Roll up! Roll up!! Get the answer you're looking for RIGHT here. NO problem too big..


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Oh noes! Can't have the winged monkeys carting her away!! Will they plait her beforehand though, you know, to let me know they're coming? It'd be nice to know...:rolleyes: (though I gotta say, when i go to feed the blasted thing and she bucks at me I kinda wish they would..........:D )
Winged monkeys won't alert you that they're going to nick your pony. They're too cunning for that. Nope, they'll use their cameraphone to identify her and then pinch her.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Dear PF
I started riding a couple of years ago, and 6 months in I bought my mare from the local dealer. Trouble is my mare's turned out to be a bit of a b*tch. She's lame and has been for a long time now. She's known on the yard as The Old Goat. She's only about 11 and because I can't ride her, I quite fancy breeding a cute foal from her, it would be SO much fun and SO rewarding! Lots of people on the forum I write on tell me this is a good idea and is the thing to do with mares who are no good for anything else. Where do I find a Stallion, and what sort of stallion shall I mate her with?

Yes, breed from her. How cute to have a little scamp of a duplicate of your mare :) I know some people say that soundness issues and temperament are hereditary, but what do they know?? And I've read that breeders are struggling to sell their papered youngstock, but that won't happen to you. Do you have children? How cute will it be to watch them and your foal play?! You can put the videos on Youtube and everyone will coo about how adorable they are together. As for a stallion... well, unless your mare is papered then there's not really much point in getting a registered stallion, is there? I recommend a coloured though; those are always popular :) Look forward to seeing photos :)


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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can i just say eating moussaka and reading this thread is a bad combination.

i am a brilliant rider. my mum said so when i managed to trot a 20metre circle without falling off. so WHY am i not winning at grand prix dressage ? my pony can do piaffe- out hacking but i am sure in the school it the same thing, passage- again past a car she does this brilliantly, and her extended canter is to die for. sure it takes me half an hour to pull her up, but it looks amazing.
i have tried a double bridle, training- but i fired him because he said i was NOVICE! as if! i have been riding for 1 year and can now sit to her canter! where am i going wrong?


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
can i just say eating moussaka and reading this thread is a bad combination.

i am a brilliant rider. my mum said so when i managed to trot a 20metre circle without falling off. so WHY am i not winning at grand prix dressage ? my pony can do piaffe- out hacking but i am sure in the school it the same thing, passage- again past a car she does this brilliantly, and her extended canter is to die for. sure it takes me half an hour to pull her up, but it looks amazing.
i have tried a double bridle, training- but i fired him because he said i was NOVICE! as if! i have been riding for 1 year and can now sit to her canter! where am i going wrong?

Thinking up answers to these questions must be what it's like to be high :p

OK, back to business. Clearly if your mum tells you you're a brilliant rider, then you must be! You're not winning Grand Prix dressage because your parents haven't spent a ton of money on the right horse. Shame you didn't nab Totilas when he was on the market. Basically this is all their fault and you should sulk massively. As for your trainer... well, he's clearly jealous of your precocious talent!! You'll get him back when you beat him at dressage with your new horse that your parents will remortgage the house to buy....


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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thank you so much for your brilliant advice :) i have just had a huge tantrum, threatened to leave home, threw my mousakka at my mums head and then cried.
i am going horse shopping tomorrow :D as well as shopping for the new pink gear i will be sporting, matching jacket, bandages, whip, horsebox, gloves and hat- but only for competitions- wouldnt want to mess up my hair!
i want a 17.2hh grey 4yr old stallion with a HUGE crest, will compliment me perfectly at 11 years old, 5ft and very skinny :)
house has been successfully remortgaged :D
thanks so much PF
you truely are enlightened


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
thank you so much for your brilliant advice :) i have just had a huge tantrum, threatened to leave home, threw my mousakka at my mums head and then cried.
i am going horse shopping tomorrow :D as well as shopping for the new pink gear i will be sporting, matching jacket, bandages, whip, horsebox, gloves and hat- but only for competitions- wouldnt want to mess up my hair!
i want a 17.2hh grey 4yr old stallion with a HUGE crest, will compliment me perfectly at 11 years old, 5ft and very skinny :)
house has been successfully remortgaged :D
thanks so much PF
you truely are enlightened

So glad it's worked out for you. You deserve to do well :)


Well-Known Member
1 December 2009
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I'm sorry I was out and couldn't respond immediately; this is a genuine emergency!! If you haven't already done this you must bring your pony in immediately and dry her off. A hairdryer will do the trick. Ponies will not dissolve like sugar, but they do shrivel up and disappear like the Wicked Witch of the West when they get wet! Don't even get me started on the winged monkeys!!!!!

I use a leaf blower to dry off my spooky TB, works a treat:D


Well-Known Member
2 July 2008
Rigil Kentaurus
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Dear PF,

I have a very serious problem indeed. Thing is, I want an iPad. Of course, it does mean that to get one, the horses will have to go without a few things, that will be ok, won't it?? I mean, I can cut down their hay to one slice each a day, and reduce their hard feed to a couple fo handfuls each too. Forget the vitamins, I can let them chew the wooden fence posts....and what about not bothering to have them shod anymore? I could make my own shoes, out of plastic pop bottles, and stick them on with glue! I could also use my nail-file to trim their feet, right? :D Someone offered to buy my tack, so will I get away with baler-twine bridles? I don't mind going bare-back, and I could flog my hat at the local carboot...

Can you suggest other money-saving tips for me, so I can get that iPad??



Well-Known Member
4 June 2003
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I am so pleased you are back papaFrita as I have a very serious problem too.I bought this poor neglected cob from a FIELD!!! with other horses!!! How bad can that be? No stable or individual turnout or anything.Of course I have him in a stable now.I have bought him loads of boots as horses legs fall off without boots right? They are all colour co ordinating naturally.We have turnout boots, flat work boots, jumping boots, cross country boots (different type of jumping!) hacking boots and boots to stand in the stable with.Don't think I have missed any.My problem is that everytime I approach him with some boots he lays his ears back and turns his bum on me.Do you think he just doesn't like the colours I have chosen? Numptie


31 January 2011
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It is so good to have such a wonderful advice line on this forum! I wonder if you could help me and my friend. We have just started to go hunting, and we are getting so good at plaiting that our ponies plaits stayed in all day!! We wondered, would it be alright to leave the plaits in till next season? What about tails? Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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Really hope PF gets back to you on this as I have been wondering the same thing since October (that was the last time I did an amazing plait)

Do you reckon you could just shave off the perfact plait.... then unibond it back on when needed???

Why don't they make readyplait (TM) I'm patenting that by the way because I think it is well amazing.


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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I have a very agile colt who has learnt to jump out of his field. If on one of his forays he happens to cover one of my liveries mares, should I charge her a full stud fee or offer a discount?

I think you should charge her double if she has a coloured foal, how lucky is that?! :D


Well-Known Member
26 November 2007
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Dear PF

Please can you solve an arguement I have been having with my mate. I think that gelding is inhumane and the most cruel thing ever, and so is keeping stallions locked up all day. So I keep mine in a nice big field - not that they are grateful, when they're not having some lady love with their own girls, they are off over the barbed wire fence as soon as another horse rides past, but be that as it may.

My friend says I am the victim of indiscriminate breeding. Now I don't mind being called a victim, where there's a blame there's a claim etc, but she keeps on telling me it is cruel to bring so many new lives into this world. I personally don't see the problem, as they are nice and cute and to be honest they go walkies after a while anyway.

Who is right?


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Dear PF,

I have a very serious problem indeed. Thing is, I want an iPad. Of course, it does mean that to get one, the horses will have to go without a few things, that will be ok, won't it?? I mean, I can cut down their hay to one slice each a day, and reduce their hard feed to a couple fo handfuls each too. Forget the vitamins, I can let them chew the wooden fence posts....and what about not bothering to have them shod anymore? I could make my own shoes, out of plastic pop bottles, and stick them on with glue! I could also use my nail-file to trim their feet, right? :D Someone offered to buy my tack, so will I get away with baler-twine bridles? I don't mind going bare-back, and I could flog my hat at the local carboot...

Can you suggest other money-saving tips for me, so I can get that iPad??

Definitely cut feed back; it's overrated anyway, as is tack. OR you could buy a cheapo saddle on Ebay; one saddle fits all, and don't let anyone tell you different! You can of course take a 15 minute barefoot course and dispense with shoes, no need to worm or vaccinate of course... in no time at all you'll have your iPad :)


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
I am so pleased you are back papaFrita as I have a very serious problem too.I bought this poor neglected cob from a FIELD!!! with other horses!!! How bad can that be? No stable or individual turnout or anything.Of course I have him in a stable now.I have bought him loads of boots as horses legs fall off without boots right? They are all colour co ordinating naturally.We have turnout boots, flat work boots, jumping boots, cross country boots (different type of jumping!) hacking boots and boots to stand in the stable with.Don't think I have missed any.My problem is that everytime I approach him with some boots he lays his ears back and turns his bum on me.Do you think he just doesn't like the colours I have chosen? Numptie
Well, it is possible that you're not matchy-matchying properly, or that the colours don't exactly complement your horse's colouring.. he may be an 'autumn' horse, but if you're using spring colours... well... the consequences could be... *gulp* that you don't... *gulp* match and he'll never forgive you. Please post photos so we can discern which season your horse is :)


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
It is so good to have such a wonderful advice line on this forum! I wonder if you could help me and my friend. We have just started to go hunting, and we are getting so good at plaiting that our ponies plaits stayed in all day!! We wondered, would it be alright to leave the plaits in till next season? What about tails? Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks
Very good idea! The less effort you have to put into your turnout the better. You MAY have to use some super fixative or even varnish to keep them in place and properly shiny, but it'll be worth the expense and trouble in the long run.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Really hope PF gets back to you on this as I have been wondering the same thing since October (that was the last time I did an amazing plait)

Do you reckon you could just shave off the perfact plait.... then unibond it back on when needed???

Why don't they make readyplait (TM) I'm patenting that by the way because I think it is well amazing.

VERY good idea. Perhaps you should velcro it on though.