Well-Known Member
I'm quite prepared to leave him alone if enough people sign a petition about being cruel to Botty Boys.
things don't work on here....
"Were there questions ? "
Bit of a clue...
The bits with question marks after them.
So good of you to supply one on this occasion.
Is it a Special Anniversary?
The 5th Christening of the Trailer Mattress?
"If there was, the question is were any of them worthy of an answer. I think my lack of response should give you a clue to the answer to that question."
No, no, no! Not, "If there was,"...."If there WERE"!
Your lack of response indicates a fear of, and lack of ability to answer the questions. Nothing more. If they are not worthy of an answer - you should at least be able to deal with them without side-stepping and avoiding. You are incapable.
"I shall indulge you on this one. Never in a month of Sundays, you are trying to hard to find something to post."
But I can sense the tension in your replies to me. And a month of Sundays would only be... 31 days in one interpretation, or 31 months if taken another way. In either case you lose hands down.
I never have to "try" to find something to post. You give me enough ammunition to last several lifetimes!
"Ooh attacking my spelling and grammar. I am wounded."
Well you chose to start on other people's spelling etc first. "Dish it out - can't take it."
"Hardly the work of a self proclaimed exponent of the literary put down."
Self proclaimed? Where? Another question you will be unable to answer.
"I can't wait for your miserable reply."
REALLY! Gosh, thanks! I'm so flattered you are waiting with bated breath upon my every word! (blushes..)
"As I have said the question is were any of them worthy of an answer?"
But I asked them. Then invited you to reply because of lack of response. You are avoiding them because you are incapable of answering.
"I am more than capable of formulating a proper answer to a worthy question."
No. You are incapable of answering a question that bursts your balloon of a head. Because as soon as you try to answer, your head bursts.
"Are you capable of formulating a proper question?"
Yes. Do you have double-jointed elbows?
"Or do you just prefer to flap your gums and spout drivel."
Not particularly. But I might try it tomorrow. I have plenty of your material to practice with.
"Have fun. Sucker!"
I always do. But for the last part I may need some help from your Sugar Daddy.
"To quote the comedienne Cathrine Tate..."
There is no such "comedienne".
You are a buffoon.