Rearing horse


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31 March 2013
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I like how you selectively chose one part of my post to quote and ignored the part where I stated the OP has definitely gone about it the wrong way. Also, my comment was in reference to a PP who had criticised the OP for giving up on the horse after one week. I have not for one moment suggested the OP has conducted themselves in a positive manner, but I think it's worth remembering that there's an 18yo sat somewhere behind this thread. Yes, they're technically an adult, but honestly I'm pretty sure most of us have done things we regret at that age.

I've only seen what's been posted on here so won't comment on Facebook threads or anything else that they may or may not have said elsewhere, but I wouldn't automatically assume the suggestion of PTS was spiteful given there were many posters suggesting the OP did just that at the start of this thread as the fact of the matter is horse's that rear vertically with no thought to themselves or the rider are incredibly dangerous.

Of course I feel sorry for the original owners, but equally I don't think they are completely blameless in all of this. It's usually fairly obvious when you're faced with a novice claiming to be more experienced than they are so I'm not totally convinced it wasn't a case of turning a blind eye and hoping for the best where OP was concerned. Ultimately, at the end of the day the horse is back in safe hands now and hopefully the owners will be a bit more diligent if they choose to sell the mare on again.

I wasn't intentionally having a go at you and apologies if it appears that way. I simply shortened the quote for tidiness sake without realising how it would come across.

The Facebook threads really did show the OP to be telling two very different stories so that would flesh out my opinion that it was said spitefully.


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13 March 2020
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Potentially an unpopular opinion, but whilst the OP has definitely gone about it the wrong way, I really don't think there's any shame in the OP knowing they are way out of their depth and calling it quits early doors. I'd far rather someone acknowledge they've overhorsed themselves than see them or the horse get seriously hurt through stubbornness or misguided loyalty.

I wouldn't have bought a rearer in the first place, but had I found myself in OP's shoes, and having seen the sort of shapes the horse could pull when ridden by a pro I would be more inclined to retire it to pasture or PTS, than go searching for answers and risk throwing good money after bad.

also agree with this side too!


19 June 2020
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I came across as a much better rider than I really was when I was a novice. If you're riding a horse in a setting in which it feels at home and comfortable, it will usually behave well enough for you to cope, which can lull you into a false sense of security and give you (and perhaps others) the idea that you're more capable than you actually are. So I can easily believe that neither the OP nor the horse's owner realised that this was a bad move.

As a child I was often allowed to ride a pony that had the apt name Forward. I was very proud of myself as only good riders got put on Forward. But I was never allowed to take him out on hacks. The RI explained that Forward out hacking was a very different pony from Forward in the school, which wasn't what I wanted to hear. Teenage me felt patronized and like the RI didn't see my mad amazing riding skillz. Now I know that if I'd tried to ride Forward outside his (and my!) comfort zone, those skills would have vanished very quickly. When I started to think about getting my own horse my RI advised me to go looking with my weaknesses in mind as well as my strengths. It's so easy to think only about what you're good at and look for a horse to match, without considering areas where you struggle and might find yourself overhorsed.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2013
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This thread has confirmed what I already knew about my own mare - I could never ever sell her as a riding horse.

She is very sensitive & lacks confidence when on her own in unfamiliar surroundings.

Unfortunately her default is to go up - only a bunny hop at first but if pushed she will go right up - found this out during a lesson with someone who didn't know her very well and pushed us too hard.

There is no badness in her she is just a total stress head - I manage her because I know her trigger points so well - you need the patience of a saint tbh. As long as she is given time to work things out in her head she is fine.

I would never ask her to go out of her comfort zone and definitely wouldn't hack out on my own and sadly shows are a no go area.

I sincerely hope I never have to part with her because I know the decision I would have to make.


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27 July 2010
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I hate selling, even when you think someone is knowledgable, you have seen them ride, even seen their set up, you can get caught out. I have one in my paddock that I sold as a three year old, the person buying had been placed at top shows, and yet the pony is not the pony I sold for what ever reason. I sold a calm easy going pony that has come back a stress head, it taken nearly two years for him to be anything like he was.


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19 May 2009
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I remember a stunning young mare arrive at the yard i was at, she was perfect. Owner took her to a fun ride day after she arrived and blasted horse round, according to others she went round twice as in the long ride then round the short ride at rather a fast pace and jumped everything. Horse was screwed. Previous owner came and took screwed horse back she never recovered and became a brood mare. New owner just went out and got another, which lasted a few months before being nailed. She was asked to leave yard by yard owners father as he had watched her jump the next new horse on rock hard ground the same day it had arrived.


29 June 2020
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I’ve had my new mare less than a week, I went to try her out and she was perfect, the owners were very nice and also told me all her good and bad points - including her napping, rearing! On my second viewing for her she did actually rear with me, 3 in a row, but I sat them all and they weren’t that big. They have assured me that the horse has been turned inside out and there are no health issues, It’s just a learned bad habit. She’s 14 and has got away with it for many years.
So she’s been home and settled, and today I took her out her first hack! She was an angel, but she ended up dragging me into a massive field wanting to take off! She didn’t, but every time I tried to turn her back she rested, and the rears got bigger and bigger, she done about 5. I was really scared, she’s the first horse I’ve ever dealt with that rears. Luckily my boyfriend was on hand to clip a lead rope to her and then she was fine.

what should I do? It’s made me lose my confidence a little bit. ☹️

Well this has all made for very interesting reading. I am the owner of the horse in question and unfortunately sold her to this individual. Thankfully I have taken this horse back, I was threatened by this person saying if I did not take her back she was being PTS, I know there is no legal obligation and no ethical vet would put a healthy animal to sleep however I am a good and understanding person so for my horses sake I have taken her back. Now that she is safe I can respond to this and also disclose the dreadful behaviour that has been seen (yes I know how does it get worse than threatening to have an animal put to sleep cause it’s not working out). Ok so back to the beginning, Freckles (ridden by my 14 year old daughter) has a nap, this is rearing. More like bunny hops, they are a strop and she works brilliantly once she knows you won’t stand for it, simple. Or this is her reaction to fear, some horses bolt some buck and some rear, all horses have a reaction when stressed or frightened. Another key fact here is this horse was sold (described in the advert, told in person and physically hacked out on 2nd viewing with company) as a horse that DOESN’T hack alone. The new owner decided that on day 5 of ownership she would hack this poor mare out alone. Causing her to of course rear and not the napping previously mentioned, she reared, big and dangerous (I was send videos) She reacted to the fear of being out alone, no time to settle in her new surroundings, quite frankly a monument lack of judgment, compassion and understanding for this poor animal. She contacted me and I calmly explained she doesn’t hack alone and to give her time. Other messages were exchanged (none were heated) and more advice given from myself regarding allowing the horse to settle, bond with her work with her slowly. Did she take this advice? No. Instead she decided to get a “professional rider” to take her out on another hack (with company at least) on a busy road, in what world would this ever help? My 11 year old would know better. I would very much like to know who this rider was because unless she was lied to there is no way any professional would do this if they were aware of the history, length of time she has had the horse etc. I then enquired that evening as to how the day had gone (not knowing any of this) to which I got a horrifying video of my poor horse stressed and rearing in a main road almost coming down on cars, the so called professional rider obviously has not had experience sitting rears as she simply yanked on poor Freckles mouth and I am shocked she didn’t tip right over. I received this plus the threats to have her PTS if I don’t take her back. This girl had shown her true colours and for Freckles safety I took her back. Unfortunately the individual then proceeded to post this dreadful video onto Instagram and try to discredit me on a horse dealer page on Facebook. She claimed she is a novice rider, she didn’t know what she was buying and this was her first horse, all of which are untrue. I have since sort legal advice and have asked for a Public apology which I think is the very least that should be done, as this reckless, cruel individual pushed a frightened, stressed animal and endangered both her and the public in doing so. Instead of an apology I have also received threatening texts (these have been reported to the police) saying if they do not have a full refund by 8am this morning they will “take things to a whole new level” and will come to my home. I have never said I will not refund but due to this horrific actions I think an apology and the truth to the 6000+ followers this person has on Instagram is the very least that should be done.
I’ve had my new mare less than a week, I went to try her out and she was perfect, the owners were very nice and also told me all her good and bad points - including her napping, rearing! On my second viewing for her she did actually rear with me, 3 in a row, but I sat them all and they weren’t that big. They have assured me that the horse has been turned inside out and there are no health issues, It’s just a learned bad habit. She’s 14 and has got away with it for many years.
So she’s been home and settled, and today I took her out her first hack! She was an angel, but she ended up dragging me into a massive field wanting to take off! She didn’t, but every time I tried to turn her back she rested, and the rears got bigger and bigger, she done about 5. I was really scared, she’s the first horse I’ve ever dealt with that rears. Luckily my boyfriend was on hand to clip a lead rope to her and then she was fine.

what should I do? It’s made me lose my confidence a little bit. ☹️[/

This all makes very interesting reading I am the owner of the horse in question and now she is safely back in my possession I will tell you all the sad truth. So Freckles is known to nap by way or rearing, this is when she gets a bit frustrated or agitated and they are like little bunny hops, she works brilliantly when she knows she won’t get away with it. Simple. This is also her reaction to fear/stress, all horses have a reaction to these situations, some bolt some rear etc it’s about managing the stress and fear. This was all fully disclosed to this person before sale. It was also clear from the advert, verbally and hacking out on the 2nd viewing that this horse DOES NOT HACK ALONE.
Ok so back to the beginning this individual purchased Freckles from me with wide open eyes, as stated in the article above, all was going well until she decided to hack her alone on day 5 of ownership. Yes that’s right a horse that you have been told doesn’t hack alone is taken out on her own on day 5. A monumental lack of judgement and compassion for the animal, of course she reacted with rearing, big ones not the napping mentioned but dangerous big rears. She sent me videos and I explained (again) about hacking her alone, I said take it back to basics bond with her, let her settle in do ground work etc to establish your relationship. Some more messages were exchanged in the next couple of days (nothing heated) and I tried again to say let the horse settle and recover from the change. Instead she decided to get a “professional rider” to take her out on another hack (thankfully with company this time) but onto a busy main road, in what world would this help? Pushing a clearly stressed horse into an environment that not only put herself in danger but also the public. I would very much like to know who this rider was, they have obviously been lied to or most certainly are not a professional rider otherwise you would never put yourself, the public or a horse in that kind of danger. That evening I was unaware of this until I messaged her enquiring how the day had gone. I got a truly horrifying video of my poor horse rearing (it’s awful to watch) so clearly stressed and frightened and the so called professional rider obviously has no experience sitting rears as she yanked on the poor horses mouth to such an extent I don’t know how she didn’t tip backward. I was threatened by this girl that she was having Freckles PTS if I didn’t take her back, she had shown her true colours and on the basis of Freckles safety I agreed to take her back. The situation if not already bad enough then escalates as this girl decides to post this horrifying video onto Instagram for sympathy. I was watching the post closely and every comment saying that poor horse was deleted immediately, the “poor you” ones remained. She also posted lies on a dodgy horse dealer site claiming to be a novice rider and was mis sold this horse and it was her first purchase, all of which are untrue. I have waited until I had my poor horse back before saying anything as her safety is paramount to me. This is why I took her back. I am fully aware there is no legal obligation and no ethical vet would put a healthy animal to sleep but I could not leave my horse in the hands of this individual. I have sort legal advice and have asked for a public apology. The very least that should be done given the ill treatment of an innocent animal not to mention the stress this has caused me and my family. Instead of the apology I received more threats (this is all in a report to the police) they said “they will take things to a whole new level” if I do not refund back the full amount by 8am today, I have not once said I am not refunding her simply that due to libel comments, videos etc and deformation of character people should be told the truth. Her 6000+ followers need to be aware that this horse behaving in this way due to a succession of awful events. I am truly horrified by these actions and sincerely hope it doesn’t take too long for my horse to recover from this experience.


29 June 2020
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I hate selling, even when you think someone is knowledgable, you have seen them ride, even seen their set up, you can get caught out. I have one in my paddock that I sold as a three year old, the person buying had been placed at top shows, and yet the pony is not the pony I sold for what ever reason. I sold a calm easy going pony that has come back a stress head, it taken nearly two years for him to be anything like he was.
I have just posted the truth about this girl. I am horrified I fear I will be in the same situation as you ..


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Glad you had her back, I didn't realise the road vid was with a 'pr'o on give how easily she could have pulled the horse over from the video.

Let’s face it, that was no pro. Probably just her mate who has ridden a couple of years more than her who she slipped a tenner to or something.

God I hate people sometimes! What is wrong with just holding your hands up and saying ‘hey, bad judgement call, overhorsed myself. Thank you to the old owner for having Freckles back?’


Well-Known Member
1 April 2018
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Glad the horse ended up out of the buyer's hands.

The threats are ridiculous and I am glad that they were reported. I, personally, don't care if you're 18, 14, or 44, you need to be held accontable for your words and you do not get away with such rubbish! "Take things to a whole new level" come on, get over yourself, you effed up, apologize, learn, and move on. Arrogance and entitlement are two traits that I just cannot stand.


29 June 2020
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Let’s face it, that was no pro. Probably just her mate who has ridden a couple of years more than her who she slipped a tenner to or something.

God I hate people sometimes! What is wrong with just holding your hands up and saying ‘hey, bad judgement call, overhorsed myself. Thank you to the old owner for having Freckles back?’
Thank you. Now I have to try and work with this poor mare to undo the damage done..

Misty 2020

Well-Known Member
28 June 2020
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Well this has all made for very interesting reading. I am the owner of the horse in question and unfortunately sold her to this individual. Thankfully I have taken this horse back, I was threatened by this person saying if I did not take her back she was being PTS, I know there is no legal obligation and no ethical vet would put a healthy animal to sleep however I am a good and understanding person so for my horses sake I have taken her back. Now that she is safe I can respond to this and also disclose the dreadful behaviour that has been seen (yes I know how does it get worse than threatening to have an animal put to sleep cause it’s not working out). Ok so back to the beginning, Freckles (ridden by my 14 year old daughter) has a nap, this is rearing. More like bunny hops, they are a strop and she works brilliantly once she knows you won’t stand for it, simple. Or this is her reaction to fear, some horses bolt some buck and some rear, all horses have a reaction when stressed or frightened. Another key fact here is this horse was sold (described in the advert, told in person and physically hacked out on 2nd viewing with company) as a horse that DOESN’T hack alone. The new owner decided that on day 5 of ownership she would hack this poor mare out alone. Causing her to of course rear and not the napping previously mentioned, she reared, big and dangerous (I was send videos) She reacted to the fear of being out alone, no time to settle in her new surroundings, quite frankly a monument lack of judgment, compassion and understanding for this poor animal. She contacted me and I calmly explained she doesn’t hack alone and to give her time. Other messages were exchanged (none were heated) and more advice given from myself regarding allowing the horse to settle, bond with her work with her slowly. Did she take this advice? No. Instead she decided to get a “professional rider” to take her out on another hack (with company at least) on a busy road, in what world would this ever help? My 11 year old would know better. I would very much like to know who this rider was because unless she was lied to there is no way any professional would do this if they were aware of the history, length of time she has had the horse etc. I then enquired that evening as to how the day had gone (not knowing any of this) to which I got a horrifying video of my poor horse stressed and rearing in a main road almost coming down on cars, the so called professional rider obviously has not had experience sitting rears as she simply yanked on poor Freckles mouth and I am shocked she didn’t tip right over. I received this plus the threats to have her PTS if I don’t take her back. This girl had shown her true colours and for Freckles safety I took her back. Unfortunately the individual then proceeded to post this dreadful video onto Instagram and try to discredit me on a horse dealer page on Facebook. She claimed she is a novice rider, she didn’t know what she was buying and this was her first horse, all of which are untrue. I have since sort legal advice and have asked for a Public apology which I think is the very least that should be done, as this reckless, cruel individual pushed a frightened, stressed animal and endangered both her and the public in doing so. Instead of an apology I have also received threatening texts (these have been reported to the police) saying if they do not have a full refund by 8am this morning they will “take things to a whole new level” and will come to my home. I have never said I will not refund but due to this horrific actions I think an apology and the truth to the 6000+ followers this person has on Instagram is the very least that should be done.
I am glad freckles is safe.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2020
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I’m glad you have freckles back. I know she has owned a horse previously and had issues with this one too, really does make you question just how much of a novice she is. To be bad mouthing and threatening you like she has is unacceptable and I’m sorry you’re having to go through this


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Well this has all made for very interesting reading. I am the owner of the horse in question and unfortunately sold her to this individual. Thankfully I have taken this horse back, I was threatened by this person saying if I did not take her back she was being PTS, I know there is no legal obligation and no ethical vet would put a healthy animal to sleep however I am a good and understanding person so for my horses sake I have taken her back. Now that she is safe I can respond to this and also disclose the dreadful behaviour that has been seen (yes I know how does it get worse than threatening to have an animal put to sleep cause it’s not working out). Ok so back to the beginning, Freckles (ridden by my 14 year old daughter) has a nap, this is rearing. More like bunny hops, they are a strop and she works brilliantly once she knows you won’t stand for it, simple. Or this is her reaction to fear, some horses bolt some buck and some rear, all horses have a reaction when stressed or frightened. Another key fact here is this horse was sold (described in the advert, told in person and physically hacked out on 2nd viewing with company) as a horse that DOESN’T hack alone. The new owner decided that on day 5 of ownership she would hack this poor mare out alone. Causing her to of course rear and not the napping previously mentioned, she reared, big and dangerous (I was send videos) She reacted to the fear of being out alone, no time to settle in her new surroundings, quite frankly a monument lack of judgment, compassion and understanding for this poor animal. She contacted me and I calmly explained she doesn’t hack alone and to give her time. Other messages were exchanged (none were heated) and more advice given from myself regarding allowing the horse to settle, bond with her work with her slowly. Did she take this advice? No. Instead she decided to get a “professional rider” to take her out on another hack (with company at least) on a busy road, in what world would this ever help? My 11 year old would know better. I would very much like to know who this rider was because unless she was lied to there is no way any professional would do this if they were aware of the history, length of time she has had the horse etc. I then enquired that evening as to how the day had gone (not knowing any of this) to which I got a horrifying video of my poor horse stressed and rearing in a main road almost coming down on cars, the so called professional rider obviously has not had experience sitting rears as she simply yanked on poor Freckles mouth and I am shocked she didn’t tip right over. I received this plus the threats to have her PTS if I don’t take her back. This girl had shown her true colours and for Freckles safety I took her back. Unfortunately the individual then proceeded to post this dreadful video onto Instagram and try to discredit me on a horse dealer page on Facebook. She claimed she is a novice rider, she didn’t know what she was buying and this was her first horse, all of which are untrue. I have since sort legal advice and have asked for a Public apology which I think is the very least that should be done, as this reckless, cruel individual pushed a frightened, stressed animal and endangered both her and the public in doing so. Instead of an apology I have also received threatening texts (these have been reported to the police) saying if they do not have a full refund by 8am this morning they will “take things to a whole new level” and will come to my home. I have never said I will not refund but due to this horrific actions I think an apology and the truth to the 6000+ followers this person has on Instagram is the very least that should be done.

I really feel for you, it is stories like this which makes me afraid to ever sell again. I hope that you can use her appalling behaviour as leverage to reduce the amount you need to refund.

Well done on putting the horse first, I hope you can find her a better home next time.



Well-Known Member
1 March 2016
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Glad to hear Freckles is back at home and sorry to hear that you have been threatened over this.

Just for your peace of mind, I would make sure that you can prove that Freckles belongs to you legally- the last thing you want is for her to now claim you have stolen the horse. Hopefully given you have taken legal advice, they are able to help with this.


29 June 2020
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I really feel for you, it is stories like this which makes me afraid to ever sell again. I hope that you can use her appalling behaviour as leverage to reduce the amount you need to refund.

Well done on putting the horse first, I hope you can find her a better home next time.

Thank you! Total nightmare.. I am getting legal advice.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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@Mgoddard Im so glad freckles has returned home, I really feel for you in this situation and hope that work can be done to get her back on track.

you disclosed all information to her re her “quirks”, so incredibly selfish to think she knew better.

Just a suggestion, not sure if it’s already been mentioned... if you haven’t the space to keep her as I read your daughter needs something bigger, maybe full loan her out to a competent jockey that you know.


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27 September 2005
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Mgoddard I hope that the legal advice says that you are entitled to damages for the things she's posted on the internet, particularly since she didn't even stop after you'd agreed to take Freckles back, and also that action can be taken over her threats. Pursuing it may not be easy, but I'd go for it.


29 June 2020
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Mgoddard I hope that the legal advice says that you are entitled to damages for the things she's posted on the internet, particularly since she didn't even stop after you'd agreed to take Freckles back, and also that action can be taken over her threats. Pursuing it may not be easy, but I'd go for it.
Thank you. Yes it’s all being looked into :)


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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Thanks for updating the thread. What a nightmare. It's enough to put anyone off selling a horse.
I was starting to take the view we all make mistakes and thought I'd offer OP help but you just can't work with some people.....
I hope the drama can be put to bed soon for you. I doubt anyone will be selling her a horse anytime soon.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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2 or more threats or harassing communications made by phone/electronic message=possible Misuse of Telecommunications Act, I think. (I’ll double check with the OH later), not to mention any slander/libel, although that’s not typically Likely to proceed.