

Well-Known Member
28 July 2009
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The RSPCA seems to be bullying you, ithink you have made brilliant progress with his weight, and they are clueless if they are giving you/him such a short time span to put more weight on!!


Well-Known Member
9 August 2011
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So sorry things are so difficult at present, with your mare and the lovely Prince. The RSPCA position seems ludicrous and I hope the vet puts them straight.

So sad to read all this after all your happy and positive Prince posts, and the great job you're doing with him. :(


Well-Known Member
31 January 2011
On the South Coast
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I think at this stage Jess needs an advocate who can physically stand alongside her and talk with the RSPCA when they next come.

I work in Essex and am more than happy to be present when the RSPCA come. I'm an Aussie and not a shy retiring wallflower who can be pushed around so will gladly lend any support needed :)


Well-Known Member
13 November 2006
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ooh a fellow aussie!! wish i was closer otherwise i would be happy to smack heads together, antipodean style! ;) Jess i have sent you a message on Fb x


Active Member
7 August 2012
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You really don't deserve all this c**p. Far worse cases out there that the RSPCA should be concentrating on. Thank goodness you have help at hand from lovely local HHO'ers. Good luck x


Well-Known Member
3 July 2007
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I sent this to a friend who is an Animal Health Officer for our County Council.

"can I pick your brains? There is a thread on the horse and forum headed 'stressed'. Basically involving the RSPCA. Do you know if they can recommend PTS in an animal they have not seized or prosecuted over? A young girl has been signed over a horse that was very malnourished, in aug. it has put on weight since she's had it but the good ole RSPCA have been notified on it and left instructions on the gate, they are now demanding their vet, who is also her vet report on it and they will say if it has to be PTS. This cannot be right? Obviously she is very upset, the horse has visibly improved over the month or so she has had it. Personally I would tell the RSPCA to bug off but then I'm a mouthy old cow!"

"I would agree with you, but need more information! The rspca have no powers of entry so would be trespassing. They have no powers to order the destruction of any animal. Only the courts, a vet or animal health inspector can order that.
Did her vet see it when it arrived?"

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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I sent this to a friend who is an Animal Health Officer for our County Council.

"can I pick your brains? There is a thread on the horse and forum headed 'stressed'. Basically involving the RSPCA. Do you know if they can recommend PTS in an animal they have not seized or prosecuted over? A young girl has been signed over a horse that was very malnourished, in aug. it has put on weight since she's had it but the good ole RSPCA have been notified on it and left instructions on the gate, they are now demanding their vet, who is also her vet report on it and they will say if it has to be PTS. This cannot be right? Obviously she is very upset, the horse has visibly improved over the month or so she has had it. Personally I would tell the RSPCA to bug off but then I'm a mouthy old cow!"

"I would agree with you, but need more information! The rspca have no powers of entry so would be trespassing. They have no powers to order the destruction of any animal. Only the courts, a vet or animal health inspector can order that.
Did her vet see it when it arrived?"

The reply is fairly clear and is as I would expect, surely the vet can only destroy the horse if it is proven to be suffering, in this case there is no evidence of any suffering, all he has done is improve since Jess took over his care, he may have an underlying problem which could ultimately end in him needing to be pts but so far there is no evidence of that.

I cannot understand why they are wasting time and resources on hassling a caring owner who has had nothing but the horses best interests at heart all along when they would do nothing when he was suffering with his previous owner, it really is beyond belief.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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If Jess is on a livery yard it is up to the YO whether the rspca inspector can enter the premises, not jess.

Personally I am wondering whether the YO might be some how involved. .........

Fine and Dandy let me know if I can help on the legal side. I am really tight for time at the moment but could probably manage some checking and proof reading. I'm in civil litigation. Might be worth a PM to mithras she is pretty good on fairly diverse legal stuff.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2013
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fine and dandy, your inbox is full.

I've been looking for info on feeding up malnourished horses and found this. It's a very well regarded U.S. site.

Key line at the bottom of the article:

"Moderately starved and thin horses usually regain body weight within 60-90 days. However severely starved horses might not recover fully for six to 10 months."

Hope that helps a bit.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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fwiw none of us can promise our horses a home forever- we can however promise them a home for life (as in if the situation changes we have them pts) - I cannot see where your vet is coming from at all, if things change you can make the decision then - you don't need to make it now.

It seems completely nuts that over the previous couple of years they have done nothing to help prince but now they have an owner that will engage they think he should be PTS- when we have seen horses on this forum (inc carrot and spud) who have been much worse than he is now and which they have not acted on (am thinking JadeyandLady's Lady never looked that great either but they didn't suggest she be PTS either).

I am pleased that you are getting some help from others with this, well done fine and dandy, kat, Lisa et al. for offering to help out.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2007
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I am still waiting to hear from my 'Animal Health' friend whether you have to allow the RSPCA appointed vet to inspect the horse, I would assume not since the RSPCA actually have no powers. Personally, I would not allow the RSPCA or their acting vet any access to the horse until things are clarified. If you instruct the vet to come and see him and are paying the bill that is fine, the vet cannot then report back to the RSPCA.
Jess, I would love to come and help but am down in the depths of Cornwall, I will post his reply as soon as I get one. Please do not be bullied by them, stand your ground. This is the time you need to get really ****ty, he is your horse and they can bog off!


Well-Known Member
26 February 2007
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Jess sorry to see this :(
However the case rests on your vet by the sounds of things, and yes she is being straight with the home for life part, however if her recommendation was for PTS, I would challenge RSPCA for using a vet with conflict of interest- although amazed your vet didn't say no in the first place!

Although I cant offer a location I can offer transport for when the gate gets left open and he was gone....................

Fineanddandy your inbox is full but offering help!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Its my understanding that the law allows the vet to PTS a horse if it is suffering say a broken limb or terrible laminitis and protects the vet in those circunmtances from action by the owner.
I do not think a horse who is gaining wieght ( and the wieght tape records prove this ) even if it is still thinish can be said to be suffering I don't think Jessi can be forced into anything in these circunmtances but she could be bullied into it.
It is of course Jessis call and she trusts the vet but I would not deal in this situation with a vet that acts for the RSPCA .
I would ask for his records to transfered to another practice making my request in writing with the reasons clearly stated .
I would then get a call out from another equine vet but I have the resources to deal with this situation it's much more difficult for Jessi.


Well-Known Member
3 July 2007
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It is great when you trust your vet BUT whilst they are acting on the insructions of the RSPCA I would not allow them access until things are more clear. The vet will not be able to discuss their findings with anyone but the RSPCA since they are the client.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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It is great when you trust your vet BUT whilst they are acting on the insructions of the RSPCA I would not allow them access until things are more clear. The vet will not be able to discuss their findings with anyone but the RSPCA since they are the client.

I don't think the RSPCA is the client on the next visit Jessi is and the vet can not discuss it with the RSPCAs permission without het consent.
If thevets "working " for the RSPCA I would not allow the next visit to go ahead .
RSPCA left this horse with no help for years they ought to be ashamed of themselves .
It just makes no sense to at all.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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I don't think the RSPCA is the client on the next visit Jessi is and the vet can not discuss it with the RSPCAs permission without het consent.
If thevets "working " for the RSPCA I would not allow the next visit to go ahead .
RSPCA left this horse with no help for years they ought to be ashamed of themselves .
It just makes no sense to at all.

I just do not understandhow all the pleas for help came to nothing until the BHS got involved, why when BHS have taken over is a second organisation getting involved, especially if there is weigh tape evidence of improvement.

I do hope there is not some underlying condition that will change things. So hoping this is all resolved without more distress for Jess.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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I suspect that there has been a new complaint that the rspca are dealing with separate from the issue with the old owner that the BHS were involved with.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
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This is rubbish, I wish I was closer to be able to give you a proper hug Jess, sending virtual hugs your way. Hopefully it'll all get sorted out.


Well-Known Member
6 June 2012
the North
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I suspect that there has been a new complaint that the rspca are dealing with separate from the issue with the old owner that the BHS were involved with.

Jessie is there any chance this current situation is something to do with the old sharer of your other horse, a sort of revenge attack for you not letting her buy it?

Perhaps you've been portrayed as someone who 'rescues' horses then leaves them to get in a state? They turn up and find one thin horse and one with laminitis, and so, having got the wrong impression of you, the bullying starts as they decide to 'nip it all in the bud' maybe?

Could you get character references from a riding club, instructor, yard owner etc. stating your length of ownership of both horses and their opinion on your standard of horsecare/knowledge?


Well-Known Member
15 August 2005
Hiding in the Cadbury Factory
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Whoops sorry re the pms. I can't sort at moment but will this evening.

Thanks Kat - may call on you for help.

I can't attend next Wednesday. I have asked work. Can anyone else be there as back up and support? I'll still do reps etcnand will send beforehand and help after if more needs doing. I just can't get the time off :-(
21 April 2011
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Whoops sorry re the pms. I can't sort at moment but will this evening.

Thanks Kat - may call on you for help.

I can't attend next Wednesday. I have asked work. Can anyone else be there as back up and support? I'll still do reps etcnand will send beforehand and help after if more needs doing. I just can't get the time off :-(

Please dont worry about that. The rspca wont be there for the vet check anyway, they dont tell me when they are coming down