Sad news about Lari


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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VIsited thus afternoon. Walking a bit better but concious that may be due to the pain killers. Leg still hot and swollen.

Ice vibed and put leg in deep bucket of water. The instant ice packs have come through the post so I can start to use those under the vibrating boots.

Feeling a little more hopeful but anxious not to fall into the trap of thinking he us less painfull on it as good news. Because he will be as he's on bute.

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Well-Known Member
28 May 2013
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Goodness, what an awful shock. I am so sorry to hear your news.

Regardless of how this goes, I hope you find comfort in knowing that you’ve always done your best by him. It’s really all we can do for them - they don’t seem to help themselves unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2019
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Sorry to see this. Unfortunately Lari does seem like one of those horses that will be very difficult to keep injury free and field sound. I know you aren’t there yet and you’re awaiting further assessment by the vet, but there is no shame in making the decision to stop putting yourself and him through it. You’ve given him every chance and I really feel for you being in this position again.


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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Just seen this Birker. What a horrible thing to happen. Poor Lari and poor you. It is so hard when we love them so much. I hope he can have a retirement if you want him to but he has had every chance and you likely don't need the stress of this. Take care of yourself as well as Lari x


Well-Known Member
22 January 2014
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VIsited thus afternoon. Walking a bit better but concious that may be due to the pain killers. Leg still hot and swollen.

Ice vibed and put leg in deep bucket of water. The instant ice packs have come through the post so I can start to use those under the vibrating boots.

Feeling a little more hopeful but anxious not to fall into the trap of thinking he us less painfull on it as good news. Because he will be as he's on bute.

Two still from video

You are a true example of someone who loves their horse to bits. I am so sorry this happened to you and him when you are trying so genuinely hard to give him a future. Whatever happens, he’s lucky he ended up in your care.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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Oh B, what absolutely rotten luck. I'm so sorry this has happened.

Thinking of you and Lari, and sending support for whatever decisions need to be made in the coming days.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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Amazing news. Had vet out and he was very happy with his improvement over the past four days. The swelling had gone down, walking so much better, more definition, much less heat, he really seems to have turned the corner the past 24 hours.

We scanned and he has some damage to SSDF and DDFT but as he is only retired and not ridden (in which case that would mean the end of ridden work) the vet says he completely expects him to be fine for retirement purposes. 🙂

We brought him back home tonight. He's been renamed Boomerang on account of the fact this is the 2nd time he's left the yard and returned! The first time was April 2022 when he went on sales livery and came home which I was delighted about at thd time.

So the plan is to rehab for a few weeks, box rest, icing, bandaging and reduction of bute. In hand walking (he's been mooching around a closed off yard for the past three days) and introduction to small paddock. When the weather is milder and the sea of mud dried off he will be going back to retirement which he will be delighted about.

I'm so thrilled! I cried when the vet said he wouldn't need to be pts.

Going to bed as I'm exhausted. But I will sleep well tonight! 🙂

Thanks so much for your lovely kindness all x
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