Well-Known Member
A nice motivational Monday post on a snowy hard-to-get-motivated day!
Which riders do you admire and why?
I could watch Laura Collett all day - I love that she lets the horses ‘play’ while they work (helps being able to stick to them like glue when they do!)
Some time last year I came across a Swedish SJ’er caller Cornelia Rylan who has the most amazing seat and feel for her horses - a very soft rider who’s cues you never see. Really inspiring!
Which riders do you admire and why?
I could watch Laura Collett all day - I love that she lets the horses ‘play’ while they work (helps being able to stick to them like glue when they do!)
Some time last year I came across a Swedish SJ’er caller Cornelia Rylan who has the most amazing seat and feel for her horses - a very soft rider who’s cues you never see. Really inspiring!