Playing chess with pigeons
I’m glad it went well. I went to watch @Spotherisk agilitise one day in the summer and there was a woman there ‘working’ a Harrier hound. I think they were struggling.I did a Tellington Touch course at the week end and Nouille was very good, she spend most of the time
on her back being chilled.
They were 12 dogs in the room, a beautiful German sheperd, a Lagoto, a young lab and 6 Tibetan terriers, a jack, a mix breed from Roumania and a poodle.
All of the others barked, jumped around and were restless, Nouille just watched and stayed quiet.
The show the exercises, the trainer had a big soft toy dog, it looked quiet real and many of the dogs barked at it !
A Tibetan terrer attacked it but Nouille seemed to know straight away that it was a fake and watched the others getting excited
wondering what the fuss was about.
We were less sucessful doing the outside work, where the German Sherperd excelled ! After a few minutes, walking over the cavalettis, she
suddenly ran off to the corner of the field, smelling a cat.
She couldn't see the point of walking around plastic cones tbh !
Still, i learned a lot and had a great time, we will certainly go again !