Lucky Snowball
Well-Known Member
Congratulations on losing all that weight. Well done for giving your horse such a good start, also great photos. Very happy for you both.
He is gorgeous. Congratulations on the weight loss - any top tips?
Thank you! I have ADHD so I find that the best way to stick to something is to plan out what I am going to eat the next day on Nutracheck and then stick to it, as not needing to think on the spot what I fancy removes the temptations, if I am 'hungry' I also take a conscious moment to think about what emotion is driving that hunger as I am a terrible emotional eater, and if it's boredom, tired, angry, happy, thirsty etc I don't eat and find something to do instead. I tend to have a huge mug of coffee in the morning, a large meal about 14:00 and then a small meal/large snack for dinner and that about does me. I also now keep some rice crackers in the glove box in the car so any time I am out and about I can grab a line of those and not get something sugary from a garage or similar! (and they don't go stale once opened which is handy).
He is going to be a corker.It's Dex's 4th birthday today!! Which also means it's been a year and a day since I put down my deposit on him.
From the little scrap that stepped off the lorry that I had bought on Facebook, unseen and shipped over from Ireland; that had done and seen nothing other then wear a headcollar, to the confident big horse he is today, I have had the BEST time with him, and I really couldn’t have wished for a better horse.
I haven’t started from the very beginning with a horse in a long time, and from his first rug all the way through to backing him, I’ve held his hand and he’s held mine. Ive had a really hideous 6 months of late and without Dex I really don’t know that I would have gotten through it, both him and the yard are my complete mental sanctuary, and he makes me laugh every day.
I am so excited about what the future holds with him!
Photo dump of some of my favourites(plus the one of him looking a complete scraggeldy scrap the day he arrived, bless him!)
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Oh Happy Birthday Dex. Hope there is a birthday cake!!
I would be the same!! Put some carrots stuck in the mash like candlesI definitely should have made him some! I know it’s humanising him but I was planning on going to the tack shop to get something nice. Maybe some recovery mash as that’s tasty, or a lickit thing.
Will send you a PM nowWhat a lovely update! What saddle did you get and could you PM me the saddler you used please?
I love this update!!
And how brilliant that's he's working well enough to pop himself into an outline. You are a superstar for listening to him and giving him the time he needs.
But you really do make him look 15h