Proud dog owner moments


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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I did a Tellington Touch course at the week end and Nouille was very good, she spend most of the time
on her back being chilled.

They were 12 dogs in the room, a beautiful German sheperd, a Lagoto, a young lab and 6 Tibetan terriers, a jack, a mix breed from Roumania and a poodle.

All of the others barked, jumped around and were restless, Nouille just watched and stayed quiet.

The show the exercises, the trainer had a big soft toy dog, it looked quiet real and many of the dogs barked at it !

A Tibetan terrer attacked it but Nouille seemed to know straight away that it was a fake and watched the others getting excited
wondering what the fuss was about.

We were less sucessful doing the outside work, where the German Sherperd excelled ! After a few minutes, walking over the cavalettis, she
suddenly ran off to the corner of the field, smelling a cat.

She couldn't see the point of walking around plastic cones tbh !

Still, i learned a lot and had a great time, we will certainly go again !
I’m glad it went well. I went to watch @Spotherisk agilitise one day in the summer and there was a woman there ‘working’ a Harrier hound. I think they were struggling. 😁


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Little dog has been relatively good this last week/managed to mostly keep a lid on it with dogs walking past in close proximity, usually correlates with her having been in kennels, I guess lots of dog traffic going past her is desentitising, but boiled over this evening when the cannabis people* walked past with their little terrier. Hilariously it goes bananas at my old dog, who ignores it, tonight it was like a church mouse while my dog climbed up me, roaring. Le sign.

*There's three of them, they go everywhere together and stink of weed.


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24 March 2023
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It might not be the right place to post, sorry but i can't resist

Nouille's daugther Ratatouille age 4. She is for sale as the breeder in Lyon ( France ) is giving up.

I need to be strong and resist.... I can't possibly have another one....

But she is beautiful !



'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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When I was walking the young dog last night she started barking through a hole in the hedge in the dark and I verbally told her to knock it off, as I assumed it was at a dog as there's a guy who's routine we often clash with at that time of night in the same area, although I'd already met him on what I thought was his home stretch with my older dog, as he called out HELLO to me in the dark and gave me a real fright, then apologised for scaring me 🤣

Anyhoo we went up the lane and out onto the main road, when I heard a rustling behind me and a guy dressed all in black with a hoodie up came clambering up the banking and out onto the main road behind us. It's a shortcut that people use, but it's very steep and would be quite difficult in the dark. He crossed over and was behind us for a while, I went right and he went left, Missy Moo's eyes on stalks and occasionally standing right up on her hind legs eyeballing him.

I don't normally like her popping off at people but was quite glad of it last night. She clearly didn't like his vibe.


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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I was very proud of Ivy on Friday when we came across a shoot while on our walk (hello Gloucestershire gun dog people :D)

The flapping of the flags and the sound of the dog whistles seemed to get her attention, her ears seemed to grow an inch taller if that were possible and she was on high alert! Weirdly unfussed about the sound of the guns; I guess a different type of noise to fireworks which she really doesn't like. I was very proud of her for still listening to me and not losing the plot on the end of the lead.

Titchy Pony

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21 September 2022
Middle of Nowhere, France
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Very proud of my two at the moment.
Liberty is a bouncy young Aussie Shepherd who is not always fit to be allowed in polite company. But we've been having weekly Strictly nights with my mum and neighbour, rotating between the 3 houses. The last time it was my turn, my sister and year old nephew were thrown into the mix. It only took two short time outs in the kitchen for Liberty to realise jumping on people on the sofa was not allowed and Monster only needed to be reminded once that he can't lick my nephew to bits. Monster loves babies but is only allowed very limited contact when my nephew is in an adults arms.
In the end we spent a very pleasant evening with Monster curled up on one sofa between my mum and my sister with nephew in her arms, and me and my neighbour on the other sofa with Liberty lying at my feet. (I did also kidnap my nephew for the end of the evening).
The improvement in 3 times at mine has been impressive in Liberty. I'm just so happy she's slowly but steadily getting better at controlling her desire to jump on and kiss everyone.
Next challenge: when nephew is running around!


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29 October 2008
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I'm proud of Summer.
She is a super 'kind' dog, very intuitive to your feelings, will come over to you and snuggle up to you and lick you when you are down.

On car journey's she falls asleep within seconds and will lie on the floor in the cate home after gently visiting the people sitting in the residents lounge.

She is very aware of people who ate mentally or physically challenged and is extremely gentle with them. She never steals, stops barking first time you ask her and is an amazing guard dog and loyal friend who adores my Mum.


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'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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My young one isn't the bravest in the world, we met someone I know on a quad bike yesterday, she was a bit standoffish, but I told him to grab the handle of the toy she was holding and play with her. As he did so he was telling me some very bad news about his own family, whereupon she stood right up on the quad for a cuddle and wouldn't leave him alone. It's not like her to warm up so quickly, I guess she knew he needed the cuddle.


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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I'm very proud of how Ivy handled a pre-Christmas gathering at the weekend. A busy house at OH's parents (10+ people) and she was so calm, not the timid thing we brought home three years ago! She made friends with SiL's OH (I think Ivy could tell he'd had Greyhounds in the past). She enjoyed showing off garden zooms to OH's cousin and maybe did try to steal some parmesan biscuits from his aunt (who can blame her!)

We did have to explain to a couple of people not to get on her bed with her and I found it hard to relax with food around. Plus not wanting her to get out into the garden unsupervised. A bit stressful. Ivy was probably more chilled than me overall.

Today we're home again for chilled time before back to family chaos on Boxing Day. We'll be making sure we get out for lots of walks to decompress. Mainly for me. 😂

"Helping" wrap presents...



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9 March 2011
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Very, VERY proud of Z (also aware that I'm a bit of an irresponsible owner in this situation). Last night took her for a short walk around the paddocks while pony was on the walker and then we took him back to the stable once we were done. She's been up the yard with me enough to do as she's asked around the horses and I had her lead on as other people were there.

Parked her in a sit in front of my (open) stable door and dropped the lead while I lobbed Tris' rug on, and all of a sudden someone pushed past her. She didn't move a muscle, had a brief look at him when he approached - which was the only way I knew he was there as he didn't say a word! - and then had laser focus on me. Plenty of praise for her after that!

We're in a lean-to barn and I'd had a look at the people around, none of which had any reason to need to come past my stable (or so I thought! We're four stables up and the only thing past us is the feed room, which they don't use!), so it was a bit of a surprise! Very proud of Zazu for being so solid through it, as I wouldn't have put her in that position if I knew that would happen 😳

Titchy Pony

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21 September 2022
Middle of Nowhere, France
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I'm incredibly proud of Monster. We went hiking with a friend and his dog, an overgrown (30kg) entire male aussie shepherd with a very similar attitude to what Monster can be like, high head, high tail approach to other dogs. Basically the kind of dog that can set Monster off. We did brief "introductions" in the car park, walking together at a distance on lead until the dogs seemed settled. We had a brief moment because the other owner wasn't paying attention to the length of his lead, but the dogs got over it quickly. We picked up Liberty and headed out. We soon let the dogs of lead as no one about and no livestock around. Monster mostly ignores the other dog and if it looked like things might get a bit tense, I recalled him and he came back. The most impressive was when I recalled him for a practice and the other dog moved into the middle of the path, head and tail high, and Monster just completely blanked him, dodged around him as if he was just another stone or log and came to me, refusing to be provoked. I'm so so proud of Monster, this wouldn't have been possible a couple of years ago. He's come so far and I'm still wary of which dogs I left him interact with, how and where, but I hope this shows we're doing something right.
Liberty, was happy to meet another aussie but disappointed that he was of the more plodding variety, she firmly told him she wasn't interested in anything more than playing. She also had her first swim in the river.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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I'm incredibly proud of Monster. We went hiking with a friend and his dog, an overgrown (30kg) entire male aussie shepherd with a very similar attitude to what Monster can be like, high head, high tail approach to other dogs. Basically the kind of dog that can set Monster off. We did brief "introductions" in the car park, walking together at a distance on lead until the dogs seemed settled. We had a brief moment because the other owner wasn't paying attention to the length of his lead, but the dogs got over it quickly. We picked up Liberty and headed out. We soon let the dogs of lead as no one about and no livestock around. Monster mostly ignores the other dog and if it looked like things might get a bit tense, I recalled him and he came back. The most impressive was when I recalled him for a practice and the other dog moved into the middle of the path, head and tail high, and Monster just completely blanked him, dodged around him as if he was just another stone or log and came to me, refusing to be provoked. I'm so so proud of Monster, this wouldn't have been possible a couple of years ago. He's come so far and I'm still wary of which dogs I left him interact with, how and where, but I hope this shows we're doing something right.
Liberty, was happy to meet another aussie but disappointed that he was of the more plodding variety, she firmly told him she wasn't interested in anything more than playing. She also had her first swim in the river.
Tell me you got pictures of her swimming?!

I’m generally very proud of Goose, who comes away from even really interesting girls in the woods and stayed close by during Mitch’s first return to the woods since his accident yesterday.

Titchy Pony

Well-Known Member
21 September 2022
Middle of Nowhere, France
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Tell me you got pictures of her swimming?!

I’m generally very proud of Goose, who comes away from even really interesting girls in the woods and stayed close by during Mitch’s first return to the woods since his accident yesterday.
Unfortunately not. I was trying very hard to not go for an unintended swim myself!

Well done Goose! Liberty is confined to my usual (almost always deserted) walk on a longline when she is "really interesting" (glad that is over!).

Titchy Pony

Well-Known Member
21 September 2022
Middle of Nowhere, France
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Monster is making good decisions at the moment. Yesterday, during an off lead walk a blackbird fluttered about in a hedge. Monster was clearly tempted, looked at it, very alert, ears up and then looked at me and decided to come back with no prompting. This morning, during our on lead walk, there was a roe deer grazing in a field next to the lane we were on. Monster went on high alert (he recons dogs are supposed to chase these things) but I turned around to give him chance to get over himself and then carried on back down the lane. It took a bit of prompting at first, but, with the help of some dried fish, he was soon walking to heel and choosing to focus on me, despite sending quick glances in the direction of the deer.

Liberty is starting to act very grown up, less chewing on things, less jumping on people. Last night I was cleaning tack in front of the TV and instead of running off with my sponge, trying to eat the saddle soap or play with the bowl of dirty water, she curled up on the discarded saddle bag and slept. She didn't even nibble a tiny corner of it!


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20 November 2006
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This is one that only a select few will probably appreciate. Been man trailing today with Z and she did 2 lovely trails, including one that had aged 20 mins, the best bit though was when the instructor said "she is show line not working line isn't she, hard to believe she has such an amazing work ethic ". 😍


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Took the dog to the club where she hasn't been for over two years, she was a bit skittish socially and between bits went off hoovering the field for food but the work was very nice. Particularly pleased with retrieve and jump as both had gone to shyte and have been working away at it to fix it at home so pleased that's working out, especially proofing it on a strange field.
She had her brave pants on in the second session.
A few little things could have been better (in my handling also!) but she coped well, with a long road journey as well. She's fat, though, apparently 😂


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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Ok so I'm not proud that I succumbed to the middle aisle of Aldi and bought this (or am I...😏)

But I am quite proud that Ivy hasn't destroyed this toy, she's just mouthed it and chucked it around. Bearing in mind the mistakes made around guarding toys and the time in the early days of having her when I realised that tug was not in fact a fun game...I'm really proud of this! We've just done short bits of time with it. Some for her just to enjoy running around and chucking it about. The some recalling away from it. Even retrieving it to exchange for a treat. Go us! 😂



20 March 2007
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Finally braved the local NT property as I had a free ticket, absolutely beautiful day so despite being a weekday it was heaving. Smashed it - 50+ dogs passed in close proximity, many of them barking and/or straining into her space on the end of flexi leads, deer, shrieking toddlers and all. Minimal management beyond asking her to drop back into a heel to pass. Even managed the café. This must be what it feels like to have a normal dog 😂


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Finally braved the local NT property as I had a free ticket, absolutely beautiful day so despite being a weekday it was heaving. Smashed it - 50+ dogs passed in close proximity, many of them barking and/or straining into her space on the end of flexi leads, deer, shrieking toddlers and all. Minimal management beyond asking her to drop back into a heel to pass. Even managed the café. This must be what it feels like to have a normal dog 😂
It can be challenging can't it, sounds like she did brilliantly. That archway out of the courtyard is always interesting when you meet the flexi lead brigade.

Titchy Pony

Well-Known Member
21 September 2022
Middle of Nowhere, France
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Two things, I'm not sure if the first one is a proud owner moment, but I thought it was incredibly cute.

Liberty likes to eat / shred tissues. She'll often retrieve them form the waste paper bin and shred them all over my floor. I allow this as it seems to make her happy, doesn't pose any risk to her or any important belongings. I often use a tissue folder in four lengthwise to mark my page in a book (not through lack of actual bookmarks!). The other night I was reading in bed, finished, put my tissue bookmark in and put the book on the low down bedside table. The dogs sleep in my room.
The next day I got my book out and sat there frowning at it... I didn't remember using half a tissue as a book mark. Liberty must have chewed off the tissue that stuck out of the book, but not a mark on the actual book and I could still find my page! For some reason, I just found it really cute.

Both dogs came with me to a riding competition on Sunday. They stay in their crates in the car while I'm riding and then come out one by one for the rest of the day. One young rider's mother had brought along her baby sister, who was happily sat on the floor playing with various horsey items (and stuffing hay down her own clothes!). I think this is the first time Liberty has seen a baby on the floor and she just seemed to go "a human puppy! how cute!", she went into her puppy waggle dance, as low as she could get to be on baby's level, approached and curled up between the baby's legs and proceeded to wash her face. Both Liberty and baby seemed quite content (Baby's mum was fine with it as well) though I didn't allow it to go on overlong, as didn't want doggy excitement to go over the top. Monster also got to kiss the baby, though he was more blasé about it, having lived with very young kids before he came to me.*

*Please note that these were very short and supervised interactions and no babies were left alone with the dogs. No dogs or babies appeared distressed in any way either.


Playing chess with pigeons
17 August 2005
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Two things, I'm not sure if the first one is a proud owner moment, but I thought it was incredibly cute.

Liberty likes to eat / shred tissues. She'll often retrieve them form the waste paper bin and shred them all over my floor. I allow this as it seems to make her happy, doesn't pose any risk to her or any important belongings. I often use a tissue folder in four lengthwise to mark my page in a book (not through lack of actual bookmarks!). The other night I was reading in bed, finished, put my tissue bookmark in and put the book on the low down bedside table. The dogs sleep in my room.
The next day I got my book out and sat there frowning at it... I didn't remember using half a tissue as a book mark. Liberty must have chewed off the tissue that stuck out of the book, but not a mark on the actual book and I could still find my page! For some reason, I just found it really cute.

Both dogs came with me to a riding competition on Sunday. They stay in their crates in the car while I'm riding and then come out one by one for the rest of the day. One young rider's mother had brought along her baby sister, who was happily sat on the floor playing with various horsey items (and stuffing hay down her own clothes!). I think this is the first time Liberty has seen a baby on the floor and she just seemed to go "a human puppy! how cute!", she went into her puppy waggle dance, as low as she could get to be on baby's level, approached and curled up between the baby's legs and proceeded to wash her face. Both Liberty and baby seemed quite content (Baby's mum was fine with it as well) though I didn't allow it to go on overlong, as didn't want doggy excitement to go over the top. Monster also got to kiss the baby, though he was more blasé about it, having lived with very young kids before he came to me.*

*Please note that these were very short and supervised interactions and no babies were left alone with the dogs. No dogs or babies appeared distressed in any way either.
Gross face licking though. 🤣. I’m glad mum didn’t mind.