Please, please pray for my boy :-'(


Well-Known Member
8 June 2009
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So very sorry to read this. I hope he is feeling abit better this morning.

A horse at a yard I work at had a similer thing happen last year. He came out in a massive rash and his back legs swelled to about twice the normal size and were ozzing pussey type stuff. It was awful and he was so unhappy. It took along time and lots of treatment (sorry not entirely shore what as i only work there once a week) but he pulled through. They still don't know egsactly what it was but they think he had a reaction to some sort of fly bite.

I hope they find out whats wrong with your boy and are able to make him better again.

(((((((((hugs)))))))))) to you both. xx


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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Quick update. Golly is trying to eat bless him but he is trying to compensate with his near fore for his 3 swollen and very lame legs. Its causing him to buckle and stumble badly :-( Im scared he will break it. He has another big lump come up too under his belly by his sheath.
Vet will be out again to asses where to go from here.
To make matters elderly Shetland is getting progressively worse and had another fall early hours. I dont think today is going to be a good one :-(


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
My own planet
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Quick update. Golly is trying to eat bless him but he is trying to compensate with his near fore for his 3 swollen and very lame legs. Its causing him to buckle and stumble badly :-( Im scared he will break it. He has another big lump come up too under his belly by his sheath.
Vet will be out again to asses where to go from here.
To make matters elderly Shetland is getting progressively worse and had another fall early hours. I dont think today is going to be a good one :-(

God bless be strong and go with how you not anyone else feels - you know if the fight is worth it with both of them - do not be swayed from what your heart and the pit of the stomach tells you - big horses do not do poorly well - but were all here for you to help with your decision, which ever that maybe - dont be afraid of asking for a 2nd opinion from your vets or a.n. other - they are your horses and you are the only one that knows what is the best thing to do

good luck and god bless - have the strength to be brave and have the courage of your heart !
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Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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Oh HHH:(, poor Golly, he's a big strong lad though and he's still fighting which is good news, sorry to hear about your shetland as well, will be keeping my fingers crossed for both of them.x

Rose Folly

Well-Known Member
29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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Haven't time to read all the posts, but just to say this - DO NOT DESPAIR!!

About 59 years ago ! my pony got purpura haemorrogica. It's very rare. A lot of vets have never seen a case. It is a dreadful infection, and shocking to see - BUT - my pony pulled through and lived to a ripe old age. And think how veterinary science has improved in those almost 60 years.

Please PM me if you want to, and we can talk on the phone. I'm just Joe Public, but I can remember now how scared I was, how hard we worked to save him, and we (a very devoted vet, the Royal Dick Veterinary School, and my father and I) did it.

If your vet is willing, and you can afford it, perhaps try to get a veterinary college involved, even if your boy doesn;'t go to 'horse hospital'. Anyway, I guess right now he's too sick to be moved.

My thoughts will be with you.


Well-Known Member
27 April 2004
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Positive vibes for both your big boy and your shetland, HHH. It's positive that your boy is clearly fighting and wanting to eat. Hope the vet is optimistic for him and hugs to your old shettie. xx


Well-Known Member
26 March 2002
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Oh op good luck. I have had a horse with this so know how you are feeling. Keep him as comfortable as you can and let us know the outcome when the vet has been. All the best xx