Sad news about Lari


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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We visited him earlier today. I was chatting to the y.o while partner made his way down the field and then shouted me to say Lari was in trouble.

So i ran down and he was stood on three legs, very reluctant to bear weight on his leg. We rang the emergency vet and when we realised he was in fact weight bearing we encouraged him forward but it took us 30 mins to get him up the yard from the field. Y.o thinks he'd done it literally in the last hour as she'd seen him playing anbhour before and he was fine then.

His tendon has blown up from below knee and down the leg including the pastern. We hosed his leg and found he'd a bad bruise behind his pastern. We think he's over reached into himself and knocked his DDFT. We put his foot into a cold tub with a hose continually circulating cold water and waited for the vet. He started shaking so we stopped. Not sure if pain or shock or a bit of both.

Vet thinks its DDFT tendon sheath at best, DDFT at worse. He also has seedy toe/ wall separation. The farrier came out last Tuesday as I'd text him to say his toe was flaking and i was concerned.

So we discussed PTS because I'm not going on some all out heroic mission but we are going to give him the weekend and see how he is and possibly ultrasound Monday for a diagnosis/prognosis.

So he's been given an injection of finadyne, bandaged and stabled. He was being good when I left. He can see the others from the stable.

I'm going up at 6.30 am tommorow to see how he is. I've had a frank discussion with my friend whos a vet physio and I'm clearer in my head and pretty sure what the prognosis will be. I'm certain in my own mind that if he's not going to be able to rejoin the herd then I'm not going to attempt to rehab for him to spend the rest of his days plodding around a small paddock on his own. Its not fair.

Its not looking good. 💔


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Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I am very sorry to hear this B you've gone over and above for Lari. In a peculiar way, I'm pleased for you that you have some proof that he wouldn't have stood up to staying in work. Please don't feel you owe him any more investment of time, emotion or money, you've already done more than most people would, and there would be no shame now in letting him go with dignity.
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Hormonal Filly

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24 April 2013
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To add, noticed his swelling and the location is in exact the same place as my geldings. He had put a massive hole in his SDFT and that was 3 months box rest. 😔

Fingers crossed not that or DDFT. Let us know how the scan goes and how he is over the weekend.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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100& I won't put him through any more rehab but I need to have a correct diagnosis before I will pts. If he gets worse during the next day or so then decision made. I said to the vet that if it turnd out to be what we suspect then decision made but the vet wasn't 100% certain which us why we agreed on ultrasound.

He will be kept comfortable. So long as he doesn't continue to eat his straw bed and get an impaction. Nightmare.

Does anyone know if diluted Virkon E is safe to spray on a straw bed if consumed?

Mrs. Jingle

Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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Damn! ☹️ I am so sorry this has happened Birker, after everything that has happened and such a positive outlook for his happy retirement.

I really believe that if PTS is the decision you come to, it will be in Lari's best interests and your own peace of mind going forward. You could not have done more for him.😢

Mrs. Jingle

Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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I think you need to check with your vet about the VirkonE but I have used it for exactly that in the past. My theory was if it was safe to totally wash down walls and floors in stables it was safe enough to use as a bed eating deterrent.
But it was not a colic prone horse I was dealing with so safer to get your vets opinion I think.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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Birker I'm so sorry - some horses just seem to run into trouble no matter how hard we try to help them. You've done so much for him and I know you'll make the right call now. I hope it's just a knock but I think you already know it's worse. **Hugs**