Sorry for this...but if racing is cruel than what is this...


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
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Well in the clip that was posted initially, I did comment that the horses looked neither wild or in poor condition. Some rodeos are more like a circus, for entertainment. The traditional way of breaking a horse seems to vary widely from country to country, I am sure this is no crueller than the Spanish practice of using metal nosebands.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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The one race I went to had a horse snap it's leg in front of me. It can't just be me thats seen something like that.
I wouldn't be surprised if the only rodeo I might ever go to would have a horse die too...

Tia - thats not just Peta - Peta was just the first one I came across. The pictures are from a group called Shark.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I apologise to you if you were purely talking only about this video. An accident happened; as you know accidents do happen; it doesn't necessarily mean that cruelty is involved.

It would depend on what yard you are on over here - at team penning or roping yards; this is daily practice.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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Hey look everyone!! Accidents never happen!!

September 1976 Western Championship Finals Rodeo in Folsom, California One horse suffers a heart attack and dies, and another suffers a broken neck after running into a fence.

Fall 1982 San Francisco Grand National Rodeo (PRCA) A calf suffers a broken leg, bleeding badly. He is taken to ranch and killed. Also, a horse suffers a broken leg and is killed.

1983 California Rodeo in Salinas, California (PRCA) Two horses dead. One suffered an aneurysm, collapsed and dies in the arena. Another had his leg broken, and was killed.

Fall 1984 San Francisco Grand National Rodeo (PRCA) One calf - severely injured - is hidden from Humane Officer

1985 California Rodeo in Salinas, California (PRCA) One horse dies after hitting head on a steel post. Two calves suffer fractured legs -- one is taken to a slaughterhouse and the other is given a cast. Two more calves suffer dislocated legs and are given casts.

November 1985 San Francisco Grand National Rodeo (PRCA) One bucking horse suffers a broken back and is killed. One roping calf suffers a broken back. One horse suffers a swollen knee, one horse suffers a gash on head, one horse suffers a face injury, one horse suffers a cut on hock.

June 1986 Police Officers Association Rodeo, Rowell Rodeo Ranch, Hayward, CA A horse suffers a broken leg and is shot. No veterinarian is present

July 1986 Half Moon Bay Jr. Rodeo in Half Moon Bay, California One horse suffers with a swollen cannon bone.

November 1986 San Francisco Grand National Rodeo (PRCA) One horse suffers a fractured rear hock. Electric shock device used to force animals to "perform."

June 1987 Police Officers Association Rodeo, Rowell Rodeo Ranch, Hayward, CA A calf is runs into a fence during roping, and suffers a broken nose and palate. He is still thrown down and tied, then left in the sun for four hours, bleeding from the nose and mouth. Despite promises that there would be a veterinarian on site, there was none.

August 1987 Rodeo and Stampede in Omak, Washington (All Indian Rodeo) One horse killed in "Suicide Race."

September 1987, Inglewood, California A horse found with gaping wound laid open to the bone on hind leg.

November 1987 San Francisco Grand National Rodeo (PRCA) One calf suffered a broken leg, one calf suffered right rear leg injury, one calf suffered laceration on face, one calf suffered a sprained leg.

Four horses suffered lacerations, one horse suffered a gash on the face, one horse suffered an injured hoof, one horse suffered a gash between the ears, one horse suffered a cut on right rear leg.

One bull suffered an injured leg.

Electric shock device used to force animals to "perform."

June 1988 Rodeo at Watsonville, California (Mexican Rodeo) A horse suffers a broken back, and is dragged approximately 75 feet from the arena, is left to suffer for 1-1/2 hours before arrival of a veterinarian, who euthanized the horse.

July 1988 Bill Pickett Invitational Black Rodeo - Los Angeles Equestrian Center During the "Wild Horse Race," a horse runs into a wall, injures leg, bleeding from nose and mouth, and is still saddled and ridden.

1989 California Rodeo in Salinas, California (PRCA) A calf goes down during the calf roping event and is unable to stand. It is destroyed later.

1989 San Francisco Grand National Rodeo (PRCA) Electric shock device used to force animals to "perform."

1990 Hawaii rodeo A bucking bull is paralyzed, with video documenting the injured animal dragging his hindquarters across the arena, bellowing in pain as two ranch dogs attack him.

1990 Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada Two horses are injured and killed, one steer suffers a broken leg and is killed.

1990 California Rodeo in Salinas, California (PRCA) A horse suffers a broken leg and is killed.

1990 San Francisco Grand National Rodeo (PRCA) One horse suffers a shattered disk during bucking, one horse suffers a cut eye. Electric shock device used to force animals to "perform."

November 1990 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A bucking bull has his leg broken. There is no vet available, so the injured bull is hidden in a trailer. Later he is killed.

This incident led to passage of a law that, while not banning rodeos outright, did ban the use of rodeo's tools of torture, including electric shock devices, bucking straps and spurs. There hasn't been a rodeo held in Pittsburgh ever since passage of the law.

No torture -- no rodeo.

June 1991 Reno Rodeo in Reno, Nevada (PRCA) A bull suffers a broken back, and is killed.

July 1991 California Rodeo in Salinas, California (PRCA) One horse suffers a fractured rear leg and is killed.

1992 Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada One horse killed.

1992 Reno Rodeo in Reno, Nevada (PRCA) One horse left arena with bleeding nostrils which soon became severe bleeding from nose and mouth. The horse was killed. One horse with 6 inch gash on chest. Several horses, calves and steers limping with injured legs. One steer suffered a broken horn. An attempt was made to secure horn with duct tape.

1993 California Rodeo in Salinas, California (PRCA) A bull has his rear leg caught in a fence and suffers a break while trying to free himself. The bull is killed.

July 1993 Wauconda Rodeo in Wauconda, Illinois (IPRA) Multiple severely underweight steers with open, swollen wounds.

1993 Frontier Day Rodeo in Cheyenne, Wyoming (PRCA) Two horses and one steer are killed.

1993 Lake County Fair Rodeo (IPRA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

August 1993 Omak Stampede Rodeo in Omak, Washington (All Indian Rodeo) One calf suffers a broken leg.

1994 Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada One horse suffers a broken leg and is killed.

July 1994 Wauconda Rodeo in Wauconda Illinois (IPRA) One horse's leg becomes caught in rope during calf roping. No report is given on horse's condition. Multiple horses with open flank strap wounds.

1994 Lake County Fair in Illinois (IPRA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

September 1994 Fraternal Order of Police Rodeo in Lake County, Illinois (PRCA) Electric shock device used to force animals to "perform."

A steer is killed during the steer wrestling event. The dead animal was hastily rolled onto a piece of section of fencing and rushed from the area. A short time later, rodeo people paraded another steer in front of the crowd, claiming it was the animal that had actually been killed.

A young man working as a volunteer through the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) uncovered the fraud. In fact, he was one of the people who carried the dead steer out. He reported that everyone was told of the intended fraud, and everyone was warned to never talk about what had really happened.

This young man showed great bravery. He was the only person among the rodeo cowboys or the Lake County Sheriff's Police who told the truth. The PRCA stood behind the false claims of the stock contractor, the Barnes Rodeo Company.

1994 Rodeo at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California (National Collegiate Rodeo Association) A steer is injured during steer-busting. It was impossible to get documented information from the rodeo to determine the animal's eventual fate.

Interestingly, a steer was brought out the following day, and was supposedly the same animal that had been injured. The only problem was that the animal's markings were somewhat different.

The school claimed that the animal was "fine." However, this reaction from rodeo people and their sponsors is typical after an injury not resulting in immediate death.

1995 Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada One horse killed after head injury, two horses killed after breaking legs, one horse suffers a shoulder injury after being knocked down, one horse collapses.

July 1995 California Rodeo in Salinas, California (PRCA) Three horses killed (broken leg, broken neck, heart attack), a steer dies of a broken neck, a calf's back is broken. Although veterinarians were present, they did not euthanize the calf, as they didn't want to "ruin the meat." The young animal lay suffering for over an hour until he was finally taken to a slaughterhouse, where he was killed.

July 1995 Wauconda Rodeo in Wauconda, Illinois (IPRA) Several children shook up and/or crying after falling during sheep riding.

1995 Lake County Fair in Illinois (IPRA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

1995 Grundy County Fair Rodeo in Mazon, Illinois (IPRA) One steer's tail is purposely broken (video documented) in an effort to make him run. One steer used with an open wound.

August 1995 Santa Barbara Fiesta Rodeo in Santa Barbara, California (PRCA) A horse is gored after being improperly housed with a bull in a holding pen. An individual not associated with law enforcement fired three gun shots at the dying animal -- missing each time -- in front of a large crowd that included children.

The local sheriff, a rodeo proponent, ignored this violation, which is a felony, city authorities attempted to sweep the incident under the rug.

February 1996 Anaheim Pond Rodeo in Anaheim, California A bronco crashed headlong into a heavy metal gate and was killed. Spectators reported that wranglers were "prodding the horses and hyping them up." The rodeo foreman admitted his men used 4-foot long wooden prods to keep the handlers out of kicking range.

April 1996 In Laramie County, Wyoming, a community college rodeo coach was charged with cruelty to animals after four rodeo steers froze to death.

1996 Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada Three horses killed.

September 1996 Los Angeles County Fair Bullriders Classic in Pomona, California A horse is killed after crashing into another horse and suffering a broken neck.

April 1997 Cal Poly University Rodeo in San Luis Obispo, California A horse suffered a fall and was killed while bucking. The announcer told the crowd the horse was "OK."

1997 Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada Three horses suffer injury, and two die as a result. A bull being ridden in the bucking event kicked so high his leg became wedged in the chute gate. His leg was completely fractured above his fetlock, exposing the bone. The bull was killed.

July 1997 DuPage County Fair Rodeo in Wheaton, Illinois (Lazy C Rodeo Company) One horse slams head into sign precariously placed over chute. Goes down, but is still forced to buck. Neither the fair nor rodeo officials offered information on the horse's condition afterward. Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

1997 Yolo County Fair in California Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

1997 Effingham County Fair Rodeo in Altimont, Illinois (Lazy C Rodeo Company) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

1997 Kendall County Fair Rodeo, Yorkville, Illinois (IPRA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

1997 San Dimas Rodeo, San Dimas, California (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

August 1997 Kern County Fair Rodeo in Bakersfield, California (PRCA) A bucking horse goes down, rolls, comes up with an apparently broken left front leg and shoulder. The horse is forced into a stall, where he goes down again. The rodeo never gave any more information on the horse's condition.

August 1997 Boone County Fair Rodeo near Rockford, Illinois (IPRA) A bucking horse suffers an injury to rear leg. No information was given on horse's condition afterward. One rodeo clown video is documented kicking a calf in the head and throwing sand in a bull's eyes. Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

August 1997 California State Fair (PRCA stock contractor) A performing dog is injured in a fall. No report is given on the dog's condition. Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

The cruelty was exposed via Sacramento-area media. The PRCA refused to take action.

1997 Illinois State Fair Rodeo (Lazy C Rodeo Company) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

August 1997, Big Bear, California Rodeo (PRCA) Many animals had their tails twisted and raked over bars. An electric shock device was used to force animals to "perform."

SHARK gathered undercover video footage for the television program "Hard Copy." When the stock contractor was interviewed and asked about the tail twisting and raking, and the use of electric shock, he denied it. Hard Copy used a split screen to simultaneously show the cruelty and the denial at the same time to a national audience.

When shown video footage of the shocking, the stock contractor initially denied it, then stated he did not know who the man was. The man was the stock contractor's son.

The PRCA refused to take action.

1997 Isleton, California Rodeo (IPRA) Two horses used with open flank strap wounds, one bull suffered open slices on sides, apparently from spurs. One bull checked for back injuries. A rodeo worker disclosed two of the bull's siblings had already died of broken backs while bucking. Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

September 1997 Flat Rock Rodeo in Flat Rock, Michigan (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform." The cruelty was exposed to Detroit, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio area media. The rodeo never returned.

October 1997 International Pro Rodeo Association (IPRA) Regional Finals, Gordyville, Illinois A steer whose head became stuck outside a fence was repeatedly kicked in the face and head to force him back inside. A 5,000-volt electric shock device was used to force animals to "perform." The rodeo was attended by IPRA President Jack Wiseman. When contacted, the IPRA stated it had no problem that practice.

January 1998 Philadelphia Rodeo (IPRA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

1998 World's Toughest Rodeo in Peoria, Illinois (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

1998 World's Toughest Rodeo in Rockford, Illinois (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

1998 World's Toughest Rodeo in St. Paul, Minnesota (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

March 1998 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in Houston, Texas (PRCA) One steer died of a broken neck, and two calves suffered broken legs.

March 1998 World's Toughest Rodeo, Rosemont, Illinois (PRCA) Horse suffers injured leg. No information forthcoming regarding the horse's condition by rodeo officials. Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

May 1998 Montgomery Rodeo in Skillman, NJ (APRA) Electric prods used on steers and bulls confined in chutes to force them to "perform." A steer suffered a deep gash on his back. Another steer suffered a split horn and bloody cheek. Several sheep suffered leg injuries after children's sheep riding. One steer was trampled by a horse during team roping.

June 1998 Guilford Rodeo in Guilford, Connecticut During a "dash for cash" contest, a steer was tackled and thrown to the ground. His neck was broken. Organizers of the rodeo called in a clown to distract the stricken audience. The steer died. Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform." Afterward, the Connecticut Make-A-Wish Foundation, recipient of some rodeo proceeds, announced it would no longer be associated with rodeos.

June 1998 Henry County Fair in Cambridge, Illinois (IPRA) One horse used with open, raw, bloody flank strap wound.

July 1998 Folsom Rodeo in Folsom, California (PRCA) One bull and one calf suffer leg injuries. Rodeo promoters admitted to the injuries, but would only say the victims received "appropriate treatment."

July 1998 Wauconda Rodeo, Wauconda, Illinois (IPRA) Multiple children hurt during sheep riding, multiple horses with open, bloody flank strap wounds, one calf, one horse, one steer injured. No further information given on injured animals or children. On the contrary, the rodeo people claim that the animals are fine.

SHARK investigators waited to release video footage and still pictures of rodeo injuries until stock contractor Thyrl Latting and two IPRA judges claim that there were no animal injuries. In response to SHARK documentation, Latting claims that flank strap wounds are not wounds, but burns. We didn't bother to tell Mr. Latting that a burn is a wound. Investigators also document inches of animal waste on the floor of Latting's livestock trailer. Latting claimed he was unaware of the trailer's condition.

The rodeo was attended by IPRA President Jack Wiseman. As Wiseman's camper/pickup pulled out of the rodeo grounds, Wiseman's passenger displayed rodeo's concept of family values by giving an obscene hand gesture to people, including children, who were protesting cruelty to animals. Requests for an apology from Wiseman and the IPRA went unanswered. (A picture of the obscene gesture is displayed on this site)

July 1998 DuPage County Fair Rodeo, Wheaton, Illinois (Lazy C Rodeo Company) Multiple horses with open wounds on face. Having been exposed for the use of 5,000-volt electric shock devices to force animals to "perform" the previous year, the rodeo placed a man crouched behind the chutes, sticking animals with a pointed object similar to an ice pick. The rodeo was again busted with high-powered video cameras.

August 1998 Effingham County Fair (Illinois Bullriders Association) Numerous piglets injured during "pig scramble," in which children are encouraged to tackle or jump on tiny piglets. One piglet escapes into field. 5,000-volt electric shock device used to force animals to "perform."

August 1998 Kendall County Fair Rodeo, Yorkville, Illinois (IPRA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

August 1998 Minnesota State Fair Rodeo (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

September 1998 Gurnee FOP Rodeo, Lake County, Illinois (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

January 1999 National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO (PRCA) A bucking horse crashed into a wall headfirst and died from a broken neck. In a second incident during the same rodeo, a bucking horse had his back broken and was killed.

May 1999 Montgomery Rodeo in Skillman, NJ (APRA) Electric prods used to force the animals to "perform."

June 1999 Rodeo in Santa Maria, California Three horses fall at a full run. Two were sustained leg injuries; limping as they left the arena.

1999 Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada One horse killed

June 1999 Rodeo in Long Island City, New York Police fire 40 shots at an escaped rodeo bull. It took fifteen minutes for the animal to bleed to death.

July 1999 Wauconda Rodeo in Wauconda Illinois (IPRA) One child injured during sheep riding, multiple flank strap wounds on horses, multiple horses with injured legs. No further information given on outcome of either wounded animals or children.

July 1999 Calgary Stampede in Calgary, Alberta, Canada (PRCA) One horse killed.

July 1999 Rodeo in Columbus, Ohio A rodeo bull was shot and killed by police after breaking free.

July 1999 Kane County Fair Rodeo, St. Charles, Illinois (IPRA) One bull used with open cuts. Many animals shocked with 5,000 volt prods to force them to "perform."

July 1999 Ford City, Pennsylvania A rodeo bull suffers an "anxiety attack" and jumped an eight-foot fence to escape.

August 1999 Can-Am Rodeo in Ottawa, Canada A bucking horse suffers a broken neck when he slammed into a fence. Spectators watched the horse go into death shudders after breaking his neck.

August 1999 Santa Barbara, California Fiesta Rodeo A bucking horse died from a fractured skull after slamming into the arena wall.

September 1999 Castro Valley California Cowboy Gathering and Ranch Rodeo Bucking horse suffers a broken leg.

1999 Rapid City Rodeo in South Dakota (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

November 1999 Silver Springs Rodeo Grounds, Kissimmee, Florida Bull suffers a broken leg broken and is killed.

February 2000, San Antonio, Texas A bucking horse has his spine snapped. Paralyzed, the horse dragged himself by his front legs across the stadium before collapsing. The horse was killed. Rodeo officials said that this incident, and a couple of calves with fractured legs at the previous year's rodeo were "freak accidents."

March 2000 World's Toughest Rodeo in Des Moines, Iowa (PRCA) Many animals shocked with 5,000-volt prods to force them to "perform."

May 2000 Rodeo in Spokane, Washington A bull escaped from a bull-riding contest and ran down the interstate before being hit by a car. Although shot at by police, the bull disappeared into the woods before being recaptured three days later.

May 2000 Montgomery Rodeo in Skillman, NJ (APRA) Electric prods used to force the animals to "perform." One bull suffered bleeding ears and horns.

May 2000 Festival of Flags Rodeo in Killeen, Texas (PRCA) Two horses injured. One suffered facial lacerations, and one a leg injury. No veterinarian on site, which is a violation of PRCA humane rules. In fact, the rodeo veterinarian stated that only the horse with the facial lacerations was reported to him. In addition, the vet said he had been required to sign a PRCA form listing the animals injured at the rodeo, and that only one horse, the one with the facial lacerations, had been listed.

Also, PRCA rules require a conveyance to remove injured livestock. The rodeo vet stated that he never saw such a conveyance.

June 2000 Livermore Rodeo in Livermore, California (PRCA) A bucking horse broke her neck and died. Although two reporters from the Tri-Valley Herald witnessed the death, and although the paper's photographer took pictures, there was no mention of the accident. This illustrates how some media is willing to cover-up the truth about rodeo cruelty.

July 2000 National High School Rodeo Association (NHSRA) Finals Rodeo, Springfield, Illinois Dozens of animals shocked, and many animals subjected to extreme tail twisting and tail raking. Shocking animals to make them perform violates NHSRA humane rules.

Initial reports from the NHSRA indicate no animals injured. However, following a SHARK press conference wherein footage of cruelty violations and injury did occur, the NHSRA admitted six animals were injured.

Repeated attempts by SHARK to establish dialogue with NHSRA management, including registered letters, proved unsuccessful.

September 2000 Bell County Fair Rodeo in Belton, Texas (PBR) Bulls shocked while in chutes to make them buck from pain.

October 2000 Arkansas State Fair Rodeo in Little Rock, Arkansas (PRCA) Many animals shocked in chutes, which violates PRCA humane rules.

October 2000 rodeo in Liberty, Texas (PRCA) Many animals shocked in chutes, violating the PRCA's humane rules. There was also a "Calf Scramble," in which over a dozen children were set upon very small calves. For over 15 minutes, the children treated the calves so roughly that over half the young animals collapsed from stress and exhaustion. Treatment included headlocks tail pulling and twisting, dragging, jumping on them, etc.

Calves who wouldn't or couldn't get up on their own were manhandled to their feet by their ears and tails by a rodeo clown.

October 2000 PRCA Texas Regional Steer Roping Finals in Del Rio, Texas (PRCA) The worst tail raking ever witnessed by SHARK investigators. There was no veterinarian on site when a steer was injured, which violates PRCA humane rules.

The victim was rolled onto a sled, dragged to a gate, rolled off the sled and dragged out of sight without a prior checkup, possibly increasing the seriousness of the injury. Personal conversations with rodeo employees indicated the steer suffered a dislocated shoulder, while other employees said the steer was perfectly fine. This would lead to the question of why a "perfectly fine" animal was dragged out of the arena.

Rodeo employees admitted there was no veterinarian present. The fate of the injured steer is unknown.

November 2000 Grand National Rodeo at the San Francisco Cow Palace (PRCA) A bull suffers a broken neck and dies. The rodeo announcer says the bull is just knocked out, and claims "this has happened hundreds of times." The announcer went on to make jokes about how the bull was "gonna have a big headache when he wakes up."

December 2000 National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, Nevada (PRCA) A calf was injured during calf roping. The degree of injury is unknown. Several witnesses declared the calf dead due to the trauma she suffered, and as she was motionless the entire time she was being removed. The PRCA claimed the calf recovered. However, the PRCA has not supplied SHARK with video footage that could be used to review the incident, in spite of the fact the PRCA has multiple cameras filming every contestant of every event. This fact, plus the PRCA's history of covering up animal injuries and deaths, indicates to us that the calf did indeed die.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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Tia, I think, prefers the sorts of rodeo where her daughter can join in with the barrel races and the like.

I suspect if Megan suggested torturing their other horses to make them buck, she'd be firmly told where to go. Tia is just in denial that that sort of cruelty comes under the headline of rodeo as well.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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One group says one thing - another group says something completely different. Sorry but for every link claiming cruelty, there are just as many claiming non-cruelty.

Out of interest have you ever been to the races where a horse has been injured? Or at HOYS or Hickstead? Horses and people are injured on a fairly regular basis; some horses don't even have to leave the field to break something.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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Yes, Tia, I have. I watched a horse fall, snap his leg in half, and try in vain to finish the race before being slammed to the ground and shot.

Which is why I'm never going racing again.

Making horses run around for long periods of time is only harnessing their flight reaction, making them buck is harnessing their urge to fight.

You can't say making entertainment out of a horses two reactions to fear, fight and flight, is fair, kind or unaggressive!!!

Have you even looked at the pictures? How can you say there is anything to cancel those out?


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21 January 2004
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I don't have any broncos as this is not what I or my horses do for a living, however if I did then of course I would ride every day doing this and would use a flank strap in my practice runs.

I think you will find as many accidents happen in barrel racing - barrel racing is about the highest prize money you can win. Some would view barrel racing as cruel...


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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thing is, I doubt Megan is going the same sort of speed as the cowboys... that, and she loves her ponies - she'd never put glory before their welfare!!!!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I don't need to watch pictures to see what goes on in rodeos......I go to almost every single one in my area throughout the summer and have been to a vast many more in the States over the past few decades.

Fight and flight - interesting one........isn't this what every single rider who breaks a horse is making a horse go against? By this analogy, perhaps people should not be riding horses at all.


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21 January 2004
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Megan goes for the fun of it. And no Cloud does not go fast at all. None of my horses are bred to barrel race. I would think that the cowboys love their horses too maybe?

However I don't just sit and watch her barrel race LOL!! Rodeos are very expensive to get into these days, so I make sure I see as much of it as possible.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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probably not.

But I think Mushi sums up my relationship with horses when I get on him and nothing happens. I'm not going to scare him into walking on, I'll praise him if he does, but I won't do anything horrid to him to get him to.

Zak showed the danger with serious riding. Courses are designed to test the rider ability as much as the horse, can the rider get the horse over the right bit. Zak would take control of his own XC courses, and nearly killed himself and Sally more than once (he trashed a pair of thick leather and woolen boots at just one fence!!! He also trashed the fence, but shh...). Once adrenalin kicks in, some horses just don't listen.

Now why should we subject horses to courses they cannot possibly manage on their own so that if they do take control, or if their rider is crap, their lives are placed at risk?

It just doesn't make sense to me. I'd rather plod around on a horse who lets me aboard and breed animals for the sheer pleasure of their company, not for money, glory or food.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Same philosophy as me......but then perhaps we don't need the money or the glory or the fame?


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Horses can find themselves in scary and distressing situations all by themselves.....they don't need us humans to do this for them.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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It depends.....I know some people who take their horses out for rides and (god forbid) walk past wheelie bins, trucks and hedgerows......the poor horses believe there are ghosts and tigers inside them. Most distressing for the horse and possibly cruel, but that doesn't seem to stop these people from making them do it.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2002
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Hmmmm, that has made me think....

Thanks Tia, thats all i needed!
its the easter hols, i shouldnt have to think that hard!

Happy Horse

Well-Known Member
4 July 2001
To play devis advocate have a look at this site:

Animal Welfare bodies always portray the worst side of anything but there is always another side to the story. I wonder why the video was stopped when it was - did the horses both get up and walk away perhaps? I am not condoning anything, just saying there are two sides to every story.


Well-Known Member
7 December 2005
I've seen on tv a while ago a cowboy on a bucking bronco wearing spurs that are VERY clearly not blunted to the extent that they were dug into the horses sides and the horse was bleeding from them
i will however remind people of this incident in show jumping so it isnt just this sport.
Yes the horses walked away, it said that in the commentary that both horses survived but 1had a broken neck which you can quite clearly see in the video. and that wasnt also bucking bronco that was the 'wild race' backing an unbacked horse by wrestling it to the ground - very cruel and very different


Well-Known Member
2 June 2005
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That is DISGUSTING! I couldn't watch to the end I found it so distressing. Those poor horses! I hope those awful people have their heads kicked in! They diserve it, stupid idiots


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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This brings us nicely round to fox, stag, deer etc hunting.If its cruel to do this to horses, bulls etc please tell me why all who have responded to this thread with disgust are not on the hunting forum stating their outrage and disgust against that so called "sport"? Is it because the fox doesnt winny or eat polomints ? Think about it, is it any less cruel in your eyes? Didnt you hunt DM? You were pro if I remember correctly. Mairi.