Shwmae horse products

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8 August 2005
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To go to the Police over this matter is ridiculous as they won't be interested as nothing criminal has been done by any of the posters on this or any other forum.

If however the Police wish to have a look at the person responsible for controlling this business then they may be interested. Under the Theft Act there is an offence under 'Retain & Deal'. This refers to when someone has been given money for a specific purpose. If that person the money is given to does not use that money for the specific purpose the money was handed over for & spends the money on anything else then they are guilty of an offence. The offence is absolute & excuses can be given but won't matter as the offence is absolute.

It is far better for someone in business to supply the goods & services paid for & then they will have a good business & happy returning customers that to evade supplying & resort to a variety of excuses for their failure to perform :(


Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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Here here - very well written. Trading Standards will also be interested in such business practices. One has to go through the local Citizens Advice Centre, tel No 0845404506, and they will then refer on to the Trading Standards Office for the Carmarthen area.


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7 July 2010
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Just deliver what you have been paid for when you said you would deliver it - simple really!

I have advised my yard owner (still waiting for a product she paid express delivery for over three weeks ago) to report you to trading standards.


Corner Mad House

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9 November 2013
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It is not only delivery ... it is fit as well. If they supply you with something that does not fit and promise to alter it and don't then they are in breach of contract. They say on the web site something like any idiot can add legs, but they don't seem to be able to add legs that actually fit a normal horse.


Well-Known Member
28 November 2013
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oh dear the post of yesterday on the Shwmae FB page... It is usually advisable for company directors to be even slightly aware of the law, particularly in relation to the issues that THEY raise so publicly on THEIR own forums, ie Slander and the recording of phone calls.

To deal with the first issue above there are two torts that involve the communication of false information about a person, a group, or an entity such as a corporation. Libel is any Defamation that can be SEEN. Slander is any defamation that is SPOKEN and HEARD. In general, there are four defenses to libel or slander: truth, consent, accident, and privilege. In the case where the allegedly defamatory communication/s is/are essentially true, is usually an absolute defense.

With regard to the the laws regarding the recording of phone messages are Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 ("RIPA")
Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice)(Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000 ("LBP Regulations")
Data Protection Act 1998
Telecommunications (Data Protection and Privacy) Regulations 1999
Human Rights Act 1998

Under RIPA it is a tort to record or monitor a communication unlawfully. This means that if you think you have suffered from unlawful interception of your phone calls or e-mails you have the right to seek redress by taking civil action against the offender in the courts.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I cannot believe how close to the eye this is!

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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I had not bothered to look at the Shwmae Facebook until just know and it all seems quite desperate to me. Bit of a laugh really Shwmae accusing people of telling lies and forming hate groups. Quite bizarre ... not to mention recording phone calls. Whatever next.

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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I had not bothered to look at the Shwmae Facebook until just know and it all seems quite desperate to me. Bit of a laugh really Shwmae accusing people of telling lies and forming hate groups. Quite bizarre ... not to mention recording phone calls. Whatever next.

Whoops a bit of a typo there ... now not know!


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16 January 2008
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Just to let anyone know, I wanted to source a rug with leg covers, but after being treated badly by shwmae, I was determind never to order from them again. So, I have sourced a similar horse all in one, from another British company, it was delivered the next day, it is made from very light weight stretch material, factor 50, and breathable, I am thrilled with it. Probably best I don't post the name of it here, so not advertising or dragging them into this arguement, but other options are available! pm me if you are interested in knowing who.

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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I asked about the fit of said item, perfectly nicely and appear to have been removed/banned/whatever.

Gosh, there's a surprise! If you are not gushing praise it will be removed from the Shwmae Facebook as they do not like any sort of criticism/complaint of their products and construe this as 'hate' or 'lies' or 'bullying'. Would be far better if they actually learnt how to deal with complaints professionally and keep all customers happy.

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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Example of a professional company returns policy.


If you are not 100% satisfied with your online purchase, you can return your order to us for a full refund.

We offer a 30day no questions asked returns period and we will transfer any refund back into your account as soon as we receive the return of goods.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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And in other news, instead of writing long, inflammatory, accusatory texts to customers threatening people with legal action, they would be better off spending their time fulfilling their customers orders/needs/requests.

It's all a real shame. There clearly ARE happy customers, but the appalling customer service is letting this fledgling business down big time.

Honestly, they should take a leaf out of RBS' book - after the banking debacle earlier this week, their head of customer service was on every major news network apologizing for their glaringly obvious mistakes/muddle . . . a much better way of handling (justifiably) unhappy customers IMHO than slagging said customers off on public fora and doing a mass "facelift" on FB by deleting all negative comments.

People wouldn't leave negative or unhappy comments unless they had something to be negative or unhappy about.




Well-Known Member
1 September 2011
I really don't know. I'm a wonderer
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I personally think its unprofessional to be putting on your business page your getting legal advice and police involved for customers that aren't happy. Also it makes potential customers google and find this. voilà lose another customer before they even order. Very clever NOT!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
16 September 2009
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Good morning,

I feel its time I step in here specially now I've been to the police and alerted them to this gang of people who are intent on damaging my company and my name.

I would like to point out some facts to everyone who reads this and make them very aware of the truth.

1) there was a company who took my companies pictures posted them and was taking vast amounts of money on onesies she had never made before or even designed to know how to make them. This was swiftly addresssed and as far as I am aware she has now stopped taking money.

2) the police were contacted and I did have a meeting with an officer twice about this appalling and bullying behaviour which has festered on this forum. The lady on the other thread is also the one who has opened fresh threads on other forums so don't be mistaken into thinking it's all new people because it's actually a handful of people who have taken a dislike.

3) the lady used her product for THREE WEEKS! And liked it before deciding she needed it adjusted for her other horse. We contacted trading standards and asked advice and they said she was not entitled to a refund and if we thought the adjustments would damage the item we were within right to fix and return.... Which is what we did. So yes she didn't get the adjustments done as she wanted but it was within her best interested.

4) you may not all be aware but there are thousands of happy shwmae customers out there and this little handful (because it is a little handful compared to the amount we sell) is nothing more then people finding a bandwagon and leaping on it. I am not stupid I know 90% of these people have either never ordered and are saying they have because their friends have asked them or are people passing judgment before even knowing us. I find it sickening actually that this thread to thread jumping game you've all done is allowed to continue.

You all pick on silly things such as age, spelling and other trivial things yet you do not address the fact that yes we might be young and yes I might not be the most up there with spelling but I run a company which is vastly increasing worldwide and have done now for three years. I might have made mistakes and I have one or two more to address but I am not a scam, I am not a fraud and I am certainly not a thief. If I were any of these do you all think I would have walked into a police station knowing they would look into my company?

The other company WAS NOT one of mine and when I heard someone tell me they had bought a onesie thinking it was us selling them and it wasn't and they had lost their money I was disgusted!

You all may think you have loads of people who hate us and yes you might have made yourselves a lovely group of behind the scenes keyboard warriors and gossips but what you don't see is how many are on the other side moaning about you. Others have noticed how personal, nasty and down right over the top this has become and many you message privately come to me asking me to sort the issue because they are sick of you putting us down and not allowing them the chance to make their own minds up.

I see this as a group of bullies who have this too far now,

If dispatch and customer service is all I need to sort because quite honestly the other comments are clearly people who have though oh yes this looks fun I'll take it one step further.... Then I will address the dispatch and I will address the service but I won't allow my staff or me or my business partner to be bullied.

I have on several occasions asked you all to come forward and message me on my email but non of you have....

I personally think the rat is not me but maybe the ring leaders of this group who are ruining other peoples chances at a lovely product.

It is very selfish and should stop now, your jumping from old thread to old thread and to be honest as the police said horse and hound are at fault for allowing this.

I really think this should be the end of it now, if you have problems your extremely welcome to email me and arranged a day for tea and biscuits but this whole online bullying thing needs to stop. Your all meant to be adults and some of these comments are childish because you have no proof either way and are shooting nasty comments in the dark not really knowing head nor tail of the facts.

I'll prepare my self for the normal ear bashing horse and hound allows but I'm glad I put my point across.


Its funny how these thousands of happy customers don't come forward to say anything - and its far more than a handful of dissatisfied customers from the amount of different threads with hundreds of comments between them.

The fact that your service is still as appalling as it was when i had the misfortune of dealing with you over 2 years ago, with the same excuses STILL being used, comments STILL being deleted is shameful. The fact that your business continues to grow i assume can only be attributed to the forums deleting a lot of the threads that would alert people to the type of company they'd be dealing with!

Corner Mad House

Well-Known Member
9 November 2013
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Funny Shwmae still haven't responded to my last email !

The more times I read that last showingmadfilly post the more convinced I am that she is in a fantasy world of her own as her claims are so outlandish. A bit like a small child, if they keep telling themselves something often enough they start to believe it and then its not a lie. Except we all know its not the truth as we have all experienced the not so nice side of Shwmae customer service.


Active Member
6 December 2013
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Its funny how these thousands of happy customers don't come forward to say anything - and its far more than a handful of dissatisfied customers from the amount of different threads with hundreds of comments between them.

The fact that your service is still as appalling as it was when i had the misfortune of dealing with you over 2 years ago, with the same excuses STILL being used, comments STILL being deleted is shameful. The fact that your business continues to grow i assume can only be attributed to the forums deleting a lot of the threads that would alert people to the type of company they'd be dealing with!

I am so glad I Googled this company.
I have a 12 year old daughter who was desperate for a "onesie" for her pony. But they are not cheap! I think they look ridiculous... but then.....
There is usually no smoke without fire and in the case of Shwmae the fire has been burning for a couple of years. same old excuses every time, horse with colic, two horses dying in two months from colic, no internet etc etc and these posts are years old! ( The company owners are 20 and 18?!). This cannot all be made up.
I read a post on Shwmae's Facebook page on from Dec 3rd where it is claimed by Shwmae that "hate Gangs" are "slandering" and behaving "illegally". These two young ladies have no knowledge of the law, obviously! Negative reviews are dealt with under Civil Law and the new Defamation Act 2013, section 1, would make it very difficult for Shwmae to even action a claim. Particularly in light if their own actions. I hope they have deep pockets, libel cases are very, very expensive will they sue every allegedly dissatisfied customer?
I only Googled them because they pointed out they had bad press and someone else had done the same thing on the post.
On the Shwmae page today two customers are asking where their items are!
I also note with interest that the "satisfied" customers all use i instead of I, the language style is very similar in all the "positive" comments and that "Danish" customers use very English English.... very suspicious.
The photos are all the same ones too..
So thank you Shwmae for warning me about yourselves, your own page had lead me here!


Well-Known Member
7 May 2013
West Yorks
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All gone . . . got time to do that then . . . but not ship customer's parcels.



FFS :( Their fb page is cringeworthy, broadcasting and bragging about the testimonials from their customers. If they had any sense they would get their arse off fb and spend their time actually making/ distributing their products!
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