Shwmae horse products

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24 October 2013
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Im another unsatisfied customer. Ordered 2 pairs of turnout boots.

They arrived by courier stuffed in a courier bag, no packing, fitting or care instructions.
Did even indicate front or hind and both boots the same lenght.
Fronts fit but back 6 inches too short
I immedialty emailed for replacements as just thought they had packed the wrong one.

They repied no refunds on made to measure items and £4 delivery charge to send them back.

The fornt ones that appeared to fit just kept falling down.

Very poor abusuve customer service.

Ive put a claim throught paypal and will be going to trading standards too.

Its a digrace


Well-Known Member
7 April 2012
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I have two onesies from them, first one I bought off someone else and was happy with, and second one arrived very quickly tbf. But the sizing isn't good and they are not safe. It seemed to fit ok but the first time I left it on overnight the hood slipped down over his face and he nearly killed himself! Found him in the morning with it totally over his face, shaking and dripping with sweat. He'd not touched his hay so assuming he'd been like it most of the night! I've not used it since and I'll never use the hoods again. Dangerous IMO.


Well-Known Member
12 September 2012
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Wasted £97 with them! Ordered a onsie wide enough for a xwide cob. What came I had to cram my boy into. He only wore it twice and it fell apart. They said they'd send a courier to pick it up and sort out. Nothing ever arrived to collect it and they told me they'd wasted 3 collection service payments as firstly the courier couldn't find me and other times I hadn't been in. Work from bloody home and onsie was in the porch where all other couriers I've booked manage to collect things from!
Total disgrace and run by two kids by look of that photo!


Well-Known Member
15 March 2010
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Ive just read a post on another well known horse forum claiming, that someone is falsey using 'Shwmae's name to sell onesies and never send them on!!??? Apparently the police are involved too with regard another order that was not fulfilled!


Well-Known Member
1 August 2011
At the yard!
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Ive just read a post on another well known horse forum claiming, that someone is falsey using 'Shwmae's name to sell onesies and never send them on!!??? Apparently the police are involved too with regard another order that was not fulfilled!

Utter c r a p

They have probably started that one themselves to try and get a bit of pressure off themselves!


Well-Known Member
15 March 2010
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Lol!!!! I notice the other thread on here has been closed and there is a request to close/delete the thread on the other site too! ;)


New User
26 November 2013
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I too have fallen foul to this company, they are rude and their customer service is non existant. Post something on their facebook wall that they don't like and they block you from posting and sending messages. I ordered pj's for my mare on a three day delivery paid via PayPal and received nothing, no pj's no emails nothing!. Once I posted on their facebook page before being blocked I eventually got an email reply saying thier horse had collic and they had no internet for 6 days. How convenient! There are so many comments regarding onsie which haven't arrived on their facebook page, but they delete them straight away! This company should be shut down its one excuse after another! Next step for me is trading standards as I have yet to get my money back!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2012
West midlands
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Good morning,

I feel its time I step in here specially now I've been to the police and alerted them to this gang of people who are intent on damaging my company and my name.

I would like to point out some facts to everyone who reads this and make them very aware of the truth.

1) there was a company who took my companies pictures posted them and was taking vast amounts of money on onesies she had never made before or even designed to know how to make them. This was swiftly addresssed and as far as I am aware she has now stopped taking money.

2) the police were contacted and I did have a meeting with an officer twice about this appalling and bullying behaviour which has festered on this forum. The lady on the other thread is also the one who has opened fresh threads on other forums so don't be mistaken into thinking it's all new people because it's actually a handful of people who have taken a dislike.

3) the lady used her product for THREE WEEKS! And liked it before deciding she needed it adjusted for her other horse. We contacted trading standards and asked advice and they said she was not entitled to a refund and if we thought the adjustments would damage the item we were within right to fix and return.... Which is what we did. So yes she didn't get the adjustments done as she wanted but it was within her best interested.

4) you may not all be aware but there are thousands of happy shwmae customers out there and this little handful (because it is a little handful compared to the amount we sell) is nothing more then people finding a bandwagon and leaping on it. I am not stupid I know 90% of these people have either never ordered and are saying they have because their friends have asked them or are people passing judgment before even knowing us. I find it sickening actually that this thread to thread jumping game you've all done is allowed to continue.

You all pick on silly things such as age, spelling and other trivial things yet you do not address the fact that yes we might be young and yes I might not be the most up there with spelling but I run a company which is vastly increasing worldwide and have done now for three years. I might have made mistakes and I have one or two more to address but I am not a scam, I am not a fraud and I am certainly not a thief. If I were any of these do you all think I would have walked into a police station knowing they would look into my company?

The other company WAS NOT one of mine and when I heard someone tell me they had bought a onesie thinking it was us selling them and it wasn't and they had lost their money I was disgusted!

You all may think you have loads of people who hate us and yes you might have made yourselves a lovely group of behind the scenes keyboard warriors and gossips but what you don't see is how many are on the other side moaning about you. Others have noticed how personal, nasty and down right over the top this has become and many you message privately come to me asking me to sort the issue because they are sick of you putting us down and not allowing them the chance to make their own minds up.

I see this as a group of bullies who have this too far now,

If dispatch and customer service is all I need to sort because quite honestly the other comments are clearly people who have though oh yes this looks fun I'll take it one step further.... Then I will address the dispatch and I will address the service but I won't allow my staff or me or my business partner to be bullied.

I have on several occasions asked you all to come forward and message me on my email but non of you have....

I personally think the rat is not me but maybe the ring leaders of this group who are ruining other peoples chances at a lovely product.

It is very selfish and should stop now, your jumping from old thread to old thread and to be honest as the police said horse and hound are at fault for allowing this.

I really think this should be the end of it now, if you have problems your extremely welcome to email me and arranged a day for tea and biscuits but this whole online bullying thing needs to stop. Your all meant to be adults and some of these comments are childish because you have no proof either way and are shooting nasty comments in the dark not really knowing head nor tail of the facts.

I'll prepare my self for the normal ear bashing horse and hound allows but I'm glad I put my point across.



village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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The person apparently taking loads of money stated, according to pictures YOU posted, on 14 November this year that she would consider how to make the same product you make. It's highly unlikely that in the two weeks since then she could have taken loads of money and ripped loads of people off with non-delivery - or even one person! Your own experience must show you that customers don't tend to get on to TS or anywhere else for that matter for non-delivery in that time. So ,it's not nice having competitors, they didn't, however and again according to what YOU posted on your page, use your photo as advertising material! They asked if that was what an enquirer had meant. They'd actually - again from info you posted - wanted to use you as a supplier but were put off by the numbers of people, not just on FB, not just on this forum but on all sorts of media who had been having delivery problems.

I think, as has been posted on your FB pages, that you would be best off getting your head down and making the products that so many people have ordered and are still waiting for. Increasing your business by doing 50% off offers is fine but you have to be able to ship the goods in a timely manner. Your business seemed to be running at capacity (from the reports back from people who were experiencing delays) before you put on the sales - so now you are running at more than capacity and for far less profit: Not too good a business move and one which as well as generating lower profits is likely to generate increased complaints.

Be careful!

btw there is a user report button on here, if you use it on the posts / threads which you consider to be bullying then I'm sure that the FAT will look into those posts, if necessary with the backing of their legal team.

One further thing - now coming out and stating very obviously that this username IS involved with the business there are many of your previous posts where you claim to be a customer of Shwmae and you have claimed that the service you have received is excellent. So you have not exactly been open and above board in the past.


Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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One further thing - now coming out and stating very obviously that this username IS involved with the business there are many of your previous posts where you claim to be a customer of Shwmae and you have claimed that the service you have received is excellent. So you have not exactly been open and above board in the past.

I looked at this and this username does full livery and showing livery according to posts. Maybe doing too much?


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I don't think the police can help when customers aren't happy.

There are plenty examples on here of online companies where people have nothing but praise for them, like Viovet and, I think, Ariat's customer service.

You seem intend on blaming everyone else for your problems and come across as rude and almost bullying yourself.

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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Good morning,

I feel its time I step in here specially now I've been to the police and alerted them to this gang of people who are intent on damaging my company and my name.

I would like to point out some facts to everyone who reads this and make them very aware of the truth.

1) there was a company who took my companies pictures posted them and was taking vast amounts of money on onesies she had never made before or even designed to know how to make them. This was swiftly addresssed and as far as I am aware she has now stopped taking money.

2) the police were contacted and I did have a meeting with an officer twice about this appalling and bullying behaviour which has festered on this forum. The lady on the other thread is also the one who has opened fresh threads on other forums so don't be mistaken into thinking it's all new people because it's actually a handful of people who have taken a dislike.

3) the lady used her product for THREE WEEKS! And liked it before deciding she needed it adjusted for her other horse. We contacted trading standards and asked advice and they said she was not entitled to a refund and if we thought the adjustments would damage the item we were within right to fix and return.... Which is what we did. So yes she didn't get the adjustments done as she wanted but it was within her best interested.

4) you may not all be aware but there are thousands of happy shwmae customers out there and this little handful (because it is a little handful compared to the amount we sell) is nothing more then people finding a bandwagon and leaping on it. I am not stupid I know 90% of these people have either never ordered and are saying they have because their friends have asked them or are people passing judgment before even knowing us. I find it sickening actually that this thread to thread jumping game you've all done is allowed to continue.

You all pick on silly things such as age, spelling and other trivial things yet you do not address the fact that yes we might be young and yes I might not be the most up there with spelling but I run a company which is vastly increasing worldwide and have done now for three years. I might have made mistakes and I have one or two more to address but I am not a scam, I am not a fraud and I am certainly not a thief. If I were any of these do you all think I would have walked into a police station knowing they would look into my company?

The other company WAS NOT one of mine and when I heard someone tell me they had bought a onesie thinking it was us selling them and it wasn't and they had lost their money I was disgusted!

You all may think you have loads of people who hate us and yes you might have made yourselves a lovely group of behind the scenes keyboard warriors and gossips but what you don't see is how many are on the other side moaning about you. Others have noticed how personal, nasty and down right over the top this has become and many you message privately come to me asking me to sort the issue because they are sick of you putting us down and not allowing them the chance to make their own minds up.

I see this as a group of bullies who have this too far now,

If dispatch and customer service is all I need to sort because quite honestly the other comments are clearly people who have though oh yes this looks fun I'll take it one step further.... Then I will address the dispatch and I will address the service but I won't allow my staff or me or my business partner to be bullied.

I have on several occasions asked you all to come forward and message me on my email but non of you have....

I personally think the rat is not me but maybe the ring leaders of this group who are ruining other peoples chances at a lovely product.

It is very selfish and should stop now, your jumping from old thread to old thread and to be honest as the police said horse and hound are at fault for allowing this.

I really think this should be the end of it now, if you have problems your extremely welcome to email me and arranged a day for tea and biscuits but this whole online bullying thing needs to stop. Your all meant to be adults and some of these comments are childish because you have no proof either way and are shooting nasty comments in the dark not really knowing head nor tail of the facts.

I'll prepare my self for the normal ear bashing horse and hound allows but I'm glad I put my point across.


Jessica, how can you tell such porky pies, you should be ashamed of yourself.

If you would respond to emails/letters then we would not have to resort to public forums.

If you honoured promises that you made when fully aware of all the details then I would not have a problem. And for every ones information I used the Onsie for ONE NIGHT ONLY. With no fitting guidance provided by Shwmae how was I to know the legs would cause pressure marks when the material has a small degree of stretch to it. Shant say what happened because it was too long in the body! Thankfully I did not go for the full head as was worried about the eyes getting covered and panicking the horse.
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Well-Known Member
15 February 2013
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If this bull is true explain about your lack of being able to make and send the rugs and hoods you make. The onesies are a recent product. I can't believe in a million years you have lots of happy customers.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2009
Wherever I lay my hat.
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One further thing - now coming out and stating very obviously that this username IS involved with the business there are many of your previous posts where you claim to be a customer of Shwmae and you have claimed that the service you have received is excellent. So you have not exactly been open and above board in the past.



Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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Due to the problems that I experienced with this company, I have written to Trading Standards. PLEASE COULD EVERYONE who has experienced issues, write to them as well, as this is the only way that we can help stop other people experiencing the same as we all have. Trading Standards Address for the Carmarthen Area, where this company operate from is, 5 Spilman Street, Carmarthen, Wales. SA31 1JY. My story was, I ordered and paid nearly £200 for a rug from this company in early September. Like everyone else I had the same problems no rug arrived. Then the odd email saying delay due to moving or sick horses. Only after a huge FB campaign and writing to the press, I did eventually get my money back in late November 2013. This company target the young, and many of their FB followers are little girls desperately saving for Xmas and have asked parents for one of these rugs - I would hate them to be in the same situation as we have been. So please write to Trading Standards and let them know what has happened to you - this is the only way that we can collectively help protect others


Well-Known Member
12 September 2012
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"I've tried lots of companies for these in the heat of the moment I bought different types from snuggy and blew at least three months wages. I really liked them apart from the fleece would rub the manes. I don't like sd equestrian at all, I saved up to buy one just to find my pony in an awful state not able to see from the blind fold around it's face. Can't say enough about shwmae products I did hear about the rumours but happy to say I have just bought two more rugs from them tonight 36.00 for a hood and a rug bargain."

^^Yep very grown up I must say.

I'd like to hear from some of your millions of happy customers. Only heard from all the unhappy ones so far.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Oh great, throw a bit of stealth marketing in for good measure :p. That doesn't undermine the forum at all.

You have been reported for it Jessica.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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All i can say is if you want ro compete with the big boys you need to make your products to the very highest standards from the best quality material plus throw a lot of time and effort in to repairing your reputation by delivering on your promises - prove everyone wrong and your business will really fly and the regular threads like this on forums wil become a distant memory :)

Whether you think your reputation is deserved or not is irrelevant - word gets around and people like me decide not to take the gamble which is a shame


Well-Known Member
23 May 2009
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"I've tried lots of companies for these in the heat of the moment I bought different types from snuggy and blew at least three months wages. I really liked them apart from the fleece would rub the manes. I don't like sd equestrian at all, I saved up to buy one just to find my pony in an awful state not able to see from the blind fold around it's face. Can't say enough about shwmae products I did hear about the rumours but happy to say I have just bought two more rugs from them tonight 36.00 for a hood and a rug bargain."

^^Yep very grown up I must say.

I'd like to hear from some of your millions of happy customers. Only heard from all the unhappy ones so far.
Ooops. Busted!


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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The person apparently taking loads of money stated, according to pictures YOU posted, on 14 November this year that she would consider how to make the same product you make. It's highly unlikely that in the two weeks since then she could have taken loads of money and ripped loads of people off with non-delivery - or even one person! Your own experience must show you that customers don't tend to get on to TS or anywhere else for that matter for non-delivery in that time. So ,it's not nice having competitors, they didn't, however and again according to what YOU posted on your page, use your photo as advertising material! They asked if that was what an enquirer had meant. They'd actually - again from info you posted - wanted to use you as a supplier but were put off by the numbers of people, not just on FB, not just on this forum but on all sorts of media who had been having delivery problems.

I think, as has been posted on your FB pages, that you would be best off getting your head down and making the products that so many people have ordered and are still waiting for. Increasing your business by doing 50% off offers is fine but you have to be able to ship the goods in a timely manner. Your business seemed to be running at capacity (from the reports back from people who were experiencing delays) before you put on the sales - so now you are running at more than capacity and for far less profit: Not too good a business move and one which as well as generating lower profits is likely to generate increased complaints.

Be careful!

btw there is a user report button on here, if you use it on the posts / threads which you consider to be bullying then I'm sure that the FAT will look into those posts, if necessary with the backing of their legal team.

One further thing - now coming out and stating very obviously that this username IS involved with the business there are many of your previous posts where you claim to be a customer of Shwmae and you have claimed that the service you have received is excellent. So you have not exactly been open and above board in the past.

Out of curiosity I did a google on Shwmae and on another forum someone had been complaining about quality etc. A person then answered saying how this hadn't been her experience at all, quality was excellent, delivery was excellent, pony couldn't be happier. Funnily enough the username had Jess sat in the middle of it. Coincidence? No, and I don't believe there are fairies at the bottom of my garden either.

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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Me thinks some folks at Shwmae are rather too busy deleting comments and blocking people from Facebook, then checking on all forum threads for anything related to them to actually be on top of their business and getting things right.
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