This girl Doesn't deserve to own a pony ....


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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Interesting that it says that "adding posts has been disabled) so she knows what people will say about her. I just hope that someone who can cause trouble like RSPCA or whoever watches it and finds out who she is and makes big sh!ite for her.

Its like she deliberately fell off for the video; she could've easily sat that buck if she'd wanted to, it was totally pathetic.

That poor little pony, he looks a really nice little chappie and he certainly doesn't deserve her. Lets hope she outgrows him really quickly and he gets a really nice owner.

Little bitch! One day she'll get on something that won't just do a little bunny hop of a buck it'll be something that bucks her into the next county and serve her blimmin well right.


Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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What a sadistic horrible child!!!

She deserves a good kick in the face by that poor pony, hopefully it will knock some sense into her!!

ETA: Everyone should report that video then youtube may do something about it!! I have just done that and I'm sure if everyone on here does the same that girl will soon get whats coming for her!!


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
East Sussex
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Have read the ranting description under the video. Why repost someone else's video anyway? She's also disabled the comments part, but you can still click the dislike button and flag it as inappropriate (I did both). Silly b*tch. I was kind of hoping the pony would double barrel her.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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Even more interesting is the discription she gives of herself on her home page, sit down for this one folks...

Hi there, I'm a horse trainer and animal lover! The only video's you'll really find on here are my animals and pets and me enjoying them! So enjoy! No rude comments... My videos are NOT for critique or "I'm better than you are" type comments. Lets be respectful! Thank you!

Mmmm says it all really!


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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Even more interesting is the discription she gives of herself on her home page, sit down for this one folks...

Hi there, I'm a horse trainer and animal lover! The only video's you'll really find on here are my animals and pets and me enjoying them! So enjoy! No rude comments... My videos are NOT for critique or "I'm better than you are" type comments. Lets be respectful! Thank you!

Mmmm says it all really!

Ah right. That's idiot speak for 'i'm a stupid brat of a teenager who has wrecked several horses. I'm sick of being told i'm an idiot and i'm not going to change so save your breath.'


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
Isle of Mull
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And as for the comment at the end... 'They love each other really'

Er, no! You don't whack the crap out of a pony if you love it and I doubt very much the pony loves her for being treated like that!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
Hampshire / Berkshire
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I would soon wipe that smile of her face and give her the same treatment she gave the pony.

She should ride a horse that really bucks.

I also hate seeing kids with spurs on especially those who can not ride.


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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we are all so PERFECT...arent we? Why is everyone 'disgusted' etc. Are we all perfect owner/riders? Do none of us 'lose the head?' I realise that this is THE forum and we must all APPEAR whiter than white, but please... Pony seemed none the worse for his 'cruel' ordeal and I would love to know how many posters have done or almost done, the same. I refuse to believe that none of you have done the same. Anyone brave enough to own up?

Sarah Sum1

Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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we are all so PERFECT...arent we? Why is everyone 'disgusted' etc. Are we all perfect owner/riders? Do none of us 'lose the head?' I realise that this is THE forum and we must all APPEAR whiter than white, but please... Pony seemed none the worse for his 'cruel' ordeal and I would love to know how many posters have done or almost done, the same. I refuse to believe that none of you have done the same. Anyone brave enough to own up?

I have never ever treated any animal like that! Never would. It was unfair and uncalled for. It wasn't out of anger, or a moment of not thinking straight. She knew exactly what she was doing. So yes that behaviour is disgusting!

ETA I wouldn't have a very high opinion of anyone who took a whip to a horse like that either!


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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we are all so PERFECT...arent we? Why is everyone 'disgusted' etc. Are we all perfect owner/riders? Do none of us 'lose the head?' I realise that this is THE forum and we must all APPEAR whiter than white, but please... Pony seemed none the worse for his 'cruel' ordeal and I would love to know how many posters have done or almost done, the same. I refuse to believe that none of you have done the same. Anyone brave enough to own up?

I have gave my horse a whack on the backside, when he was really being a pest, and regret it deeply.
I do give my horse a short sharp shock if their being naughty, but straight after they've done something wrong, NOT 10 mins later!!! and certinly not more than once, and always on the bum
But she fell, stood for a moment, then grapped a whip, whilst smiling and hit it in the face, by the time she'd hit it, the horse was in its own world, it dosn't know what that was for, what sort of person does that and smiles about it? Do you????


Well-Known Member
24 June 2010
Bristol, UK
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we are all so PERFECT...arent we? Why is everyone 'disgusted' etc. Are we all perfect owner/riders? Do none of us 'lose the head?' I realise that this is THE forum and we must all APPEAR whiter than white, but please... Pony seemed none the worse for his 'cruel' ordeal and I would love to know how many posters have done or almost done, the same. I refuse to believe that none of you have done the same. Anyone brave enough to own up?

Um.. no I've never whipped a horse for bucking me off before. I'd always assume that either I'd done something wrong or that the horse was in pain.

I don't think what she did was the cruellest act ever committed, but it was completely needless and the smile on her face as she took the whip made my blood boil. No one should take pleasure from hurting another being. I have reported it to YouTube - I don't like the thought of some naive young horse rider seeing it and thinking that that's the way you should treat animals.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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Um.. no I've never whipped a horse for bucking me off before. I'd always assume that either I'd done something wrong or that the horse was in pain.

I don't think what she did was the cruellest act ever committed, but it was completely needless and the smile on her face as she took the whip made my blood boil. No one should take pleasure from hurting another being. I have reported it to YouTube - I don't like the thought of some naive young horse rider seeing it and thinking that that's the way you should treat animals.

Well said:) I have too reported it and hope others do also.


Well-Known Member
30 August 2008
Preston, Lancashire
we are all so PERFECT...arent we? Why is everyone 'disgusted' etc. Are we all perfect owner/riders? Do none of us 'lose the head?' I realise that this is THE forum and we must all APPEAR whiter than white, but please... Pony seemed none the worse for his 'cruel' ordeal and I would love to know how many posters have done or almost done, the same. I refuse to believe that none of you have done the same. Anyone brave enough to own up?

I admitted it earlier in the thread. Horse spooked at a cow (horse was turned out with cows at the time), slid down bank, and decked me rather hard then ran across a main road. I lost it, more out of sheer terror for what could have happened and yes when I got hold of him I whacked him twice on his bum, out of anger and fright. Shouldn't have done it, didn't achieve anything and learnt from it

Millyard Rejects

Well-Known Member
21 October 2010
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we are all so PERFECT...arent we? Why is everyone 'disgusted' etc. Are we all perfect owner/riders? Do none of us 'lose the head?' I realise that this is THE forum and we must all APPEAR whiter than white, but please... Pony seemed none the worse for his 'cruel' ordeal and I would love to know how many posters have done or almost done, the same. I refuse to believe that none of you have done the same. Anyone brave enough to own up?

I admit to not been perfect rider or owner and have lost my head! but you know something Ive never taken a whip to my horses in all the years ive had them!
if ive been a numpty and fallen off then i deal with it-im the numpty!:D
And yep ive been kicked,stood on,squashed,bitten,and knocked out but more often than not-its cause i did something wrong which got me injured!
My current 2 year old is a rescued boy from pretty horrendous circumstances- he was left in a trailer for 3 days by his owner with no food or water as a "lesson" who was then taking him to a sale 3 days later! hed had him since a foal. that pony would walk stable wall to getaway from a feed bucket the week i brought him home.
he took months to be able to stand for the farrier without having a nervous breakdown.The thought i would ever lose it to the extent of whipping him i really just cannot fathom!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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we are all so PERFECT...arent we? Why is everyone 'disgusted' etc. Are we all perfect owner/riders? Do none of us 'lose the head?' I realise that this is THE forum and we must all APPEAR whiter than white, but please... Pony seemed none the worse for his 'cruel' ordeal and I would love to know how many posters have done or almost done, the same. I refuse to believe that none of you have done the same. Anyone brave enough to own up?

I saw this vid a while ago and I think the consensus of opinion was that she was not bucked off, it was alol set up to give her an excuse to beat the pony up.

And, in response to your question, if I ever lost my temper to that degree then it would be time to give up horses. There is NO excuse whatsoever for that sort of treatment .


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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wow, what perfect people we all are!

I admit to being an imperfect human and giving my horse a good few wallops out of frustration/nastyness whatever. I certainly didnt do it infront of a camera (they didnt exist as such) but the person who has done so has problems. I really dont believe that it was done in badness.It was such a piffling episode that I cant honestly see what the general outrage is all about. I will now put my tin hat on and retreat to my bunker.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2009
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She doesn't deserve to have a pony. She deliberately falls off just so she can give it a beating and finds it funny. Sick individual. On the other video where she is attempting to lunge (if thats what you can call it) the poor pony was confused and was very good not to kick her. If she had attempted to do that with my mare she would have been kicked so hard she would have probably orbited into space.


Well-Known Member
24 June 2010
Bristol, UK
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wow, what perfect people we all are!

I admit to being an imperfect human and giving my horse a good few wallops out of frustration/nastyness whatever. I certainly didnt do it infront of a camera (they didnt exist as such) but the person who has done so has problems. I really dont believe that it was done in badness.It was such a piffling episode that I cant honestly see what the general outrage is all about. I will now put my tin hat on and retreat to my bunker.

I don't think anyone has said they're perfect, just that they would never lose their temper to such an extent, and never take joy in doing so, as this girl seems to do. They seem to be proud of it too, with the little comments at the beginning and end of the video and the fact that they've posted it online. That's what's worrying - I'm sure if she'd hit the horse then shown some remorse she wouldn't be hated on so much here - everyone makes mistakes, but she doesn't seem to recognise her actions as such.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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wow, what perfect people we all are!

I admit to being an imperfect human and giving my horse a good few wallops out of frustration/nastyness whatever. I certainly didnt do it infront of a camera (they didnt exist as such) but the person who has done so has problems. I really dont believe that it was done in badness.It was such a piffling episode that I cant honestly see what the general outrage is all about. I will now put my tin hat on and retreat to my bunker.

"don't believe that it was done in badness"
What wasn't bad about?? Tell us all why you think that this behaviour is acceptible, she came off apperntly on purpose, and starts whacking the poor sod in the face, and finds it funny
If you walked past someone doing that with their horse, are you saying you would just walk away and not say anything? Or think, what a horrid person.:confused:


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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peole-video cameras and joe public= out of character behaviour. We all react out of character and we all wish we had never done so (even worse when we realise how silly we have been.) Yes, she was an eedjit and In sure she realises but it has happened and Im convinced that she is not the first nor will she be the last. What she did is so bloody silly that its not worth commenting on. Leave it alone and it will 'dry up and blow away'.


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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Well if she was in anyway ashamed why's up it on youtube? When people act out of character they don'y smile about it.
Why is she be happy to put it up knowing lots of people are going to view it?


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
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Surely it can't be that out of character, there's 3 videos of seperate incidents with similar behaviour.

And i'm not perfect, if a horse is being a twit it will get a smack, but if it was bucking then the smack would be as it bucked. She let the horse go, and chased it with a whip. And laughed. That's not normal and it's not effective.

I have never lost my temper and beaten a horse, and there have been many times when my temper has been pushed to its limit by other peoples messed up horses.