stewart!! :D :D

DON'T read this thread and put the song I just did..."somebody's watching me" by Beatfreaks!!!

Rod Stewart is now on super loud!!!!!
Last edited:


6 May 2010
North West
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fine and dandy: That's a really lovely story :) I'm sure your Grandad will always be with you, despite the house move.

Also, thanks to everyone who commented on my post - you've made me feel like less of a nutter about my thoughts on the house! I will definitely raise the 'cleansing' idea and keep my fingers crossed ...


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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My friends TV used to turn itself on at 12.45am for 5- 10 mins on a regular basis, she even turned the thing off at the wall on one occasion and it still did it:eek::eek:
Her grandad was in a nursing home at the time, on his way out bless him, (92 years old) I said it's probably him having one last final joke (he was like that, loved practical jokes and mischief!) and the last time the TV did it was the night he died......nursing home rang in the morning to say he'd passed away at 12.45 am:eek:


Well-Known Member
30 September 2010
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When I started reading this, I was just interested in having a good read. Now I've started getting a bit freaked out and, guess what, I just heard the front door open and some heavy footsteps in the hall........


oh, it's ok.... that's just my husband back hom from t' pub:D:D:D

great thread:D


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
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I have my late fathers bedside alarm clock in the living room (I'm looking at it now). He died at just gone 10pm on the 18th Dec 2007. At just gone 10pm on the 18th Dec 2008 the alarm went off...................


6 May 2010
North West
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I agree with a previous poster about 'car crash thread' - you don't want to look but just can't help yourself.

Bizarrely the dog has been rather pro-active in her barking and growling at empty spaces in the living room tonight ... perhaps 'it' has been reading my posts over my shoulder, haha!

Actually I shouldn't joke - if I undoubtedly saw something I'd be running for the hills as fast as my little legs could carry me! Think I'll be keeping a light on tonight ...


Well-Known Member
22 July 2009
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:D me and my friend were watching most haunted one night and it happened to be within a couple of days of her mums friends husband's death. Anyway there we were watching it when she went out of the lounge to get a drink an I sat there watching it on my own and no word of a lie....(they had an electric fire with doors on it) and one door opened and the bl**dy fire started all on it's own.... I'll let ur imagination do the rest!!

I totally forgot about it and I've just remembered!!!


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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Oh i used to love most haunted, i got my grandad to type them all for me, when i had a sleep over at my friends, we stayed up till 3 am watching them :)
Can't say i'm into it any more, seems a bit daft, espeacialy now derek acorrah (sp?) has gone, he was great :)