Proud dog owner moments


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Mitch went for his first woods walk today since box rest for his split paw. We met multiple dogs, I asked him to go past a cockapoo (?) whose body language did not look friendly. I just thoroughly enjoyed watching him sniff and explore, he’s like a dressage pony, moves beautifully, comes back for loves occasionally, just a happy, lovely dog. It helps that the sun was shining and the woods are carpeted in bluebells. 🙂


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24 March 2023
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For the first time yesterday, Nouille came running towards me at full speed when i called her !
She was lose and busy finding a cat in the garden but for once, i seemed to be more important !

I was so happy, it might sound very little but for a Basset, that could be quiet an achievment ! :)


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1 March 2011
NW Hampshire
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Took Pluto (2yo female Presa Canario) to a busy NT garden at the weekend. We met up with friends, including 2 dogs she knew and one (bouncy male lab) she had never met.
She was super-excited but settled quickly, friendly and mannerly, (other than a couple of barks trying to get the lab to play).
Chatting briefly to the lady at the gate on the way out the lady remarked "She's one of the calmest dogs we've seen all day!".

At one point she 'found' 3 children hidden in a bush next to us (I hadn't seen them) and just got on with her day like shrubbery full of kids was perfectly normal. :)


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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What a lovely thread! I don't think I've posted in this one before, which is weird because I am often proud of Ivy.

Yesterday she greeted a stranger she was nervous of. She asked to say hello to my dog and I said perhaps but that dog can be a little nervous so would have to be on her terms. Ivy was unsure but the person sat down on the pavement a little way away and let Ivy come to her to sniff. Then Ivy came in for some fuss and scratches. It was so lovely. This person is one of the vulnerable people in our area we often see drinking on the street, which I think added to Ivy being unsure, but you could see the connection meant a lot. The person said to Ivy 'let's make friends, I need a friend' and it made me want to cry and be so proud of my timid little hound.


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20 November 2006
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So proud of Zenya at her man trailing session yesterday. We did a split trail , which means 2 people set out but she is only given a scent cloth for one, they walk together, then split, then back together and the aim is for her to only trail the official "mispa". To add to the challenge the non mispa was my friend who Zenya adores and who we went on holiday with last week. She trailed beautifully, came to my friend, went up to her ,had a sniff then carried on to the right person. I was amazed she did it, as normally she screams round my friends neck every time we see her.
It's her 2nd birthday today so double treats .


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1 May 2022
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We had mantrailing the other day and I am so proud of how well she is doing. We passed our first assessment a few weeks ago and so are working towards the next one, so longer trails, adding more age to them, and adding some technical elements (not all at the same time!). She is really getting the hang of problem solving and working methodically. Last time we did a 650m trail which is the longest she has done and she was amazing.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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A few days' work with a big noise on the continent and am thrilled with my little dog. Gave me a really simple fix for the retrieve (as in Doh! Why didn't I think of that?!) but I was super impressed with how she went in the bitey stuff, working on confidence, grips and balancing between prey and defence.

I did get shouted at a lot 😅
I have a tendency to think that because she is small and dainty, she lacks heart, but she really proved me wrong this week. I think the quote was 'yes, she is small, but there's a lot of dog in there'.


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7 July 2023
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We have just been away on our first holiday with young(ish) pup - nearly 9 months old, and his "sister" who is nearly 3. We ate in the pub every night and from the start both dogs went under the table, got their heads down and never moved, even when the enticing smell of food went past them. Even when fluffy (not it's real name) kicked off big time they twitched an ear but still never moved. Youngest is a live wire and very friendly but he behaved impeccably. So proud of both of them.


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15 July 2019
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I took Fodhla to the park this morning. We met a samoyed and I was starting to tense up as she historically has been spooked by big white dogs. Recently I've been working a lot on trying to get her to actively ask me to say hello to dogs/people, she looked to me, I gave the nod, quick sniff hello and on we went no drama. Small thing, but very proud. The less I have to rely on distraction and the more she looks to me the better.

ten minutes later she tried to chase a rabbit with me on the other end of the lead and that hurt, but all walks can't be 100 percent brilliant 😂


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26 May 2008
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Very proud of Ginny and Fen yesterday but especially my nervous of strangers Ginny.

They got on a bus for the first time, walked round a busy town centre with lots of dogs and people, walked round a indoor shopping centre (not planned but the only available loos) and Ginny even coped with a strange child touching her back (without asking....I blocked them as soon as I noticed them). Not a peep from both of them and both walked perfectly 🥰
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17 September 2022
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I was proud of Lola today 👿

Normally their is at least a baby gate or a closed door between the dogs and the front door when it is open. Today I managed to close the baby gate without realising she was behind me and she dashed out onto the open plan front.

I called her back and she came galloping back in without having to be bribed with treats 😊 I was really pleased as her recall recently a bit hit and miss - it's normally good but she can have her Whippet moments🐶


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11 February 2017
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Just had to post on this thread as I've just trimmed Clover's claws for the first time and she was absolutely perfect! Just watched me do it :D
She's 6 months old now and we've almost got her sleeping through the night without barking for one of us (she gets up around 5am 😴 but it's better than barking every few hours!) and she's learning to be left alone for longer without barking too much. Slowly getting there!


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Mitch has taken to being crated like a pro. Comes out carefully, waits for his lead to go on if we're putting him behind the playpen, going for toileting etc. There is some complaining, but of course he wants to steal Goose's toy/treat/check his bowl.


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26 May 2008
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So incredibly proud of my at times nervous of strangers rescue girl and 10 month old puppy who is having some major regression issues.

I had tickets to see Taylor Swift so we went to Edinburgh with some friends, rented an air bnb and made the most of the trip.

They have taken to the new rules like old pros (no dogs on the sofa when they're allowed on at home), behaved beautifully and coped amazingly with a very busy Edinburgh. I didn't fancy trying to park my van in the city centre so we used the park and ride, they walked onto the bus like old pros, the crowds were no issue at all and Fen accepted a cuddle from everyone who asked with the best manners (and I was very grateful everyone respected Ginny not wanted to be touched too). The only issue we had was my fault. We still have barking from Fen if we separate but if you engage him before the other person leaves he's fine. I was distracted with needing to get somewhere to take medication so wandered too far and he let out one bark in a shop. Aside from that he was perfect, no jumping up things or trying to steal anything which he has in the past and generally just the best I could have hoped for 🥰


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15 July 2019
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This weekend Fodhla did the following;

1. Stayed in an air b n b, slept in her crate and didn't make a peep at night, walked in the door and settled immediately
2. walked nicely through the town of Enniskillen on a lead without trying to drag me into traffic - she has struggled to control herself on lead in busy places before
3. Slept on the floor of a pub long enough for us to have two drinks and didn't whine, bark, or jump up on anything she shouldn't have - accepted some polite fussing from the couple next to us who declared her 'the sweetest dog ever'
4. Sat under my chair while we had coffee at the entrance to a forest, looked and observed every dog going past with no reaction

Previously we have only managed one quick drink before she's started getting restless. We trained it outside before working up to indoor establishments- would tie a lead to a picnic table to teach her that being tied to a table leg means nothing is happening, then worked up to having a drink outside, then having a drink inside. I'm really hopeful we'll be able to eat out with her now, we travel a lot to our families and it's getting to be too warm to leave her in the car on road trips. The above might all seem like little things but they're huge to us to put them all together in one successful trip.

I'm so proud of her, we did a two night trip with no expectations, but we'll deffo be doing more trips with her 🙂 it's great seeing her so confident of the world around her, she's a different doggy to the one we brought home two years ago and I'm very confident in saying the vast majority of her hang ups are gone. She's an angel and I'm so delighted with her 🙂

She's still not 100 percent reliable on lead depending on what's going on around her, and she could do with learning to be alone for a bit longer but we'll get there.

I'm gushing now so I shall shut up.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2023
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This weekend Fodhla did the following;

1. Stayed in an air b n b, slept in her crate and didn't make a peep at night, walked in the door and settled immediately
2. walked nicely through the town of Enniskillen on a lead without trying to drag me into traffic - she has struggled to control herself on lead in busy places before
3. Slept on the floor of a pub long enough for us to have two drinks and didn't whine, bark, or jump up on anything she shouldn't have - accepted some polite fussing from the couple next to us who declared her 'the sweetest dog ever'
4. Sat under my chair while we had coffee at the entrance to a forest, looked and observed every dog going past with no reaction

Previously we have only managed one quick drink before she's started getting restless. We trained it outside before working up to indoor establishments- would tie a lead to a picnic table to teach her that being tied to a table leg means nothing is happening, then worked up to having a drink outside, then having a drink inside. I'm really hopeful we'll be able to eat out with her now, we travel a lot to our families and it's getting to be too warm to leave her in the car on road trips. The above might all seem like little things but they're huge to us to put them all together in one successful trip.

I'm so proud of her, we did a two night trip with no expectations, but we'll deffo be doing more trips with her 🙂 it's great seeing her so confident of the world around her, she's a different doggy to the one we brought home two years ago and I'm very confident in saying the vast majority of her hang ups are gone. She's an angel and I'm so delighted with her 🙂

She's still not 100 percent reliable on lead depending on what's going on around her, and she could do with learning to be alone for a bit longer but we'll get there.

I'm gushing now so I shall shut up.
Isn't it a great feeling when all the hard work pays off,:)


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Didn't lose her absolute shit at the two Bichons who the owner allowed to bark at and pull towards her while out on the green, while she had a good hard stare, she sustained a down and did a bit of heeling. Also a pug who decided to join the melee, lol.

Having said that, she probably got it out of her system this morning by shouting at very loudly at probably the same pug with a different walker, hanging around outside the house this morning 🤣


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10 October 2022
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Took GSD to local (dog friendly) shop yesterday and despite being scared of some sausages, she was generally angelic. She watched two cockapoos have an exchange of growls and didn't join in. When we passed another GSD, they both nodded at each other and said good morning and there was no swearing - to the relief (disbelief) of both owners. Overall did a really good impression of a calm well socialized dog.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I just had to round up some escaped lambs with the ‘snores. Who needs collies. They were great, sent two left to block a gateway, two right and walked them up with T. 🥰.
Very few photos as even Master Dog Trainers can struggle to distance handle 5 dogs and record it. 🤣


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24 March 2023
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I did a Tellington Touch course at the week end and Nouille was very good, she spend most of the time
on her back being chilled.

They were 12 dogs in the room, a beautiful German sheperd, a Lagoto, a young lab and 6 Tibetan terriers, a jack, a mix breed from Roumania and a poodle.

All of the others barked, jumped around and were restless, Nouille just watched and stayed quiet.

The show the exercises, the trainer had a big soft toy dog, it looked quiet real and many of the dogs barked at it !

A Tibetan terrer attacked it but Nouille seemed to know straight away that it was a fake and watched the others getting excited
wondering what the fuss was about.

We were less sucessful doing the outside work, where the German Sherperd excelled ! After a few minutes, walking over the cavalettis, she
suddenly ran off to the corner of the field, smelling a cat.

She couldn't see the point of walking around plastic cones tbh !

Still, i learned a lot and had a great time, we will certainly go again !