Well-Known Member
Interesting response, but again of course is all down to opinion. Nose net is allowed and he is sensitive to sunlight and pollen in the summer so I wouldn't be doing to if it wasn’t as it wouldn’t be fair on him. This photo was at the end after he had been stripped for the in hand section and actually on closer inspection looks like I put it back on too far forwards as you cannot see it at the back so not too big generally. Bridle wise I don’t think his head is heavy enough to carry a big thick bridle. I agree it is not the correct bridle but had we qualified I would have been looking into different bridle types. And as for the tail - the rules were to show plaited or hogged and pulled. There were literally loads of horses there with their tails plaited. and just to add He is a HE not an it. Sorry that really gripes me.